Over-theFence Chat for 2/18-2/24greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Good is good!
-- Cindy (SE In) (atilrthehony_1@yahoo.com), February 18, 2001
YES he is. It is sunny and cool here in southeastern IN this morning. So glad the rain is over. Can't wait till spring. Take care everyone.
-- sara (tshoos@peoplepc.com), February 18, 2001.
Gospel minister on the radio today, putting down the Jews and the Catholics. I guess that is why I do not do church. Sincerely, Ernest www.communities.msn.com/livingoffthelandintheozarks
-- Ernest in the Ozarks (espresso42@hotmail.com), February 18, 2001.
The geese are flying over the house heading north in great numbers today!! They are real loud and lots and lots of V's going over. All of you north of Kentucky should be seeing them. Here we go!!!
-- Cindy in Ky (solidrockranch@hotmail.com), February 18, 2001.
The field down the road is full of geese and we too are seeing more and more. Today was a beautiful sun filled day which is nice for those of us who are solar powered( not houses but people) I know I have more energy when the sun is out than on a overcast day. I'm getting the itch for digging in the dirt, I hope spring is around the cornerIt's funny to watch animals in the winter, our chickens seems so funny just after a fresh snow. They just look out the door as if to say, " well it's all white again I'm staying in" If we go out and shovel paths for them then they will venture out of the coop but only then. LOL!!! Have a wonderful week. Blessings,
-- Kelle in MT. (kvent1729@aol.com), February 18, 2001.
Cindy (in Indiana) Was passin' thru your neck of the woods the other day and thought of you. Took the Queen to the Airport in Cincy and took the "scenic route" on the way back. I'm sure I wasn't to far from your area. Found some roads I want to come back to this summer on the motorcycle! Queen Buffness is on an official inspection tour of her realm and is making sure things are ok in Florida this week. Dog Boy and I are holding down the fort. Lots of grilled cheese and gummi bears!
-- John in S. IN (jsmengel@hotmail.com), February 18, 2001.
I feel good tonight! Finally got that dreaded job of cleaning and organizing my DH's home office. It was a two year mess! I can't blame him. He works 4 days/wk at a JOB; is a bivocational pastor on Sunday and Wednesday AND is a corresponding student at an Atlanta Seminary. He deserves to not have to organize and straighten. But tonight his desk is waxed and polished. The books are all lined up and I even cleaned the two windows next to his desk! Was he suprized when he came home. The sweet thang took be out to eat!
-- Eve in FL (owenall@lwol.com), February 19, 2001.
Our Amish neighbor John, brought over the bacon from the pig we ordered from him. Two huge slabs that had spent a week in his smoke house. After cutting and wrapping, we promised to have a breakfast feast the next day. OH MY GAWD! Fresh lean bacon that didn't even spatter in the skillet. No water added. My wife and I just sat there and laughed as we ate. It was that good. The hams will take another week in the smoke house. Hurry up Easter!(:raig
-- Craig Miller (cmiller@ssd.com), February 20, 2001.
I'm getting tired of my own complaining, but I'm still sick!! The last bout of flu I had never entirely went away, and now I've got bronchitis. I've missed more work in the last 2 months than all the past 10 years put together. I feel guilty, depressed, miserable....I know I need to rest until I'm over this, and I know I keep going back to work too soon, and relapsing. I'm sooo tired of feeling sick.
-- Cathy in NY (hrnofplnty@yahoo.com), February 20, 2001.
Cindy in KY, Do you know why, (my buddy explained it to me the other day), why when you see those Vs of geese, usually one side is longer than the other side?
-- Action Dude (theactiondude@yahoo.com), February 20, 2001.
Dude, I heard it somewhere but I can't remember. I can't find the old thread about the geese flying north, I think it is in there. OK, what is the answer?
-- Cindy in Ky (solidrockranch@hotmail.com), February 20, 2001.
Cindy, my buddy explained that the one side is longer because there are more geese on that side... nyuk, nyuk...
-- Action Dude (theactiondude@yahoo.com), February 20, 2001.
Action Dude: Thanks for the first outright, outloud laugh of the day! Nyuk, nyuk.I'm enjoying sitting here reading all these posts in the peace and quiet of an empty house. My dh has taken the kidoes out and left me Home Alone. They've gone down to Williamsburg, VA and won't be back till Friday. Yippee!
I think I'm catching the spring fever reading about other people being itchy to get out in their gardens.
Just how soon can you plant lettuces, snow peas, and spinach in Maryland?
-- Heather in MD (heathergorden@hotmail.com), February 20, 2001.
