Cherri Stewart do you see yourself as others do? : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

As a complete moron?

Your Bush-bashing and incoherant rambling proves that.

So is the way you blame your lack of thinking and spelling on dyslexia.

I am dyslexic and I took the time to learn how to think problems through and even how to spell, so you can too.

Your assignment for this month (should chose to participate) is to learn to act like a human being, spell and finally learn not to blame things outside yourself for your failings. We all have a certain degree of choice in this life, and you should learn to have responsibility for your decisions and actions... Learn how to think and spell.

Have a nice day.

-- Michael (Michael, February 14, 2001


One doesn't have to agree with Cherri to know an butthead when they see one.

Cherri's not it.

YOU are.

Cherri and I disagree about a lot of things. But she is none of the names that you have called her.

Go look in a mirror for the closest example of someone who IS.

-- Stephen M. Poole (, February 14, 2001.

That makes sense. Defense from Poole, the man who set up a shrine to Cherri at LINK.

Only a man in love would do that and come to her defense so quickly.

You are wrong about me but I wish you the best.

I hope you have a nice day too.

-- Michael (Michael, February 14, 2001.


Well, I've gotten busier lately, so I almost swore I'd put off posting for a while 'till I catch up. So, congrats, guy -- you drew me out.

Michael, how about if you learn not to gratuitously attack a human being you know absolutely nothing about? If it's a self- esteem "boost" you're in need of, know that it comes from within, and is not easy to achieve. But you'll see evidence of that in a little while when your "high" starts to wear off and you feel the need to go off and hunt down another unsuspecting victim to trash to get your next "fix". Who knows? Maybe it'll be me.

Ok -- so her spelling leaves something to be desired -- well, whoop- de-frickin'-do.

Other than that, if you actually took the time to read Cherri's posts overall, you'd take back everything you just said. If you're intelligent enough to understand them, that is. And if your post here is indicative at all, THAT definitely remains to be seen.

-- eve (, February 14, 2001.

Oh please.

Now someone we've never even heard of can speak for the entire board?

And you have the nerve to call someone ELSE a moron?

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, February 14, 2001.

Cherri - A friend of mine once said "If you're not pissing somebody off then you're not doing anything important."

Keep up the good work! (g)

-- Quiet (, February 14, 2001.

Tarzan I was only calling Cherri a moron, not anyone else. My family and I read this board and that's who we see her. Don't we have a right to our opinion?

Eve, it's time to take your medication again.

I hope your day gets better you two.

-- Michael (Michael, February 14, 2001.

Roskoff you twit. Your kind makes me sick. I fart in your general direction.

-- SomeoneYouKnow (, February 14, 2001.

Hey Roskoff,,,f*ckoff!

-- (, February 14, 2001.

Cherri has posted some of the most interesting articles to this board. Go off to a little corner somewhere and blow yourself, Roskoff.

-- Coup2k (thanks@pubs!.com), February 14, 2001.

I see you've set aside this special time to humiliate yourself in public, Mr Roskoff. Based on the responses posted so far, I guess there's no need to inform you that whatever kind of look you were going for, you missed.

-- CD (, February 14, 2001.

Mr Roskoff:

Some of us arrived here before Diane J. was appointed queen. We are FOC [friends of Cherri]. I think that CD said it best:

"I see you've set aside this special time to humiliate yourself in public, Mr Roskoff. Based on the responses posted so far, I guess there's no need to inform you that whatever kind of look you were going for, you missed. "



-- Z1X4Y7 (, February 14, 2001.

My family and I read this board and that's who we see her.

I hope your day gets better you two.

Don't look now Roskoff, but your dyslexia is hanging out..LOL!

People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones!

-- Peg (, February 14, 2001.


-- (, February 14, 2001.

Cherri is a commie cunt.

-- Manny (, February 14, 2001.

What Z said.....and CD.....and Peg.....and Doc.....and Coup2K.....and eve.....and SomeoneYouKnow.....and Tarzan.....and Poole.....and Quiet.....

(I think you get the idea here.)

-- (, February 14, 2001.

I don't always agree with Cherri, but this was uncalled for.

-- Buddy (, February 14, 2001.

I say we all email the creep and tell him how we really feel.

Anyone with me?

-- member me (, February 14, 2001.

Just because you disagree with someone in one area doesn't make the person a moron. And just because you disagree with someone in one area doesn't mead you disagree with them in all subjects.

-- Dr. Pibb (, February 14, 2001.

Looks like you're seeing Cherri like no one else, does, Roskoff.

BTW, nice way to introduce yourself.

Cherri, it looks like a nice day after all. You can tell that you are well liked, including "moi".

