Can I Still send in an application?! : LUSENET : Junkyard Wars : One Thread

Okay, i know its three days past the deadline, but if i send our application in now on rush can it still make it for the March choces? Please help me!!!!!!!!

-- Alana Lowery (, February 19, 2001


You should ask You might get an answer.

Good luck, ron

-- Ron Lesseraux (, February 19, 2001.

I would not count on getting a quick answer. I emailed her 10 days ago looking for a courier address instead of a PO box and still have not got a reply and I marked it urgent.

I would guess that they are receiving hundreds of email and it will take a long time to get through them

see our site at

send me any links of other teams anyone

-- Bill Drost (, February 19, 2001.

I e-mailed this thread to Jackie for you. I'm with Bill though, Jackie is swamped right now. She is the person that you would need to talk to.

Bill, I had the same question for her about a street address instead of the P.O. Box, but couldn't get a straight anwser. RDF has no address or phone in the Burbank area that I could find anywhere.

We sent our pagage for Friday delivery, let them know it would be there before 3pm Burbank time, and it won't get picked up until tommorrow at the earliest because the post office was closed today.


-- Joey Falgout (Broadcast Junkies) (, February 19, 2001.

I did post that the entries had to be postmarked by the 16th, This was done to eliminate the thought that they had to arrive by the 16th. I did this after checking with Jackie, I don't know if an extension can be granted this late, especially with the volumn of entries they are receiving. I had to contact Jackie because Fed-Ex lost one of our tapes and I thought we would be late. Had the entries been required to be in their hands by the 16th we would not have made it, given the postmarked by decision we made it. Not as we would have liked to present ourselves, Fed-Ex delivered the tape at 10:00am on the 16th and I had to cobble up our video to get it postmarked by 5:00pm. I felt it was more important to make the deadline than to have a perfect video. We have a team that is spread out over 25oo miles and getting everything together was more than difficult. Yes I was on the show and so was another team member he was the expert on the show I was on, our captain is from Wisc.


-- JustJay-Captain-Three Rusty Juveniles (, February 19, 2001.

Here's you anwser straight off the JYW site (they must of changed it earlier today!):

"The deadline for applications for the new series has passed. Thanks to everyone who took the time to apply. We are selecting teams at the moment, so anyone still wanting to be considered for this years series should get their applications in immediately (we are still accepting applications from the stragglers for a few days yet).

Hopefully, we should be able to announce which teams will be competing by mid-March. Please don't contact us concerning your application status, as we are overwhelmed with applications at the moment (and we are really busy moving into our new US office and homes!). We promise we will look at every application and we'll get back to you as soon as we have made a decision on your application."

{Joey dawns his "Elvis" Coustume} Thank ya, Thank ya very much!


-- Joey Falgout (Broadcast Junkies) (, February 19, 2001.

If you're going to FedEx or go UPS Red, you'll need the street address, which I just found posted at the RDF Media Website:

RDF USA Suite 310, 3rd Floor 14900 Ventura Boulevard, Sherman Oaks, Los Angeles, CA 91403, USA

If you don't trust me trust your own eyes: click on "contact us"


-- Joey Falgout (Broadcast Junkies) (, February 19, 2001.

If you're going to FedEx or go UPS Red, you'll need the street address, which I just found posted at the RDF Media Website:

RDF USA Suite 310, 3rd Floor 14900 Ventura Boulevard, Sherman Oaks, Los Angeles, CA 91403, USA

If you don't trust me trust your own eyes: click on "contact us"


-- Joey Falgout (Broadcast Junkies) (, February 19, 2001.

Hey Joey.....I think we got it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BROADCAST JUNKIES WEBSITE: tv2/broadcastjunkies

-- Joey Falgout (Broadcast Junkies) (, February 19, 2001.

-- Roger (, February 20, 2001.

You won't really GET IT until you see our video!


-- Joey Falgout (Broadcast Junkies) (, February 20, 2001.

I do not know how others feel, but I sure do not think the deadline should be extended for anyone for any reason. It is simply unfair for those of us that waited patiently for the address to be posted, then worked our butts off to get our application in. As far as extending it for the UPS/FedEx users, those people shouldn't have used those carriers for sending to a PO box! I think I learned that one in 3rd grade. However, if they insisted on not following directions (regarding where to send it), they could have at least gotten the shipping address from the RDF website. All I can say is that I would be really upset if a late-comer was accepted onto the show. Think about it, they would be taking the spot that another team deserved. I think I will get off of my soapbox now =)

-- Scott (, February 20, 2001.

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