Material "Mantra" 12-inch : LUSENET : Bill Laswell : One Thread

Hi everyone:

I was wondering if anyone could help me track down a copy of Material's "Mantra" 12" from a few years back (featuring the Orb Remix.) I have been looking for it for many years. I would love to help spread Bill's music at the many clubs that I spin at and on my radio how on KUSF in san Francisco. I would gladly pay for it or trade music in exchange.

Please e-mail me at


-- Vinnie Esparza (, February 16, 2001


Hey Vinnie,that one is rare and highly sought after by collectors.The only time I've seen it has been on ebay and it usually goes for a pretty high bid.Good luck.

-- Marcus Morgan (, February 18, 2001.


Found a copy. In case you care.

Vinnie Ubiquity Records

-- Vinnie Esparza (, April 06, 2001.

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