Opps Bush LIED again

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Calif. Power Rescue Plan Taking Shape

On Wednesday, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (news - web sites) (FERC) accepted an ISO request to waive credit requirements for the two utilities, an action which allows the ISO to continue scheduling power deliveries to the two utilities and, in turn, to the 24 million Californians they serve.

Energy suppliers had strongly opposed the ISO's request, arguing that they risk seeing their own credit ratings suffer unless they have substantial assurances they will be paid for the power they sell.

Course this is predictable and had to be done. FERC never left the crisis or this issue really. On the surface Mr. "Read My Lying Lips Junior" was feeding the country the spinjob that this whole thing is California's problem and he wouldn't be doing squat. Most of the dimbulb whitewingers bought it.

any of ya getting it yet?

-- (doc_paulie@hotmail.com), February 15, 2001


pardon my oops ;)

throwing stones and glass houses no doubt.

-- (doc_paulie@hotmail.com), February 15, 2001.

throwing stones and glass houses no doubt.

no way!...how's fifty lashes with a wet noodle sound?..lol ;)

-- Peg (pegmcleod@mediaone.net), February 15, 2001.

Why should companies elsewhere in the country be forced to sell to these utilities when their chances of being paid are rapidly eroding. Does your local grocery store have to sell to you when you have already bounced checks on them??!!?? Socialists are idiots.

-- Cali is full of leaches (moreinterpretation@ugly.com), February 15, 2001.

"British Columbia's Hydro & Power Authority has been selling the state as much as 1,200 megawatts... California last week missed making a partial payment to BC Hydro of the $300 million it owes them, and supplies may end at any moment. "

What are you left-wing wackos going to do to force Canada to continue to sell power to California when they don't get paid. Which left- wing socialist judge is going to declare war on Canada for you??

-- I guess the socialists would go to war with Canada too (moreinterpretation@ugly.com), February 15, 2001.

Ain't socialism moron. It used to be called TRADE, as in FREE ENTERPRISE. Course being the taker, grabber and general disrespector of self and thus everyone who comes in contact with you as well, you don't get that.

Your reply hit directly at what is wrong with many whitewingers. You are not for Freedom, Liberty, Free Enterprise. These are the buzzwords used to cover pure selfishness, greed and hatred. Call yourselves Conservatives? What is SUSTAINABLE about saying to California "screw you"? You are not a Conservative, you are Pig Capitalists. Die with the most toys babies who momma never corrected.

Hey your hero has again taken you for the fool you are, loser. Be dicked, or dick,,,you been dicked again, hahaha

-- (doc_paulie@hotmail.com), February 15, 2001.


Are you saying that nobody should have to pay for what they buy, or only the things YOU buy should be free, but people should be forced to pay for what you SELL? I'm not quite sure I understand who is an idiot for paying, and who is an idiot for NOT paying. Can you clarify?

-- Flint (flintc@mindspring.com), February 15, 2001.

This ain't buying GUM at WalGreens. This is California and the Western United States. Yes I know even they could go under but lets be honest even for arguments sake.

There are LAWS which the FERC handles which impose penalties for gross overcharging. Not sure, but based on the fact BC is trading into this country they apply to them as well. The producers knew this going in and agreed to them. A compromise will be decided and a fair price arrived at, retroactively. They set themselves up for bad faith by claiming they will cut off Cali when they have no intention of doing so.

Why you ask? Well if it is not(a deal hammered out), this deregulation scheme is DOA beyond California. The profiteers took it to the fence. They saw the backlash. They are now in shore-up mode to save their future opps at price-gouging. This crisis will fade from here on out. This is 2 plan, IMHO. Damage done is now everyone understands their motives. It will take more fancy Enron TV ads and time for them to spread their toxin further.

In the meantime their actions have left California in shambles. The now cause of all this (incompetent leadership of California), is now doing what they do best, building more bureaucracies which will make the old PUC method look like a kids lemonade stand enterprise.

Again, reducing this issue to a supermarket transaction is the bull they want fed. This has no basis in what is actually the situation, but ignorants with loud mouths believe it and help their cause in the court of public opinion.

-- (doc_paulie@hotmail.com), February 15, 2001.

Doc Paulie does not even have know what he said, much less anyone else. What incredible RAVINGS. Was my analogy too simple for you Doc?? Maybe I can make it a little less simple - Canada DOES NOT have to sell to Cali, no matter what our laws say (it's called FREE TRADE moron) if they see no liklihood they will get paid. Only a socialist raving left-winger like yourself would believe that some bozo judge could do force that.

-- doc is a proctologist (moreinterpretation@ugly.com), February 15, 2001.

Butthole who do you think markets this BC Hydro power? Here take a look and see if you find them on this webpage...click

Has little if anything to do with some dreamy non-existent FreeTrade crap you picked-up from some spewer which has NEVER existed or ever will. You put a lock on your house and car, no? No such thing as FreeTrade even for Capitalist morons like yourself. In fact truth is the LAST people on the freaking planet interested in truly FREE TRADE are your stringpullers. This yet again is the baloney they feed you so as they can sign treaties which benefit them.

Again, this is between the FERC and the power marketeers.

-- (doc_paulie@hotmail.com), February 15, 2001.

Hey Doc,

What other industries are you interested in having some fascist judge FORCE to sell their products or services to parties that can't pay. How about Cadillacs to homeless people???

California should pay these companies directly if they want them to sell, instead of the utilities that are well past the point that bankruptcy should have been declared - oops as a matter of fact that's just what a court said the other day, but I guess you have a problem with common sense.

-- doc is a raving idiot (moreinterpretation@ugly.com), February 15, 2001.


Let us in on your lingo--"whitewingers"? You are not of the European-American persuasion?

-- Lars (larsguy@yahoo.com), February 15, 2001.

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