West Coast - ready for a big quake?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

The likelihood is very high within the next week, especially near LA. Stay on your toes and keep your head up!

-- i feel it (a big @ one. coming), February 21, 2001


We are do for the big one, thats why I had emergency supplies long before Y2K fears became common.

-- Cherri (jessam5@home.com), February 21, 2001.

Seattle? Yes, good chance there too. A quake of the same magnitude will be much worse in Seattle than LA. Stay away from the skyscrapers... falling sheets of glass.

-- (not @ long. now), February 21, 2001.

The likelihood is very high within the next week, especially near LA.

Why do you think so?

-- Might as well (ask@this.now), February 21, 2001.

Recent eclipses, the pull of the moon is strong now. New moon this Thursday. The West Coast, or the eastern edge of the "Ring of Fire", has not recently yielded to these forces, as other vulnerable areas have. It has been over 7 years since a substantial quake in this region (6.5 or greater). It is due now, but may hold out for a larger one later this year.

-- (tension @ is. building), February 21, 2001.

Interesting. I had an earthquake dream last night. It's one that I've had a couple times before. Last time I went through it I did everything right and survived without injury. This go around I just couldn't remember what I had done the last time and...awakened just prior to being crushed by a collapsing building.

The city that suffered the quake had a "Seattle feel" to it. Think I'll remain on the east coast for a bit longer.

-- Rich (howe9@shentel.net), February 21, 2001.

About a month ago I had a "vision" for lack of a better word, that "something" extememly "big" would happen 22 Feb. Won't take long now to test this one, as that's tomorrow. FWIW....

-- may have just been the beer (I@hope.so), February 21, 2001.

I've fallen, and I can't get out of Sleezy board...

-- FutureShock (gray@matter.think), February 21, 2001.


Funny you should mention dreams. I have a close friend who travels often (he's a consultant). This weekend, I had a very disturbing dream that he and I and my fiance were on a flight from Denver to Atlanta. My fiance is an extremely nervous flier, and in the dream, we were making our final approach into Atlanta. My friend was explaining to her what the different sounds meant. "That's the flaps lowering for approach... that's the wheels being deployed..." etc. Suddenly, we heard a long sustained screeching noise, accompanied by an intense shaking in the plane. A few other passengers began to panic. My friend told us to calm down, it was probably a stuck wheel or something. The plane began to climb again, and my friend, in a shaky voice, said that any minute now the captain would explain what was happening. When the captain didn't explain what was happening, my friend became visibly nervous. Other passengers were crying and praying.

In my dream, we landed safely, but were evacuated out of an emergency door on the inflatable slide. The tarmac at the airport was covered in emergency equipment and reporters kept yelling at us. A Delta gate agent herded us away from the chaos. Some of us demanded to know what was going on, and out of nowhere an NTSB agent explained that one of our wings had hit another plane that was taking off, removing the roof on the plane and the heads of 87 passengers. At that point, I woke up in a cold sweat.

I called my friend the next morning to tell him about the dream. He laughed and said, "I woudln't worry, there's no way we'd survive that kind of accident, let alone climb back into the sky," I was not comforted by this.

My friend thinks this dream means nothing and is just the after effects of watching a show on air disaters the day before. My fiancee think's it's a sign I'm more nervous about flying than I let on. However, they're both wrong. Clearly, this dream signifies that our economy will tank and that it's time to invest in precious gold and other metals, as well as tampons.

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (tarzan@swingignthroughthejunglewithouta.net), February 21, 2001.



I hear we may have a hurricane on the east coast this year.......


-- Deano (deano@luvthebeach.com), February 21, 2001.

Ah, the gift of dream interpretation! ROTFL!

87 heads, huh. Isn't that the number of executions Texas has performed so far this year?

I don't look to breakdown dreams. My intuition doesn't seem to operate in that realm. One day, one day. All things in time.

-- Rich (howe9@shentel.net), February 21, 2001.


