How Do I Get to the Archives?? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I seem to have a problem locating the "archives". Could someone please help? I haven't been coming here long, but there is so much that everyone keeps referring to in the "archives" I hate to ask questions that have already been answered. Thanks So Much! Kitty
-- Kitty (, February 24, 2001
Hi Kitty,,,I am new to the Forum myself,,but if you scroll on down to OLD MESSAGES,,click on something that interest you, that brings you to a bunch more messages on that subject, than click on what interest you there. These messages are sometimes 2 years or so old. Not sure if that is all there is to Archives, (probably not) but it is a start. I am sure some more experience Forum folks will answer you soon. Enjoy,,,:-)
-- Patsy J (, February 24, 2001.
Thanks so much Patsy, I will be up all night looking at them (not a complaint). I wish I had found CS about 30 years ago. I have learned so much about everything I didn't know I wanted to know. Between the magazine and this forum, I hope my brain can take it all in. Kitty
-- Kitty (, February 24, 2001.
Scroll down 1 inch below the last message.
-- JT (, February 24, 2001.