Attn Quilters & Crafters material and lace for sale : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
We bought out a cloth stor and were selling brand new cloth or 1.00 a yard 10 yards at a time this is all new cloth and applicas also brand new lace for 8.00 for 50 yards a mixed bag +shipping but all brand new and different colars!Dont miss out!
-- Chuck Lowe (, February 15, 2001
Hi I would be interested in knowing what kind of fabric you have I am looking for 100 percent cottons for quilting. Did you buy batting also?
-- Terry Baker (, September 17, 2001.
Is this still available?? I would be interested. Please email me at with information.Thanks much!!!
-- wolfie (, December 12, 2001.
Is this still available? I would be interested. Please email me with details.Thanks much.
-- wolfie (, December 12, 2001.