Heh, heh, heh!! I got dirt under my fingernails! Another springlike day here in IL - 50 degrees and sunshine. I couldn't stand it, I headed for the garden. Love my square foot garden - I stood (and crawled!) on the wood chip pathways and cleared the winter detrius off the beds. Then I filled in a big hole (that the dogs denied all knowledge of!) and pulled some weeds that had come up and gave them, along with some overwintered spinach to the chickens. Happy, happy chickens! I cleaned out Bun's hutch and gave him fresh straw and a couple of dandylions that I had saved out for him, then I toted the wheelbarrow of manure to the garden and layered it on a couple of beds, along with another coffee can full of crushed eggshells.Ahhh....fresh air, dirt, good work and sunshine; heck - I was wishin' I had sheets that needed washing just so I could hang them out on the line!! Then Pop hollered me into the house to get the phone - it was work, more overtime - darn it! Let's see....8 hours at time and a half minus the fed's share equals...about three fruit trees!! Gotta look on the bright side!
While I was talking on the phone, I was eyeballing my seed packets and thinking about starting my seedlings on Saturday. I got off the phone and headed back outside to finish up, then came inside and washed up and set about making a pot of coffee. Pop said to me "Did I see you out there planting something?" "What?! Are you nuts?" I replied "It's supposed to get down to 15 degrees tonite and snow - you think I'm crazy or somethin' ?" He reached to grab his mug of coffee, snickering " So what'd you plant?" "Lettuce and radishes." I admitted with a grin! "Reckon I better get some salad dressing when I go to town?" He was shakin' his head, but I heard him a little later telling a friend on the phone "You ain't got your garden in yet? Heck, we already got lettuce and radishes in; and I'm going to town to get some onion sets in the morning - you want to ride over with me?" Sure hope it doesn't snow TOO much!!
PS: Cathy - hope you get to feeling better soon. Doesn't your job take you out in the weather? Be careful and bundle up - I'm seeing a LOT of pneumonia at work. Take care, girl!
-- Polly (tigger@moultrie.com), February 20, 2001.
March 17th through first weed of April, around South Jersey, Northern Delaware. (Cabbage, lettuce, peas)
-- Action Dude (theactiondude@yahoo.com), February 20, 2001.
In Northern NY it is STILL cold and snowing , it did get to the high 30's.I am so looking forward to snow .The baby is sick with a 103 fever , hubby is at school and the kids are home for the week .I have so many plans for outside I wish the weather would warm .
-- Patty {NY State} (fodfarms@slic.com), February 20, 2001.
I had one of those "moments" yesterday evening when I realized how my life has changed. I was trying to corral two wrestling puppies (another story for another time) for the night and put them in their playpen so I could go to bed when I heard noises in the closet. I pulled back the curtians and at first saw nothing. Then I saw my daughter's old black cat, she was pouncing on and "flingin'" a dead RAT!. My first response was 'don't let the puppies get that or I'll have a real mess' and my second one was 'hope she didn't catch that in the house'! I took it from her and put it out in the trash, after all she sleeps with me now that the daughter has gone off to college and I didn't want rat breath in bed. (I still hope she brought that in through the dog door when I wasn't looking.) Later I thought about how my life's changes can be summed up in my response to simple small episodes. I can now look at things without panic (most often) and do what needs to be done. I still feel sympathy for even the rodents of the world (I'm too much of a romantic to not feel that, but don't plan on changing that) but now I am able to put things in presective and be realistic about my responses. In earlier years the dead rat would have upset me because the cat killed it, because it was 'gross' and because it was in my bedroom. I've never been the 'shrieker' or hysterical type but little things like that would have 'upset' me. It is interesting to note the little changes that happen as we mature (age maybe) and continue to grow. May you notice your growth today in positive little ways (minus the rat in the bedroom, okay). May you realize your changes/choices bring you closer to your goals or further from your goals and try to make all your changes/choices good ones. Here's to good growth in all of us as Spring begins to creep up on us. betty
-- betty modin (betty_m9@yahoo.com), February 21, 2001.
OK wise guy, you got me. I fell for it. nyuk, nyuk.Yesterday I got a HUGE roll of pretty green hay, flipped it out of the truck downhill toward the garage. If you do it just right, it'll land just inside the big double doors. Missed it by a couple of feet. I told my DH to get out of the way, and I got in the truck, put it in reverse, and gave it the gas. Took two hits to push it the rest of the way in. Works for me!
Also, went with a friend to TRY to catch some feral goats terrorizing the neighhoods flowerbeds. Yeah right. My fantastic Border Collie gave it his all, but these things wouldn't stop or turn for anything. Just about ran him down. As soon as they think someone is going to get them, they hightail it for the woods. We waited for 2 hours for the buggers to come up to the barn area, watching them with binoculars. I had my lasso ready and everything. I was soooo ready to have some fun.
Can you believe these goats, about 6, have lived out there for 3 years, no wormers, no meds at all, and are huge and healthy. We did catch one small baby, and her gums were pink as can be. She was shiny and stout and healthy. Go figure.
I wonder if he can put bread out soaked in Vodka or something. He has to catch them for their own good. They'd be easy to catch if they were laying down!....."Help, I've fallen and I can't get up." Or a tranquilizer dart. Anyway those are my adventures for one day.
-- Cindy in Ky (solidrockranch@hotmail.com), February 21, 2001.
Cindy, I recall when the guy first told me, I went into some long disertation about air streams, drag coefficients, and yadda, yadda, yadda... (boy did I feel dumb when Billy enlightened me about geese) !
