Seeking Land in : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
We are seeking land in Oklahoma to build a retirement home on. Will consider any offers. No improvements required raw land is fine. Thanks Greg
-- Greg Stuart (, February 18, 2001
Hi Greg,Raw land is easy to come by here in Oklahoma. There are alot of developers here who will also strait finance the land with no qualifying, tho you do pay higher than bank rates for the financing. Go to and look thru the Sunday classifieds. You'll find alot there. Unless specified under the purchase agreement, outside the cities the building codes are about zilch. One word of warning tho, the roads can be BAD (clay mud) and are best driven after a good rain so you know what you are getting into. Feel free to email me, I'm located NE of OKC about 40 miles.
-- Stacia in OK (, February 19, 2001.
Hi One thing to remember is that Oklahoma is a pretty diverse state. I was raised there and am pretty familiar with several areas. The area my family is from (about 65 miles E of OKC on I-40 and just a little north) is a great area if you want to garden, have an orchard, etc. The soil there is a light sandy loam and our family always had a terrific garden. There are parts of Ok that are pure red clay. S. of OKC and SW of it are two areas that come to mind. Not just bad roads; but really a pain to put in a lawn, etc. Down around Duncan is quite nice also. There are alot of great areas; but I would decide on an area first and then start looking around. You may be able to avoid a real estate agent altogether on a piece of raw land by just asking a land owner if he will sell and getting a lawyer to handle the legal end. Might come out cheaper. We sure did up here in MN. Good luck to you in your search Cynthia
-- Cynthia Speer (, February 19, 2001.