Texas crafting group and furniture/veggie bartergreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hello!I am interested in starting a 'crafting group' consisting of 20-40 year old women from central Texas (or nearby). Others (of any age or gender) are welcome, but young women who craft have little chance to meet each other. I think it would be fun to meet once a month or every other month and bring our current projects to learn from each other, brainstorm, and 'gossip'. Like 'quilting bees' of old but with any type of crafting.
I am also interested in trading hand-made natural body care products (like soaps, lotions, perfumes etc) or hand-made cotton crafts (like quilts, clothes, afghans, socks, embroidery, etc) for either heirloom vegetables/native plants in central Texas or hand-made furniture from Texas wood.
If you are interested in any or all of the above and live somewhere near Austin, please email me at anabas@mail.utexas.edu
Sincerely, Dawn Johnson
-- Dawn Johnson (anabas@mail.utexas.edu), February 22, 2001