bamboo info, (where to find) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I'm looking for a source to purchase bamboo for landscaping
-- valentine klemm (, February 19, 2001
Careful - many types are incredibly invasive, and once it begins to spread, only pigs, or possibly nuclear waste, will eradicate it! GL!
-- Brad (, February 19, 2001. company that specializes in ornamental grasses but they also offer bamboo.
-- Diane (, February 19, 2001.
There are two basic types of bamboo - running, which is the incredibly invasive type you really really REALLY don't want; and clumping, which remains quite managable. There are so very many types of clumping bamboo that there is absolutely no need to plant any of the running type. Please ensure that whoever supplies you knows enough about it to know the difference, and doesn't just assure you it's the right type to get the sale. There are bamboo threads in the archives - I posted a few links there before, and you could use them to check out the species you're considering or being offered before you make a decision.
-- Don Armstrong (, February 19, 2001.
I am spending a great deal of time trying to eradicate my running bamboo, given to me by a friend. Please research it and buy it from a reputable source. I believe there is a place called Steve's Bamboo that sells hardy varieties. It is very pretty and mine is green year- round, but it is easy to lose control of.
-- Anne (, February 19, 2001.
I'm told that, if you like to eat bamboo shoots, invasion will never be a problem.I've got some "giant bamboo", which I sure would appreciate somebody telling me how to cure it where it won't split.
Valentine, where do you live? There are two places that I can think of, here in southern Oregon, which sell bamboo.
There is also a national bamboo organization (can't remember the name, but do a search on the net, and I'm sure you'll find it).
-- jumpoff joe (, February 19, 2001.
I grow a type that does run but it isn't really bad. Kinda depends on how much land you have and how close it needs to be kept. It can be kept in check with a border buried around it or some other method. I grow yellow groove bamboo - I reaches a height of about 20 feet and about 1 1/2 inches in diameter. The neatest part is the great bamboo shoots for eating, it's great. Got mine from Raintree Nursery in Washington state. Don't have the address but it shouldn't be hard to find.For drying I cut mine then use duct tape to tape several of them to something straight like a steel pipe or some such. Works pretty good. I'm also told that once the canes have grown it takes about two to three years to attain their maximum toughness or hardness. They do seem to be better after a winter or two.
-- Larry (, February 20, 2001.
Jumpoffjoe:I suspect the cracking is from too fast of drying. To cure it try keeping it out of direct sunlight and covering it with damp rags, straw, leaves or something so it dries slowly.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (, February 20, 2001.
Hi Valentine. Check the website for American Bamboo Society. They have more info there than you want to know: detailed descriptions of many many bamboos, suggested uses, physical characteristics (height, diameter, color, etc.), hardiness zones, etc., etc., and a HUGE list of nurseries and private sources - all hotlinked. You will learn a lot about bamboo. One thing to beware of: this site is so fascinating that you can easily spend the whole afternoon there (voice of experience). Sandy
-- Sandy in MN (, February 20, 2001.
Reading your post, Valentine, I am not sure whether you want to GROW bamboo in your landscape, or whether you want bamboo timbers and poles for contruction in your landscape, like for fences, arbors, etc.
-- Joy F (So.Central Wisconsin) (, February 20, 2001.
Hi,Here's a couple of sources I found and have exchanged email with:
Lewis Bamboo
J M Bamboo Nursery - Cold Hardy Bamboo
Nice sites (with links off-site) and I've had good feedback when I've submitted a question.
The running bamboo is only invasive if you don't do anything to stop it. Generally mowing or weed-whacking it on a regular basis will keep it in check. Your milage may vary.
-- j (, February 20, 2001.
How much will bamboo grow in a year?Is there any bamboo that can survive in a zone 4?
-- Paul Wheaton (, February 20, 2001.