List of major US earthquackes. : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

List of Major U.S. Earthquakes

Updated 1:07 AM ET March 1, 2001

By The Associated Press

Some major earthquakes recorded in the United States:

-Feb. 28, 2001. A 6.8-magnitude earthquake southwest of Seattle damages the Washington state capitol, briefly closes Seattle-Tacoma International Airport.

-Oct. 16, 1999. A 7.0-magnitude earthquake in California's Mojave Desert derails an Amtrak train, knocks out power to thousands but causes no serious damage or injuries.

-Jan. 17, 1994. A 6.7-magnitude earthquake in the Northridge section of Los Angeles kills 72 people, injures 9,000 and causes an estimated $15.3 billion in insured losses.

-Sept. 20, 1993. A 5.4-magnitude earthquake hits southern Oregon, killing a motorist whose pickup was hit by falling rock.

-June 28, 1992. A 7.3-magnitude earthquake strikes in Landers, Calif., and a second, at 6.5 magnitude, hits the San Bernardino County mountains. The quakes kill a Yucca Valley boy, injure 400 and cause $100 million in damage.

-June 28, 1991. A 5.8-magnitude quake under the San Gabriel Mountains in Southern California kills two people.

-Oct. 17, 1989. The 7.1-magnitude "World Series" quake shakes the San Francisco Bay area, killing 67 people and doing $7 billion in damage.

-Oct. 1, 1987. An earthquake in Whittier, Calif., measuring 5.9 and a 5.3- magnitude aftershock kill eight people.

-Jan. 24, 1980. A 5.8-magnitude quake rocks the Livermore area east of San Francisco, damaging a nuclear weapons laboratory.

-Feb. 9, 1971. In California's San Fernando Valley, a 6.5-magnitude quake leaves 65 people dead.

-March 27, 1964. Known as the Good Friday earthquake, an 8.4-magnitude quake near Prince William Sound, Alaska, kills 131 people.

-July 21, 1952. A quake in the Tehachapi-Bakersfield area 50 miles north of Los Angeles registers 7.7.

-April 13, 1949. A magnitude 7.1 quake near Olympia, Wash., kills eight.

-March 10, 1933. A 6.3-magnitude quake in Long Beach, Calif., kills 115 people.

-April 18-19, 1906. Earthquake and fires level San Francisco, killing an estimated 700 people. The quake measured an estimated 7.8.

-- Freddie the freeloader (, March 01, 2001


Aww memories.

-- dumbya caused the quake (better@watch.him), March 01, 2001.


How'd you do on those LEAPS puts?

-- Puddintame (, March 01, 2001.

Out of all the earthquakes listed, only a handful of people have died here in the United States. Compare this to just one earthquake in a foreign country, and it adds up to thousands. I'd rather be living in the good ole' USA than anywhere else if an earthquake occurs.

-- survivor (survivor@survive.sur), March 01, 2001.

1811 The New Madrid Quake

-- Lars (, March 01, 2001.

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