Any Hydro-Drill success stories? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I've been thinking about drilling my own water well and I was wondering if anyone here has used the Hydro-Drill system that is advertized in the magazine. It looks quite simple to use but I am wondering if there is any hidden problems. Any info would be appreciated.
-- Morris Brown (, February 22, 2001
Look under old "water" threads below. Several mentions of HydraDrill. One in particular: fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id=002vXwI owned one and its a nasty dirty job, but it worked. Would build my own at fraction of cost if I ever needed one again.
-- Hermit John (, February 22, 2001.
Apparently cant use direct link to a post. Just go to old threads and click on "water". Its not very far down the list.
-- Hermit John (, February 22, 2001.