Hillary is 'HEARTBROKEN, SHOCKED, EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTED' I think Bill will be dropping from #4 Prez of all time down to #43 SOON! ;-)

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Sen. Clinton Denies Role in Pardons

By John Solomon Associated Press Writer Thursday, Feb. 22, 2001; 1:42 p.m. EST

WASHINGTON –– Awash in controversy, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton said Thursday "I did not have any involvement in the pardons that were granted or not granted" by her husband just before he left office.

At a news conference, the former first lady also said she was "very disappointed" to learn that her brother had been paid $400,000 to lobby on behalf of two men who sought relief from Bill Clinton in the waning days of his presidency.

Mrs. Clinton turned aside questions about the pardon decisions her husband had made, telling reporters they should address those issues with him and his staff. She specifically declined to answer when asked whether her husband should agree to appear voluntarily before congressional committees looking into the pardons.

The former first lady said she had heard rumors last week about her brother's involvement, but didn't follow them up. She said she learned definitively about his role Monday night, while she was at the movies. She said she was "heartbroken and shocked ... and extremely disappointed."

She said she had not spoken to her brother since – and doesn't want to.

© Copyright 2001 The Associated Press [A HREF="http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/aponline/20010222/aponline134237_000.htm">Hillary is 'HEARTBROKEN, SHOCKED, EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTED' I think Bill will be dropping from #4 Prez of all time down to #43 SOON! ;-)

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here Not@ever.com), February 22, 2001


Hillary is 'HEARTBROKEN, SHOCKED, EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTED' I think Bill will be dropping from #4 Prez of all time down to #43 SOON! ;-)

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here Not@ever.com), February 22, 2001.

Lying Bitch!

-- Barry (bchbear863@cs.com), February 22, 2001.

Can anyone say N-I-X-O-N! :-)

Boy, wouldn't that be the icing on the cake to have Bush pardon Clinton to put this all behind us.

It may very well endear him to those that didn't vote for him in enough numbers to virtually assure an super extended honeymoon AND quite possibly a second term in office!

I say pardon Bill, Dubya! :-) ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here Not@ever.com), February 22, 2001.

...oh...and one more thing. Effectively kill off any chance of Hillary running for Prez in 2004! By that time EVERYONE will be sick of the name Clinton!

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here Not@ever.com), February 22, 2001.

Hillary will have to divorce Bill now, that's a given. He's expendable and will just hurt her own ambitions now. This lady is about the most venal political creature since Joe McCarthy.

-- hillary's move (moreinterpretation@ugly.com), February 22, 2001.

I heard part of that press conference live on the radio on my way home from work just now. (Got off early due to snow here in DC area!)

She did not say she doesn't want to talk to her brother. What she did say, in a very lawyerly way, was that she hasn't talked to him since she found out about it because she didn't want anyone to draw any false conclusions. She also said she didn't know anything about it before Monday. Yeah, right!

Another thing I remember is her tone of voice is different. She sounded more like a real person, but in a well-coached kind of way. In other words, she's gotten better at faking it.

C'mon Democrats, you can do better than the Clintons! Can't you?

(I'm registered Independent BTW)

-- Buddy (buddydc@go.com), February 22, 2001.

Hidy Ho, into the abyss we go.

-- Barry (bchbear863@cs.com), February 22, 2001.

You also think mandatory means voluntary, as I recall.

-- KoFE (your@town.USA), February 22, 2001.

More to come!!!!

-- (Paracelsus@Pb.Au), February 22, 2001.

The obvious paradox here: in order to be 'heartbroken', one must of necessity have a discernible heart.

-- Chicken Little (cluck@cluck.com), February 23, 2001.

Hillary's move, hmmm I always thought that she would dump him but she needed his political savy. Now with all this swirling about, she may get rid of him faster because he has become dead weight. I just wonder how the people who voted for her now feel. They did know that she was a liar going in (the Times said it, yet endorsed her election). More to come with the campaign money received from some who were pardoned.

Bribery doesn't count if you give the money back. Right?

-- Maria (anon@ymous.com), February 23, 2001.

Okay, alot of things done we can they have, in some way justified/gotten out of, whatever.

But I find it VERY HARD to believe she didnt know bout any of it. She is a very intelligent woman.

But, I do admire the martyr role she has began to take on.

She wears it well....gota give her credit.

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), February 23, 2001.

Nice face-lift Hill

-- (nemesis@awol.com), February 23, 2001.

Hillary is just pissed cuz she only got 100k on the deal!!

-- Porky (Porky@in.cellblockD), February 23, 2001.

Reaping & Sowing----------nuthin new under the sun!!

-- al-d (dogs@zianet.com), February 24, 2001.

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