Over-the-Fence Chat for 2/25-3/3greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
If y'all wanna go swimmin', you could do so in our yard. Of course you might get blown away. God Bless you.
-- Cindy (SE In) (atilrthehony_1@yahoo.com), February 25, 2001
If you wanted to ice skate you could anywhere around here! We got the ice storm that the weather guys were predictiing about a 1/2 inch of ice on everything. The dogs went out this morning and slide off the porch and down the hill. The forecast for today is turning warmer and rain, then later today sharply colder and snow. Yuck. At least the electricity is still on (fingers crossed)Well, the horses and Fiona the naughty Nubian won't be going outside today. I guess I'll finish sewing my daughter's show jacket.
I hope everyone has a nice peaceful day.
Stacy Rohan-in ice covered Windsor, NY
-- Stacy Rohan (KincoraFarm@aol.com), February 25, 2001.
I haven't kept track, but we have probably received about 10" of rain within the past ten days. Fortunately, not enough at a time to make Blue Creek get out of it's banks - otherwise I'd have several days of fence work to do. Windy here also. Changes direction frequently. Where my mobile home is at, there is a very high water table (if I dig a posthole I hit water). Have no idea how they put in a septic system. Must have done the perk test during the dryest time of the year. Anyway, we also have a species of crawdads which burrow underground, occasionally making air holes. After a bit of rain, these act like little artesian (sp?) wells. (Locally the crawdads are called 'Tennessee Lobsters' since they are 5-6" long.) We needed the rain to recharge the water table and refill stock ponds so I'm not complaining. While I say I'm a cattle farmer, I'm really a grass farmer. To grow grass one needs rain. I just choose to process it through cattle.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (scharabo@aol.com), February 25, 2001.
Sunday morning the sun is shining looks like the rain is over for a while. didnt measure it havent put my rain gage out yet.finally found bermuda onions got to get them planted when it dries out.ent way wont be long now. birds laying eggs wild onions up cant starve now.lol Bob se.ks.
-- Bobco (bobco@hit.net), February 25, 2001.
Sounds like your a mudbug farmer, Ken! I know some cajuns around here who would pay big bucks for your "Tennessee Lobsters."
-- Wingnut (wingnut@moment.net), February 25, 2001.
COLD and dry here, as usual. Old mother nature fools us about every three or four days with a nice day of high 40's, then back down to single digits the next night. Ducks are laying, finally, horses and dogs are shedding like mad, and one single robin visited this week, so spring must be on the way...isn't it?? Jan
-- Jan in CO (Janice12@aol.com), February 25, 2001.
60 degrees,sunny and windy here in south, central KY this morning.Just finished a blueberry pancake breakfast and all the dads and sons in the neighbor have a fishing day planned down at the KY river.My husband and stepson just finished "worm hunting" out in the yard.Hope they don't get blown off the banks!
-- nobrabbit (conlane@prodigy.net), February 25, 2001.
Looked out today, saw my horses trying on waterskis. Goats refuse to leave their house, dogs won't come out of the shavings shed, chickens figure we're trying to turn them into ducks. Another rainy day in Georgia. Y'all have a good day.
-- Cindy (colawson@mindspring.com), February 25, 2001.
It iced this morning , and is now very windy .I hope it dies down don't now how many more storms the old barn can take before we get to do repairs on it .Got some chicks in by the wood stove .I am awaiting spring and all the barnyard babies .
-- Patty{NY STATE} (fodfarms@slic.com), February 25, 2001.
Good morning!,,Hey Ken do you eat your TN Lobsters? I know lots of folks do eat crawdads,,if big enough,,,Jan we get the same treatment here with the weather lately,,"cold to the bone" for days than a few days of high 30s and 40 degrees,,the birds are confused but seem to get on with life,,singing, looking for that just right mate, and checking out my house for "nest" sites,,,every spring I have a bird that nest in my attic,,the baby birds chirp and mommy bird makes a terrible racket sometimes while taking care of them, but it only last a few weeks, and I don't mind. I figure she is earning her keep by eating pest, spiders, or whatever may be lurking up there...haha...Still a lot of snow here in Montana and the skiers and snowboarders are having a hey-day!
-- Patsy (cozyhollow-gal@care2.com), February 25, 2001.
It rained all night here, then froze. We did make it to church where the parking lot is sheer ice. Pastor made the joke that this afternoon we will have soccer indoors and ice hockey and skating outside. We DID get in out driveway, but slid past the one sidewalk and had to use the other enterance to the house. I wonder if hubby will get out of the driveway tomorrow. I'm going to do some laundry and sewing-I don't know what hubby is going to do... God bless!
