Junk Yard Wars good at keeping applicants updated!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Junkyard Wars : One Thread

Just wanted to drop in here and say that JW's is really good about keeping us applicants updated (e-mailing) about how the selection process is going---for those of us sitting on the edge of our seats, it is most appreciated!! I can only imagine how many "junky" videos they have to go through everyday--I'm impressed! Later--


-- carrie stamper (stamps@telebyte.net), February 21, 2001


Hey, thanks for the positive feedback. I know that the team sorting though all the applications are working really hard - they have been totally deluged plus they have just moved into a new office (the phones are going in today!).



-- Andy Bell (andy.bell@rdfmedia.com), February 21, 2001.


BROADCAST JUNKIES WEBSITE http://www.angelfire.com/tv2/broadcastjunkies

If you're a team and didn't recieve this morning's e-mail, PLEASE E- MAIL me off the group and I'll forward you a copy.


-- Joey Falgout (Broadcast Junkies) (joeyinalexandria@hotmail.com), February 21, 2001.

Could please forward the E.mail regarding the selection process.

Thanks Dave (The Splinters) B.C.Canada

-- David Conway (oldcountry@pinc.com), February 21, 2001.

Let me be specific because if you were on the JYW's mailing list, then you should have gotten this. it's subject is"Last Call for Junkyard Wars Applications" from Ian White with RDF. I made my offer for those of you that might have missed getting on the list. I will still be more than happy to forward to those of you that don't have it. I just want to be clear that I got what everyone else on the mailing list did, NOTHING ELSE!

-- Joey Falgout (Broadcast Junkies) (joeyinalexandria@hotmail.com), February 21, 2001.

I think that it shows that the producers either are...

Tired of the emails...or...

Are really people persons...

Either way, it helps us out to know that they are not some faceless entity.

In the meantime, I'm going to play with our website until the team decisions are made...

Then I'll spend the next month cramming my skills or grumping... :^)

-- Dan Denney - Team Captain (rustrenegades@hotmail.com), February 22, 2001.

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