-- KoFE (your@town.USA), February 14, 2001.

At least this forum is consistent. Popularity (a slippery notion at best on a forum inhabited by mostly anonymous posters) is more important than the quality of individual contributions. As an aside I note that this popularity seems modestly influenced by gender. With a few exceptions, posters with female psuedonyms are treated more gently than their male counterparts.

I do not know Cherri personally. She may be a wonderful human being... or she may not. If this is a social club, the quality of her writing and the originality of her thought do not really matter. The standards for bon amie (even the cyber kind) are much different than the standards for intellectual discourse.

It is difficult to argue Cherri contributes much to the intellectual depth of the forum. The sum of her political and social analysis seems limited to: "Bush is bad." Cherri has demonstrated the ability to cut-and-paste editorials she agrees with... but one can find these same editorials elsewhere on the web.

It takes a measure of intellectual integrity to separate one's feelings about an author from an objective consideration of the author's writings. While this may come as a surprise to some, it is possible for good people to have bad ideas. Even more disturbing, unpleasant people can have excellent ideas.

If you need examples, consider the Y2K debate. The pollyannas were at times most loathesome. The doomsayers were often genuinely "nice" people. Facts are not determined by popular vote... or popular personalities.

-- Jose Ortega y Gasset (, February 14, 2001.

I say we all email the creep and tell him how we really feel. Anyone with me?

It's a fake address...the mail bounced when I replied earlier..he left the email notification in the 'yes' field when he posted the question.

-- Peg (, February 14, 2001.

Oh well Peg it twas worth a try :-)

-- member me (old@forum.member), February 14, 2001.

"While this may come as a surprise to some, it is possible for good people to have bad ideas. Even more disturbing, unpleasant people can have excellent ideas"

That's a nugget of truth you can take to the bank.

-- capnfun (, February 14, 2001.

I had a really terrible idea once...

-- Uncle Deedah (, February 14, 2001.

Message for Peg...

Being dsylexic is not a valid reason for scorn. Whoops, you touched the wroing button there !

-- Chris (, February 14, 2001.

Senor Ortega, the quality of the individual is more important than their intellectual discourse, IMO. Cherri has been around on these associated fora longer than most, has shared countless personal stories - many which were quite tragic - and has proved to be a quality individual (again, IMO).

To have a complete unkown initiate a new thread in which he tags Cherri a complete moron is to invite castigation to be thrust upon himself in return.

BTW, I purchased two of your books this past weekend. I'll ask you to expound on some of your points once I've properly digested them.

-- Rich (, February 14, 2001.

Rich, just because someone posts often and posts personal information, that makes them a "quality individual"? That seems to be the case in this forumn. Myself, I always thought someone had to say something intelligable.

Rich, my father taught me to try to write my best even with my disability. Most of you are letting Cherri get away with being opinionated and nasty without even trying to write well.

Birds of a feather...and all that.

Have a good evening all.

-- Michael (Michael, February 14, 2001.

Michael, read this sentence of mine again:

"Cherri has been around on these associated fora longer than most, has shared countless personal stories - many which were quite tragic - and has proved to be a quality individual (again, IMO)."

Note the "and" in bold. From your statement you obviously missed it.

Some of the posters here are friends off the board, Michael. We exchange email and even meet IRL. Though I do not communicate with Cherri off board, people I respect greatly and have met IRL know her and love her. That's good enough for me.

-- Rich (, February 14, 2001.

About Dyslexia--

There are many excellent links on dyslexia. I once posted some in response to a person speculating on Bush being dyslexic. (He was only speculating, not being abusive).

There are many famous people that have been dyslexic including JFK. Dyslexia is not a character disorder and does not correlate with stupidity. I haven't a clue if Bush is dyslexic but he does come up with some grand malapropisms--

Bu shisms


This poster was way out of line. It's no secret that I don't share your politics and I skip your longer rants but FWIW I respect your passion and your professional breakthrus. Sometime I hope you would write about your Dad. He obviously was an enormous influence. I'd like to hear about him.

-- (larsguy@yahoo.comLars), February 14, 2001.


I have not met Cherri nor have I read her personal stories. I do not agree with the criticisms leveled by Senor Roskoff. Nor can I agree (or disagree) with your assessment of Cherri's persona.

This forum, to me, exists for the exchange of ideas... not as a place for personal affirmation or peer approval. If your opinion of Cherri influences your assessment of her writing, you are acting quite like the moderators of the original TB 2000 forum. You are judging writing on authorship rather than content.

Please note that I refer not to her personal stories of tragedy or triumph... but her political writings.

-- Jose Ortega y Gasset (, February 14, 2001.