-- Ardie from WI (a6203@hotmail.com), February 25, 2001.
Windy and sunny today here in Central Ky. 65 degrees right now, just a preview of spring I'm afraid! It rained all night here last night and we have had many inches the past two weeks so it is like a swamp here but I won't complain after the drought the past two years. We had a very dry spring last year. It might delay the planting a little but we do need the rain. God bless you all!
-- bwilliams (bjconthefarm@yahoo.com), February 25, 2001.
5:45 A.M. this morning and all of our "thunderphobic" dogs began to howl while the thunder and lightning blasted us until 9A.M....torrential rain beat down all of the pretty Jonquils that had come up last week and we were grateful for the oversized gutters that we had put up last Fall.Bluebirds all over the place this afternoon, enjoying the sunshine and 62 degrees..do we miss Pennsylvania? Nah...this is our first Spring here in Alabama..it is beautiful..I have always wanted a field full of bluebirds....God bless.
-- Lesley (martchas@bellsouth.net), February 25, 2001.
Started with snow this morning, turn ed to freezing rain by noon, now a little drizzle. Low to mid forties tomorrow and high teens to low twenties on Tuesday and Wednesday. More snow on Thursday and Friday in the forcast.
-- David in NH (grayfoxfarm@mcttelecom.com), February 25, 2001.
We mowed the yards, weed eated, put out some more weed and feed, our very first "bought" fertilizer ever, to try to get rid of the **** stinging nettle. We are in shorts and t-shirts while working, course the effect is ruined in long socks and work boots because the the ankle biting nettle! We put Bio Spot on the dogs for fleas, and put our fly bullets up in the barns, 2 weeks and all the shavings and winter manure will come out of all the barns. The pear tree got its annual pruning (my husband calls it pruning I call it butchering) we also pulled out the most beautiful oleander and have sold all 5 foot of root ball to a gal with no animals, I want to allow this summer the donkeys to graze the yards, and the oleander is posionous. To soon to put any plants in the garden as we are guaranteed at least a little more cold weather. My gal friend in Bryan, TX puts on a huge 4H show March 10th, and it is the coldest show of the year guarnateed! Vicki, who is not ready for summer!
-- Vicki McGaugh TX (vickilonesomedoe@hotmail.com), February 25, 2001.
Ken - Your post about the Tenn. lobster reminded me of when I was a kid and my Granny would bait up a string with bacon for each of us grandkids. We'd "fish" all morning, and then Granny would build us a little fire in the back yard and cook our catch in a 5# coffee can over the fire. I hadn't thought of that in forever. Thanks! I good memory like that just gives you a smile for the day.Jackie
-- Jackie NE TX (jlynne@neto.com), February 25, 2001.
Hello cindy, Last night the winds were so strong that they woke me up from a deep sleep. I stayed up for two or three hours waiting for them to die down. Spent the day planting my tobacco, tomato and onion seeds in my new greenhouse that I just built. Spent the afternoon working on my tiller. Sincerely, Ernest www.communities.msn.com/livingoffthelandintheozarks
-- Ernest in the Ozarks (espresso42@hotmail.com), February 25, 2001.
Help, I need a reality check! My boss is prancing around the office this morning so proud of herself because she went out this weekend and bought a $50,000 sports car. Everyone else is congratulating her, but I'm just disgusted by the waste. It's going to be at least another couple of years until I have enough money saved up to move out of the city, I hope I can keep my sanity that long! :-)
-- Sherri C (CeltiaSkye@aol.com), February 26, 2001.
Hi everybody. We had a spell of nice weather so I got out my seeds to drool over them and plan the "perfect" garden. Then the snow hit. We got 20" over the weekend and now COLD weather to follow. Back go the seeds for a while. When warm weather does come, the gnats come with it. I'm not looking forward to that. Anyone have a gnat repellant that actually works? Need a new chicken coop, to finish the house (that's a laugh), new barn and fences. That ought to keep me busy for a while. Have fun!
-- Peg in northwest Wisconsin (wildwoodfarms@hushmail.com), February 26, 2001.
Well, I guess my calving season has officially started. When I took out round bales Friday, I found a newborn calf. From the length of the ears, I could tell it was from one of my Brahman cows, but didn't want to approach it until I could determine which one. One momma will send me flying if she catches me fooling with her calf. This morning noticed the Brahman I had put in with the heifers was just acting strange down by the pond. Just didn't want to leave a certain spot and was bellowing for me. From her signs, I knew she was very near freshening. Went down and found she must have calved at the edge of the pond and the calf, while trying to find it's legs, fell in. Shallow but too steep of a bank for it to get back out. Had to wade in and put the bull calf back on the bank. Very small calf, probably between 20-30 pounds. However, while she may be the smallest cow in my herd, she generally raises one of the largest calves. A really good momma. Not that much ear on this calf either.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (scharabo@aol.com), February 26, 2001.
