Container growing carrots [Gardening (Container/raised bed/ etc)] : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I have decided to grow my carrots this year in 18 in deep containers rather than in ground in an attempt to produce straighter roots. What have ya'll found to be the best mix to include with the sand to promote good growth? I've read a few articles and the only common element I see is the sand for support. My carrots last year looked arthritic and I was planting in loose topsoil :>)
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, February 26, 2001
I haven't gotten around to trying them in pots as yet, however, I bought a book by a man who is the holder of 15 world records in vegetable growing, and he grows his in containers, preferably half barrels for his 'ordinary' carrots (which look about 18 inches long and gorgeous), and recommends mixing good topsoil with as much humus incorporated into the soil as possible -- overwintered farmyard manure, composted organic materials, and peat or peat substitute. Composted leaves are supposed to be optimum. He has pictures of an 11 lb carrot he grew in this manner, as well as a 16+ foot long one, straight as an arrow. (yes, you read that right. Sixteen feet.)I don't intend to try and duplicate those, but I figured he knew what he was talking about when I try container growing some this year.
-- julie f. (, February 27, 2001.
Thanks Julie, I'll give it a try. I'd be happy with a nice California style carrot after my little stubbies last season.
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, February 27, 2001.
Hi, Jay. If you got gnarly carrots grown in otherwise healthy soil, you may have a nemetode problem. How did your other crops do? I've had good results using white sugar sprinkled on the dirt and watered in to get rid of nematodes, both in the garden and in containers
-- Laura (, February 27, 2001.
Jay, you can try this soil mixture, mix equal parts of peat moss,vermiculite,sifted topsoil,and sand, along with 1/2 cup of lime,water weekly.
-- Tom (, March 03, 2001.
We had a 50 square foot carrot bed last year and planted 4 varieties. 3 did great and 1 had wierd distorted roots. They were all treated the same so I assume it was the one variety which didnt like our conditions. On the carrots we left in the ground over the winter, we found most of them had worm holes. I guess this must be the nematodes someone mentioned. Maybe well try the white sugar thing. I never eat white sugar so it would be nice to find some use for it.
-- jz (, March 04, 2001.