Sell Leica M6 + lenses and acc. : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

TO SELL camera Leica M6 (1995)

Body Leica M6 , lenses: SUMMILUX-M 1.4/35mm, SUMMICRON-M 2/90 mm. Lens support, box, filters, leather cover, bags, etc. Posemeter SEKONIC Gigalite F, SEKONIC viewfinder L-328VF, Monopod Manfrotto 334B, Tripod Manfrotto 210B/EA13, Flash Metz Macablitz 32Z-1, ALL AS NEW. 4000 USD tel.:+4422.7672882

-- Roberto Cappi (, February 19, 2001


Hi Roberto:

For what it is worth, I'll pass along my two-cents worth on your used equipment... The readers of this forum seem pretty well informed and know what used Leica equipment will sell for; and if they don't, they'll ask somebody else first! Unfortunately, the prices you want for your equipment seem too high. You could maybe get $2500 to $3000 for everything, and that would be top dollar. (I think top dollar for your equipment would probably be around $1150 for the non-TTL body , $750 for the old style 35 'lux, $600 for the old style 90 'cron -- unfortunately, the newer 35 and 90 are somewhat superior to the versions you have, and command a higher resale value. Also, everything else you have is gravy -- meaning get whatever $$$ you can get for it...) You might want to try listing it all separately on eBay, as I think you would have a better chance of selling it there.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news -- but good luck anyway,


-- Jack Flesher (, February 19, 2001.

You should get $1250 for your M6 if it is in excellent + condition. The pre 97 versions have the metal film counter too which some buyers prefer. If you do sell on ebay be prepared to post good clear digital close ups of the gear. Bear in mind that ebay also takes a 5% fee.

Jack is right, you should split the gear up.

-- sam alexander (, February 20, 2001.

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