Hey Peg, I have a sure fire cure for those gnats and skeeters to boot. Move to the pacific nw. Worked for me, and 60 degree February days included.
-- jz (oz49us@yahoo.com), February 27, 2001.
We had our first baby goat yesterday. Ken, glad you got the calf out of the water, that has always worried me, calving by ponds. This weather can't make up it's mind, but I am enjoying the warm days. Allot more geese went by this week, bulbs up in the yard and the grass is green again. Supposed to be a dusting of snow tonight. We even let the outdoor wood stove go out for the weekend, started it back up yesterday morning. I put the pic of the baby goat on our picture page. Ya all have fun today.
-- Cindy in Ky (solidrockranch@hotmail.com), February 27, 2001.
Work and weather has us pinned down. Another 4 inches of snow due today. With 2 1/2 inches of rain over the weekend, things are much too sloppy outside. Did put up 8 quarts and 7 pints of turkey stock for soup. We're having turkey soup and salad tonight. I work 50 miles fromt the farm, and after the regular shift today, there is a class to teach at night. So I won't be getting home until after 8:00pm tonight. Seems like in winter, the only time I get to enjoy our beautiful view of the farm is on the weekends. Dark when I leave, dark when I get home during the week. So mama is tending the dogs, cats, and chickens. She has begun flipping through her seed packs, getting ready to start plants for the garden. Always brings a smile to her face. Enjoy lent and all it means.
-- Rick Powell (rpowell@email.ccis.edu), February 27, 2001.
Well, this calf may be the only one ever to get a ride to the Co-op. Went in for gas, tire pick up and range cubes. Mentioned to one of the counter ladies about his falling in the pond. When I came home I went out to tag/band him and found I was out of elasticator bands. Decided to just take him back to the co-op with me to pick them up. They all fussed over the little guy and Randy, the manager, even took his picture laying on the counter. Just the cutiest little ole thing. Brahman/Angus cross, and neither are known for big calves. His momma (Lil' Momma)is one of the smallest cows, but she always raises a nice calf, and is normally the first in the calving season to do so. This year, Sweet Pea, a 7/8th Brahman, beat her by one day. Small calf also. One I found today probably weighs more than both of these combined. All, so far, appear to be out of the Angus, rather than the Gelbvieh I also had last year.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (scharabo@aol.com), February 27, 2001.
Ken, I'll bet "Lil Momma" wasn't so happy about Cutie going to town with you! Did she chase you when you brought him back?
-- Cindy in Ky (solidrockranch@hotmail.com), February 27, 2001.
No, but when I got back she was searching for where he had gotten to. When I opened the pickup door, he let out a bleet, and momma quickly came over to make sure I did a good job of putting him back down on the pasture. I only have the one cow who I know not to mess with her calf. When she sees me, if the calf is laying down, she'll go over and literally stand by the calf with a 'come on, come on, just try something' attitude. If I can find her calf by itself, and she is across the pasture grazing, I can normally work it. Just have to keep one eye on her and judge the distance to the truck.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (scharabo@aol.com), February 27, 2001.
When I had my Coradale sheep, I would try to pick up a baby, and the momma would ram me into the wall! They were quite wild when I got them. The big ram was nice, but those mommas, look out.
-- Cindy in Ky (solidrockranch@hotmail.com), February 28, 2001.
Still brutally cold here in NY. I haven't started any seeds yet, we can't put anything much out for months yet. I sure can't wait to start gardening in MO. (2 more summers here, I think.) I'm finally over the flu/bronchitis. I make and sell tie-dye T's, they sell great in the spring, so I'm getting geared up for a few marathon weekends. Don't want to have to be doing it when I'd rather be working outside! I'm jealous of you all with the new farm babies!
-- Cathy in NY (hrnofplnty@yahoo.com), February 28, 2001.
Saturday we received over an inch of rain. I thought spring was finally here. Then Monday it started snowing. Received about 9 inches by Tuesday night. Guess I have to put my seeds away for a while yet. We have had a regular old-fashioned winter here in northwest Missouri. I can hardly wait for spring. Everyone take care. It is just around the corner. Winona in MO
-- Winona Thompson (thompsonwin45@hotmail.com), February 28, 2001.