WOW! Thanks everyone, I can honestly say that I feel a great deal better right now then I have in a long time. I appreciate every one of you for standing up for me.

Last night I sat back and looked at what I had been posting, umm, it would probably be a good idea if I posted something other than just the things I see as wrong with the election.

I really miss discussing embedded and computers related Y2K subjects, they are definatly easier for me to understand then politics. And to think, I voted for Nixon *grin*.

I realised it would probably be best to just let people discover for themselves what I fear will happen with this administration. And I don't hate Bush, I pity him, he had a strong dominating father, who he got drunk and tried to fight one time, and at a Church sponsered rehab center he was talking to one of the recovering alcholocs and was overheard to say "remember, you are a Man, you are still a Man". This leads me to think that this was an issue with him when he was in rehab. Like I said, I feel sorry for him, but I still do not think he should be president. Nothing I can do about it now so....

Lars, I will tell some stories about Dad, soon I hope. He liked to write stories with a twist to them, he also wrote a small book about the three 1/2 years he spent in the Japanese POW camp during WWII. When I was a kid I remember being mad about it and said "I sate those stupid Japs". He told me not to, he didn't. He said not to blame an entire people because of what a few had done to him, and that some of the guards at the camp shared food and other things with the prisoners. I was young enough to learn that a group of people should not be thought badly of when one or a few do something bad, not to clump them together.

Michael, I am dyslexic, but I'm not stupid, I can troubleshoot a mainframe computer to chip leval and fix it, amongst other things, I do use a spell checker (glad he wasn't around when I didn't have one) and am teaching myself the correct spelling. Funny, but a lot of people who worked in the same field as I did have the same problem, our shift logs were hilarious. Unfortunatly I have little or no creative ability. It shows in what I write, my sentences never seem to end. But I try.

Once again, THANK YOU to my defenders :o)

-- Cherri (, February 14, 2001.

Mr. Roskoff (aka a heretofore unknown lurker):

To quote you:

"Learn how to think...

Your assignment for this month (should chose to participate) is to learn to act like a human being you should learn to have responsibility for your decisions and actions... "

Learning how to think (should you chose to participate) and act as a human being ususally involves the maturity to consider the result of your actions on another. As most of us here have a least some familiarity with each other, and their ideas, our debates usually confront and disagree with postions, versus attacking each others persona. Had you and your family acutally been readers of this forum for any length of time, this should have become clear to you, even though you have a minor reading disability. Dyslexia does not cloud your mind, and mix up thoughts, only words on paper. Your disability in no way excuses your rudeness towards Cherri, or the rest of us. Learn how to think, and take responsibility for your actions.

What say you now anny?

Have a nice day.

-- Aunt Bee (, February 14, 2001.


Your "6 of 9" borg-like assessment of this thread does not work. The poster started with a direct insult, and was treated with the contempt he deserved. Regardless if what she posted is erroneous 100% of the time, the name calling is unwarranted.

We have talked about this before, and you still do not seem to get that people here will put aside their differences when attacked from the outside. Had Roskoff said this about you, Ken(Jose) you would have been thusly protected. I do not get your icy cold logic when a forum regular gets attacked out of the blue by a former lurker.

-- SomeoneYouKnow (peering@throughyour.window), February 15, 2001.

Sorry, Aunt Bee, but you are mixing apples and oranges. The ability to think critically is separate from personal responsibility. You might find a brilliant, original scientist who is an utter cad. On the other hand, you might find a kind, caring gentle soul with absolutely no critical thinking skills.

Learning how to think has very little to do with learning how to behave. If we ignore bad behavior, it flourishes and society becomes coarse and vulgar. If we ignore flawed thinking, we become an ignorant, even barbaric society. Bad manners are annoying. Bad ideas are dangerous.

-- Jose Ortega y Gasset (, February 15, 2001.

