Kokopelli article in current issue (Heirloom Seeds)greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I really liked this article in the current issue, although reading stuff like this really fires me up. I got to thinking, does anyone here, plant seeds that are just locally known? I got some bean seeds last year from a local lady called "Turkey Craw". It's a pole bean and is suppose to be delicious. Legend around here has it that a man killed a turkey, found the bean in the craw of its' neck and planted the bean. NOW, what I was thinking, I don't have alot of these bean seeds, but would be willing to send a few to whoever wanted some, to grow this year to get enough beans to save for a regular planting next year. Would anyone else like to do this? Share some local favorites? I would love to have just a few of the different kind of seeds to plant and be able to harvest the seeds for next years planting. Anyone interested? This way, we could help keep some old favorites going for a long time.
-- Annie (mistletoe@earthlink.net), February 16, 2001
I was talking to a friend the other day and he was telling me about a bean called "beefsteak" bean. He said that it came from down south and tasted like beefsteak when cooked. Anyone else heard of this one? I think "turkey craw" beans appeal to me on so many levels. How would/could I get a few from you? Do beans cross like sweet corn and curcurbits? Would you have to keep it separate? Thanks!
-- Gailann Schrader (gtschrader@aol.com), February 16, 2001.
Hi Gailann, I've never heard of the beefsteak bean, but will ask around. My e-mail is real and if you want to send me your addy, I'll mail ya a few beans. The lady i got them from, plants them every year in her garden and saves some for the next year. Her mom raised them as did her Grandma. I don't believe she keeps them seperated in her garden. She says they're a pretty "meaty" bean and are her families favorite.
-- Annie (mistletoe@earthlink.net), February 16, 2001.
For Gailann -- yes, beans cross pollinate. Remember the lessons about genetic inheritance in grade school of Gregor Mendel crossing white beans and red beans and the mathematical chances for dominant and recessive genes? Like that.
-- Julie Froelich (firefly1@nnex.net), February 16, 2001.
it would be called a seed swap, Send e-mail on how you would want to exchange seeds. Are they dry or green? What is the taste? your opinion will do. What are you looking for? Oh yes, what is the color and design on the bean? Sometimes another person will have the same seed but a different name.
-- lexi Green (whitestone11@hotmail.com), February 16, 2001.
Hi lexi, the lady I got them from, cans them as green beans. She says she likes them better than the half runners that alot of people around here grow. Don't know about the taste, as this is the first year I'll be growing them, but she loved them. In the bag she gave me, the bean color is brown with no markings and medium in size. I'm up for trading anything. I'll e-mail you my address, if you're interested.
-- Annie (mistletoe@earthlink.net), February 16, 2001.