Some of the trees are budding and the wild hedgerose is getting tiny leaves. I can't believe it is March 1st, wow, this is exciting. First the Redbuds, then the Dogwoods. You know, having this forum really helped the winter to go by faster I do believe. And my mind is full of allot more information and ideas I want to do. Thanks you guys.
-- Cindy in Ky (solidrockranch@hotmail.com), March 01, 2001.
Hubby left and I'm sitting here watching the play of sunshine on the hill as the sun comes up. It is an ever changing sight. The rays pick up the tombstones of the old graveyard. Some of the tree branches and brush look almost red right now. The shadows are blue against the snow. I can smell wood smoke cause the wind is coming out of the south west. Funny, when I lived in the city,I never cared what direction the wind was coming from! I still want spring though!
-- Ardie from WI (a6203@hotmail.com), March 01, 2001.
The sunrise was so beautiful this morning. I've gone and done it now. I've got that wanna plant feelin'. someitmes this month it'll be time to plant taters and onions, and greens and radishes. Been cutting spinach from the cold frame. Made granola a couple days ago, forgot how good it is, I put dried strawberries and blueberries in it instead of raisins. Making tortillas in bulk today. God Bless you all.
-- Cindy (SE In) (atilrthehony_1@yahoo.com), March 01, 2001.
Six calves within five days. Includes a heifer from my Holstein. Black except for some white on the tummy, and she looks like she is wearing two very white ankle socks. The cow which doesn't like me all that much had a calf too. Found it with a fence in-between, but it slipped through before I could catch it.Had to buy more eartags today. Question: The ones the Co-op had are marked, "Large Female White With Buttons." Can I use them for male calves?
-- Ken S. in WC TN (scharabo@aol.com), March 01, 2001.
I live in north central Arkansas and while there are certainly evidences of spring...the jonquils are in full bloom...it doesn't "feel" like spring. The temps have been in the 40's during the day and very cloudy with peiods of "spitty" rain. It's been like this since Tuesday and looks like it will last thru next Monday. Actually we're due a hard freeze, it happens every year when the Jonquils bloom. The Forsythia looks like it was going to come out but it got frozen back a few days ago. I will say the birds haven't been flocking the feeders like they were, so I guess they are doing their spring thing. I'm sure they aren't getting a free meal anywhere else. We did hear a LOT of geese fly over on the 24th. The flocks we saw were heading north. I'm just itching to get potaoes and peas in the ground but it is still too cold, no point in doing it twice. We had a lot of rain last week-end and it was very welcome, we need more to fill up the ponds. .......................................Artie Ann...Longing for spring but dreading summer.
-- Artie Ann Karns (rokarns@arkansas.net), March 01, 2001.
I have spring fever also. Can't wait to go mushroom hunting and get my hands in the dirt to plant my garden! Never know around Indiana what the weather will be like day to day, but it usually manages to be warmer during the week when I work than on the weekend. Hasen't been too bad the last few weekends, I can always wear layers and take some off as it warms up. Am trying to do some fencing. I want to try rotational grazing in my back pasture (approximate 3 acres) this year. Still waiting on lambs but figured i'de divide my animals into two smaller herds and move them through with the cows leading the way.I love to step out in the morning and her the Cardinal singing in the evergreens, really puts a spring in your step. Have a good day everyone!
-- phyllis a. warman (phyllis.warman@twcable.com), March 02, 2001.
Dry as the Sahara Desert here in South Florida. Weather is beautiful - cool and breezy in the early mornings and evenings and nice and toasty warm and breezy with clear blue skies every afternoon. We are still under water restrictions and they say this is the worst dry spell Florida has seen in a very long time. Been havin' brush fires all over here and there too. Can be quite dangerous in many ways without enough water. Radio said we might get some rain Sunday. Don't know if it'll be enough to make a big difference but I guess at this point every little bit helps. Still haven't planted (or even weeded out) the garden spot yet. Not allowed to water anyhow but I s'pose I could find a way around that if I hauled water from the house rather than stand out there soakin' everything with the garden hose. (They'll fine you $75.00 if they catch you). I don't have much of a spot that needs waterin' any way. Hhhhhmmmmmmmm.....if I could just recycle the bath water!
-- Greenthumbelina (sck8107@aol.com), March 02, 2001.
I am definitely buying some snorkels and waterwings for the horses that can't waterski. We have had rain non-stop for two days straight, heavy thunderstorms and some lightning. I want to plant my garden but it has rained so much this past week it will take awhile for the ground to dry out. Ken, hope all your calves are fine, our storms are supposed to hit North Carolina coast Sunday, so may miss you. Hope everyone is well this day.
-- Cindy (colawson@mindspring.com), March 03, 2001.