I'm a skeptic when it comes to dream interpretations, too. I think dreams are nothing more than the brain's way of processing info during off-peak hours. My younger brother on the other hand had a recurring dream for years that he would die in a forklift accident at the age of 21. He avoided any place that could conceivably bring him close to a forklift, large warehouse stores, construction sites, etc. etc., and was generally pretty obsessed with this by the time he hit 21. Of course, nothing happened. I think he just got obsessed and that obsession fed the dream.

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (tarzan@swingingthroughthejunglewithouta.net), February 21, 2001.

Oh,oh…I had a terrible dream last night: I was back living in the eastern part of the country and it was so cold and snowing and I was freezing my ass off…..then I woke up…phew! Went outside to get the paper and it is another sunny day in SoCal with temps in the 70’s..so sweet.

Looks like ‘I feel it’ is about ready to have another bowel movement… good luck Nostrodomus.

-- Barry (bchbear863@cs.com), February 21, 2001.


At some point during my college career, such as it was, I saw a documentary called something like: "San Francisco: The City That Waits to Die" (I'm not sure that was the exact title). The writers explored the geothermal pressures on the various fault lines and briefly address the lack of emergency preparedness (it was 1982, I think).

I remember thinking at the time: Wow! It sounds like the entire state of California is going to fall into the ocean any day now! Cool!

You know what? It's now 2001, and SF is still standing (last I heard), and California hasn't fallen into the ocean. What if all of these "smaller" EQs are draining off the energy so there really isn't going to be a Big One? I mean, I've been waiting for that Big One for nearly twenty years.

Of course, I don't mind waiting another twenty years, but really, go spread your doomer predictions over at TB2000 on EZ. A huge EQ could hit in the next twenty minutes and you'd be just as right as if it hits twenty days from now or twenty years. So far? CA is EQ country.

Now if downtown Madison, WA were to get leveled by an EQ, that would sure be news...

-- (kb8um8@yahoo.com), February 21, 2001.

One question, i feel it (a big @ one. coming): how should I get "ready" for a big earthquake, aside from having some water, food and a blanket in the car?

-- Miserable SOB (misery@misery.com), February 21, 2001.

Earthquake tips from the Governor's Office of Emergency Services in California.

http://www.oes.ca.gov/oeshomep.nsf/all/CC054FF97A8016598825644C0003D18 F

-- But I (don't@feel.anything), February 21, 2001.

Looks like it will only let you get there from the main menu.


Look for earthquake "planners".

-- But I (don't@feel.anything), February 21, 2001.

The Doomsday List

Throughout history, there have been those who have predicted the Coming of the End, the Consummation of All Things, the Return of Christ, Armageddon, Ragnarok, what-have-you. The majority of these seers and prognosticators were wise enough to leave the date unspecified, presumably to avoid embarrassment when the expected event failed to materialize. Others, such as Nostradamus and Bishop Ussher, put the date far into the future, long after their corporeal bodies had returned to dust.

There are those few brave souls, however, who are willing to stick their necks out, and give us a date in the near future, when they themselves will presumably still be around to either bask in the glow of glory, or suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, should the cosmic plan go awry. It is to these, the few, the brave and most importantly, the Web-enabled that this list is dedicated.

-- Uncle Bob (unclb0b@aol.com), February 21, 2001.

I predict that the entire EZboard system will implode from lack of funds on 3-1-01. Now there's an earthquake for you, kb!

-- (Weeble@wee.ble), February 21, 2001.

Seattle has been preparing for the "big one" for many decades. The building codew were changed over 30 years ago to take earthquake safety into consideration. All of the old buildings have been reinforced, you can see it in the schools, there are large steel "I" beams installed to re-enforce the structures. Also, each school has "shipping containers" on their property, away from the buildings which hold emergency supplies. All bridges and overpasses have been reinforced, the only one that has not been done is the Alaskan Way Viaduct, and I think about that whenever I drive on it. We had big campaigns in the 1960's and 1970's (and a few since) to make people aware of the possibilities and to teach them to prepare for earthquakes. Children are taught this information at the beginning of each school year. They also have little packages that parent send to school at the beginning of the year which are put in the safety containers, which have a note from the parent and little non perishable goodies and a familiar belonging. I have had an earthquake kit outside of my house for as long as I xcan remember.

