Canning : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I would like to can my own pimientos and green chilis. Can anyone tell me how? When I follow the directions from the Ball blue book for putting up peppers they are very soft. What can I do to make them be firmer?
-- Faye Courson (, February 26, 2001
Check the archives for canning-pickling hot peppers. I put my recipe on there a couple of times. In one of last years Countryside issue there was a recipe for canning green peppers. I canned them for someone else so I con't know how well they did as far as being soft. Don't know anyway to avoid it. Jalapenos stay firmer.
-- Cindy (SE In) (, February 26, 2001.
Peppers are so easy to freeze I wouldn't bother canning them. They don't even have to be blanched to freeze.
-- bwilliams (, February 26, 2001.
Try a recipe for pickled peppers. Pickled things don't need to be pressure-canned, just put in a hot water bath. When you pressure can something, it gets cooked inside the jars and that makes it soft. When you pickle something, not only is the hot water bath not as hot, but it doesn't stay in there as long, so doesn't get cooked as much and stays firmer.
-- Wingnut (, February 26, 2001.
Pickle, and don't forget: 24hrs from vine to brine!
-- Kathy (, February 26, 2001.