-- Action Dude (theactiondude@yahoo.com), February 21, 2001.
488 plants,14 varieties of salad greens into the raised beds yesterday.Even copped some rays. Life is goooood. ooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmm
-- jz (oz49us@yahoo.com), February 21, 2001.
Watching a bunch of Cranes flying north yesterday w/ my son. I ask him "Know why one side of that V is longer?" Yeah, you know the rest!Going to Cincinnati tomorrow night to pick up Queen Buffness! Long live the Queen, who has been sorely missed by her loyal subjects during her recent inspection tour of the Southernmost areas of her realm.
-- John in S. IN (jsmengel@hotmail.com), February 21, 2001.
had to take my roomates dog to the vet today. she was thorwing up and had bloody poop on her hind legs. vet shaved her to get a better look and found several silver dollar size bite holes on her. we think she was bit by a coyote. she is home in the garage with a huge cone on her head. i feel so bad because she keeps wacking into stuff. you think she would just give up and lay down on her comfy bed.
-- amber (ambrosia75_@hotmail.com), February 21, 2001.
Don't ever fall on a chainsaw, it'll mess up you week for sure. My back didn't start hurting til Tues, I fell Sunday night. I have know one to blame but myself. If I'd turned the light on, I would have seen the thing sitting there. I ws really blessed, cause it could have been a lot worse, but I can't do my workout now. We all have things in our life that are more important than others, and my workout is just that. Oh, well, I'll spend my time stretching and maybe by next Tues. I can start doing a regular workout. I only got one little cut between two fingers, a few bruises besides messing up my back, it was a very small space that I fell in. Well, thanks to God for it not being worse, thanks to anyone who reads this for listening to me rant, thanks to the chiropractor for making the boo boo go away faster, and thanks to my husband for sweeping the floor.
-- Cindy (SE In) (atilrthehony_1@yahoo.com), February 23, 2001.
Greetings to you all from Sunny South Florida! The weather here has been perfect for weeks and weeks on end. Enjoyed some R & R with the kids out by the pool last weekend and plan to do it again this weekend. Also plan on taking in an outdoor concert with hubby this weekend. Wonder when the laundry'll get done - who cares? With weather like this you don't need much clothing anyway - LOL. My 6 yr old son and I planted some flowers about three weeks ago in our hanging baskets on the back porch and they are coming up nicely. Turtle is happy the cooler weather is gone - (he hates it when I bring him inside - LOL). Took our 23 year old cockateil outside to clean his cage and used the garden hose as I always do when the weather is nice outside. He just loved splashing around in the bottomof his cage in all that water and basking in the warm sunshine like the turtle! Need to clear the weeds out of the garden spot and figure out how to get something to grow there. Have had trouble with it for years on end. It's frustrating when you have the yearning to grow something but you never see any fruits of your labors. Well, the best of luck to each of you in your Springtime endeavors (for some they are just around the corner). Happy Spring to everyone!!!
-- Greenthumbelina (sck8107@aol.com), February 23, 2001.
John is Indiana! I see that you hold your other half in high esteem also. She and Lil DUmplin must know each other as, it seems, you and I both put'm up on a pedistal. Ah, the reprecussions of LOVE! Where would us old hairy legged men be without our partners in life! Cindy! God IS Good! Glad you're doin ok. My Angel has to work overttime just to keep me outta trouble-what with all my blunder'n around. hoot. Matt.24:44
-- hoot (hoot@pcinetwork.com), February 23, 2001.
the dog would not pee for almost three days! i know it sound stupid but i think that the cone on her head gave her a complex. as soon as i took the cone off she went. what bugs me even more is it took me three days to figure it out. i know your wondering why i'm obsessing over this dog but it has been a real pain.
-- amber (ambrosia75_@hotmail.com), February 24, 2001.
Well, it finally happened. I ran out of home-grown potatoes & onions!! I hated to do it, but I had to buy some. Ack! Will plant much more this year, there's nothing like home-grown. If you haven't grown your own potatoes yet, you've gotta try! They are sooo good! How's your root-cellar holding out?
-- Jean (schiszik@tbcnet.com), February 24, 2001.
Cindy, just wanted to tell you what a great idea this "Over the fence chat" is!! I really look forward to it each week, it's become a favorite of mine. Thanks for initiating it, I love it!
-- Cathy in NY (hrnofplnty@yahoo.com), February 24, 2001.
Hi folks,,what a great idea! Over the fence chat.,,,Still snowing here in Lake County, Montana,,but temps were a litte warmer and we got the honor of seeing some sunshine today!!If you could only see the fabulous sunset that is on display now,,,'sigh'...Kelle in MD.,,, you had ask about when to plant snow peas, etc in MD. I lived in MD years ago,,not far from WV. Anyway,,,we always planted peas, radishes, carrots, etc. soon as ground was tillable,,those veggies love the cool weather. Maryland is such a wonderful state for gardens..can sometimes get two crops if timed right,,,,
-- Pat Johnston (cozyhollow-gal@care2.com), February 24, 2001.