Keep an eye on your checks - Dumbya might be stealing some of your income : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

So Dumbya wants to give a tax cut to the wealthiest of the wealthiest Americans and leave the rest of us out in the cold. How does he plan on giving his comrades a tax cut, by cutting into our income, that's how.

Welfare will be the first to get hit. It is hard to live off the measley amount they give you, and now Dumbya wants to take part of it away. How will we live?

Why should someone who works 40 more hours a week than me, be able to drive a better car than me?

-- Commander in Thief (, February 15, 2001


Because you are being counted on to be a sniveling dog that hopes "they" will give you a break, and doing a good job, too.

-- KoFE (your@town.USA), February 15, 2001.

"Most Americans would never dream of seizing money or property that belongs to a neighbor, but many Americans see nothing wrong in giving government and politicians a mandate to do it for them.

The primary problem with President Bush's tax plan is that it removes about 6 million Americans from the income tax rolls. While there are dozens of festering divisions in American society, including those based on age, race, religion, language, culture, education, sexual orientation and ideology, one of the most dangerous divisions is between those who pay most of the taxes and those who benefit in any number of ways from the taxes paid by others."

-- get off your ass (, February 15, 2001.

Bush, a real Robin Hood! I thought this was going to be another Bush bashing thread. Thanks for the laugh :)

-- Maria (, February 15, 2001.

Troll alert!

Rightwingy impostor!

-- (don't@feed.idiots), February 15, 2001.

Most Americans would never dream of seizing money or property that belongs to a neighbor, but many Americans see nothing wrong in giving government and politicians a mandate to do it for them.

Yes! WHY does this situation exist?

Most people would NEVER hold a gun (THOU SHALT NOT STEAL) to their neighbor's head demanding money for a favorite social program but they think nothing of voting for a politician who will create laws that will - in effect - do the SAME damn thing!!!!

This is a MAJOR disconnect, IMO.

-- nonehere (, February 15, 2001.

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