Marv in Utah (Where are you located?) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Just wondering if we're anywhere near to being neighbors, or if y'all are way up North. We live in Kane County.
-- Jorja Hernandez (, February 16, 2001
Jorja: We're up here in Weber County. Are you fellow homesteaders? It'd be nice to correspond more. Feel free to e-mail us if you'd like to.
-- Marv (, February 16, 2001.
Marv, we live in Davis Cty, and are looking at buying some property, what are prices like near you?
-- Evelyn (, February 16, 2001.
Evelyn; The prices here are somewhat expensive. From what I've seen it is cheaper to buy farther south of Provo or up north of Brigham City. Good luck and keep in touch.
-- Marv (, February 16, 2001.