-- Cherri (jessam5@home.com), February 21, 2001.

For anyone who wants to bother, there is a earthquake preparedness brochure in PDF format you can download from that CA site.

No surprises in it. And the answer is yes, I am prepared - as much as anyone could be. The shock (no pun intended) of a big earthquake and its aftermath is not something you can deal with ahead of time by buying things at the store. But that is another subject.

-- Miserable SOB (misery@misery.com), February 21, 2001.

I Feel the Earth Move, Carol King

-- Lars (larsguy@yahoo.com), February 21, 2001.

That's funny, Lars.

This may seem like a meld between capn's 'If' thread & this one, but I hear the Beach Boys '...I'm waxin' down my surfboard - Surfin' USA'. For my entire life, every house I've lived in has had long & short boards collectng dust in the garage or outback. The only hangup is - we're outta wax. Think that'll matter much?

-- flora (***@__._), February 21, 2001.


What's a surf board?

-- Lars (larsguy@yahoo.com), February 21, 2001.

Hey Larso - I wracked my terrible typing skills just for you -



At the equinox when the earth was veiled in late rain,

wreathed with wet poppies, waiting spring,

The ocean swelled for a far storm and beat its boundary, the

ground-swell shook the beds of granite.


I gazing at the bondaries of granite and spray, the established

sea-marks, felt behind me

Mountain and plain, the immense breadth of the continent,

before me the mass and doubled stretch of water.


I said: You yoke the Aleutian seal-rocks with lava and coral

sowings that flower the south,

Over your flood the life that sought the sunrise faces ours that

has followed the evening star.


The long migrations meet across you and it is nothing to you,

you have forgotten us, mother.

You were much younger when we crawled out of the womb and

lay in the sun's eye on the tideline.


It was long and long ago; we have grown proud since then and

you have grown bitter; life retains

Your mobile soft unquiet strength; and envies hardness, the

insolent quietness of stone.


The tides are in our veins, we still mirror the stars, life is your

child, but there is in me

Older and harder than life and more impartial, the eye that

watched before there was an ocean.


That watched you fill your beds out of the condensation of thin

vapor and watched you change them,

That saw you soft and violent wear your boundaries down, eat

rock, shift places with the continents.


Mother, though my song's measure is like your surf-beat's

ancient rhythm I never learned it from you.

Before there was any water there were tides of fire, both our

tones flow from the older fountain.


- by Robinson Jeffers

-- flora (***@__._), February 21, 2001.

Beautiful poem Flora. I wish I could see the ocean, hear it, smell it, feel it. The only surf around here is on the Internet.

-- Lars (larsguy@yahoo.com), February 21, 2001.

Lars, if you get out to SoCal I promise you plenty of ocean, up close and personal!

-- Barry (bchbear863@cs.com), February 21, 2001.

Saturday February 24 8:02 PM ET

Three Killed As Quake Rocks China's Sichuan

BEIJING (Reuters) - Three people were killed and many injured by an earthquake that struck a remote part of China's Sichuan province, state media reported on Saturday.

The quake measuring 6.0 on the open-ended Richter scale struck a mountainous area populated by ethnic Tibetans in the southwestern province on Friday.

Xinhua news agency reported a large number of houses were damaged or destroyed by the earthquake, which seriously damaged roads and services, including water supplies, power and telecommunications.

The official news agency gave no exact figure for injuries.

Earlier, Xinhua reported the quake rocked Yajiang and Kangding counties at 8:09 a.m. and was felt in 20 towns by around 20,000 people.

-- (1 day after @ new. moon), February 26, 2001.

Saturday February 24 11:33 PM ET

6.7 Quake in North India, Epicenter in Afghanistan

NEW DELHI (Reuters) - A tremor shook parts of northern India early on Sunday, almost one month after a devastating earthquake left at least 30,000 people dead in the country's west.

