Best software to play VCDs : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Can people please tell me the best software to play VCDs on my PC? (preferably software that I can download from the internet somewhere) Thank you!

-- David Jones (, February 28, 2001


just take the WindowsMedia 7 player and than search "actice movie" on the web and install it.....than everything should work in the media player

-- zIcr0ot (, February 28, 2001.

hmm.... i´m quite sure that activeMovie ist integrated in the latest internetexplorer....try to upgrade that....and than try again to run the files....if it doesn´t work you can msg me again

-- zIcr0ot (, February 28, 2001.

Media player 1 which I like to call it is already on your computer. Look under c: than WINDOWS scroll down to the M's and you'll see media player click that. Use the open file in the upper left. If it won't play your VCD that you need to find your disc and look for Active Media player driver or setup.

Media 2 (has a Black backgroud)which you can get from Microsoft has a full ZOOM without the boarders. This is my fav.

Media 7 (Not a good idea) This requires windows 98 or newer. Overrides all your media players and you CAN'T get rid of it.

Other players like Xing VCD player is available for free.

-- thepest (, March 03, 2001.

Try MpegPlayerV.3.36 or ASUSTek ASUSDVD V1.2 . Windows Media Player loads to long to wait to see the movie comes out. Try MpegPlayer if you want smaller files.

-- Jacob (, March 05, 2001.

try this player if you would like... it's probably one the best out there... it's called Global DIVX - it plays DVD, VCD, DIVX (dvd rips)... it will work on even some of the slower PCs such as P233 and up... it's at

-- Rudy Bhagwandin (, May 27, 2001.

i cant find a site for download mpeg playear.

-- mohsen jalali from i.r.iran (, August 25, 2001.

i cant find a site for download MpegPlayerV.3.36 or ASUSTek ASUSDVD V1.2 .

-- Faisal (, December 18, 2002.

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