An India Meteorological Department official confirmed the tremor resulted from an earthquake measuring 6.7 on the Richter scale that had its epicenter in Afghanistan (news - web sites).

There were no immediate reports of casualties or damage to buildings.

``The epicenter seems to be in Afghanistan near the Tajikistan border. The magnitude was 6.7 body wave on the Richter scale,'' A. K. Shukla a senior meteorological official, told Reuters. ''It has been felt in (the capital) New Delhi and Srinagar but the epicenter is about 1,000 kilomters (600 miles) from Delhi,'' he said.

The tremor was also felt in the northern city of Chandigarh.

Residents in New Delhi said they felt the tremor at around 8:00 a.m.

``Everything was shaking and everyone in our building has come out on to the street,'' said a Reuters correspondent.

-- (2 days after @ new. moon), February 26, 2001.

Quake Jolts San Francisco Bay Area

SAN JOSE, Calif. (AP) -- An earthquake sent a sharp jolt through the San Francisco Bay area Sunday afternoon but no damage was reported.

The quake had a 4.4 magnitude, the U.S. Geological Survey reported. It was centered 11 miles east of San Jose.

Earthquakes with a magnitude stronger than 4 can cause moderate damage.

San Jose police spokesman Sgt. Steve Dixon said he had no reports of damage or injury.

''They were expecting a lot of calls, but it's not much more than a typical Sunday,'' Dixon said.

The quake was felt as far south as Santa Cruz, north into Marin County and east in Modesto of the Central Valley.

It was followed by a series of smaller aftershocks.

AP-NY-02-25-01 2011EST< 


-- (moder@te.quake), February 26, 2001.


Earthquake in Seattl

-- (also@see.this), February 28, 2001.


-- Uncle Bob (unclb0b@aol.com), February 28, 2001.

Well-my comment WAS funny, but now I look like the ass since it actually happened. I guess, though, I am not so much of an ass since if you predict diaster long enough you are going to be right.

This does not take anything away from Rich's incredible vision, and Cherri's eerily prescient musings aboput earthquakes in Seattle.

-- FutureShock (gray@matter.think), February 28, 2001.

I'm sure glad I'm NOT alone in my spelling error's today :-)

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), February 28, 2001.

Are you in a hot-spot?

-- Lars (larsguy@yahoo.com), February 28, 2001.

Uncle Bob, ever heard of Gordon-Michael Scallion's predictions? They are similar to Cayce's. He is alive and often ridiculed for being wrong, but it might be worth at least thinking about what he has to say.

-- Seismic (-@quakes.r.us), February 28, 2001.

LOL Lars I am seeing red here.

Uh Rich...can we all get a free psychic reading now?

-- (cin@cin.cin), February 28, 2001.

Scallion is a joke. He's been wrong so often even I'm embarrassed.

-- Rich (howe9@shentel.net), February 28, 2001.

Gordon-Michael Scallion on 7.0 Seattle Earthquake click here for update

-- Uncle Bob (unclb0b@aol.com), February 28, 2001.

I told you so! :-)

-- i felt it (a big @ one. came), March 01, 2001.

There was a seer named Scallion

who boasted "I am a stallion"

He foresaw a quake

but made a mistake

He couldn't do a battalion

-- (nemesis@awol.com), March 01, 2001.

Scallion is a joke. He predicted back in 1994 that more quakes would hit the West Coast. Duuuh!!

I predicted this one on the West Coast out of the entire world, and within only a one-week period. Eat your heart out Scallion.

-- i felt it (and @ it. came), March 01, 2001.

The city that suffered the quake had a "Seattle feel" to it. Think I'll remain on the east coast for a bit longer.

-- Rich (howe9@shentel.net), February 21, 2001.

Uhhh, Rich, any time you have one of those dreams please let me know ok?

-- Cherri (jessam5@home.com), March 01, 2001.

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