First things first. Cherri is not a moron. She is a very dedicated person to both her ideas and her family. Yes she is dyslexic but so are you and I. And for someone who should know how hard it at times should not put anyone down for the time it takes to "learn how to think and spell." What is that all about "learn to think and spell"? You know that everyone in this world is not perfict and have there own falts in there life. This thing about Bush, well if you have taken a look out side and on the news. You would see very well where she is comming from. To be blunt Bush is in prosess of taking away rights that we have spent years working for. Seriously watch the news. There are alot of problems that have developed in the US since bush became president. Personaly I don't like the fact of Bush or even Gore being president, both can't look into people eyes when talking and that shows lack of honesty. But at least Gore dosen't persent himself as higher equal to to others around him and the world. I stongly believe in non-discriminotion and bush is proving to believe otherwise. Back to the subject of what you said about cherri. "We all have a certain degree of choice in this life" you said it youself. Her choice was to put some her wants and needs aside to help her family. Cherri had gave up alot to raise her children,take care of both of her parents plus countless others. She has made it though being one of the first woman in the Air Force, being degraded because of that fact by others. She has delt with the fact that she has mixed children. She as been called everything from B__ch to "n"-lover and if you think calling her a moron is smart then you should remind yourself that it takes someone who is insacure about themselves to put someone else down. Exspecialy when you don't know the person. So If you think that putting others down for what you asume is going to make you feel better. Your wrong! Your just proving yourself to be the moron. Cherri Stewart is a proven genius and just because you don't think that has took the time to improve her spelling dosen't mean she hasn't. She has taken every chance that she has had to learn and improve. If you were to know what her life is like you would have never brought this up. How do I know? Well, I'm Jessica Stewart her daughter. And and have been through it with her. My mother is very stressed and I don't blame her if I have gone though most of what she has I wouldn't be here. My mother is a very strong,inteligent,logical,and caring person. And I know that your words will have no meaning to her because I won't let it. I myself have delt with to much to walk up to my mom's comupter to find this being said to her. I love my mother very much and to alow a lowlife, insucre person to put her down. Well, plan fact it is not going to happen. So if you feel that you would like to put people down that means anyone, walk to the mirror and you'll find the one person who will honestly in there heart alow themself to bet put down. One more thing "responsibility" you need to pratice that as an adult and stop acting like a child.

Have a nice day.

-- leetah (, February 15, 2001.


"you might find" or "you might find", and then tell Aunt Bee see is mixing apples and oranges cause YOU are sure? Based on what type of thinking? Hell one might find anything if one looks hard enough, this is your reasoning?

How is a scientist "brilliant" who maybe dressed in rags which went out of style when Truman was prez? He is what he is, a storehouse of factiods and smells bad, he ain't thinking cause he ain't even with us. Any good which comes from this brilliante most likely will come when he is not doing his THINKING thing, proof alone he AIN'T thinking but merely factoid collecting to support some hunch.

How is a caring kind soul NOT thinking? This quality alone stamps us thinking creatures of the highest order. Is there something besides Love more intelligent?

I think what you need to factor into your little model are things BEYOND mindchatter. AB was speaking directly to those. They go by the names wisdom, understanding, and compassion. Without these society is a goner no matter how smart their citizens "think" themselves to be.

-- (, February 15, 2001.

Thanks for your beautiful words, Jessica. Even if Roskoff pays no attention, I'm sure I can say that most of the rest of us appreciate what you've said.

We love your Mom, too; as you can see from the many fine people who've spoken up for her. We know Cherri is a very strong woman, so don't you worry about what one small-minded person said about her. We know it's not true.

-- (, February 15, 2001.

Senor Ortega:

If your opinion of Cherri influences your assessment of her writing, you are acting quite like the moderators of the original TB 2000 forum. You are judging writing on authorship rather than content.

I have not judged Cherri's writing publicly. Nor will I on this thread. When a person I like is attacked, in this case without provocation by a completely unknown (to me) entity, I don't stand around looking to assess the friend's writing skills or fashion sense. As so many others have done here, I offered my support first and foremost. Perhaps unconditional love is a foreign concept to some, but this is exactly what was called for in this instance. It is apparent Cherri's been buoyed by the outpouring of affection on this thread. To all I say a job well done.

I too visit here with hope of exchange of ideas, Senor Ortega. More often than not I end up mumbling to myself. I've realized that I write for myself, not others, and although I frequently experience a sense of lost opportunity here through lack of feedback, that's ok because this is also a community and I derive satisfaction and fulfillment from connecting with people outside the strictures of intellectual discourse.

-- Rich (, February 15, 2001.

Chris,..Being dsylexic is not a valid reason for scorn.

Tell that to the person that started this thread!

Jessica/leetah...What love and respect you have shown for your mother. I have to admit you made me cry, not from sorrow, but from joy.

Peace and Love :)

-- Peg (, February 15, 2001.


Your post starts as a less eloquent and less coherent version of a common liberal argument: How can we truly "know" anything. Your particular articulation of this argument suggests you have not ready the body of philosophical work in epistemology.

If you read this thread, you will see people defending Cherri because she is essentially a "nice person." While Senor Roskoff's comments are base and rude, he does make a correct observation--Cherri's presentation of political philosophy is not terribly deep or even lucid. A vehement dislike of the current American president is not anything close to a coherent argument... it's an emotional reaction. Insofar as this forum is an online encounter group, emotional comments are perfectly acceptable. Perhaps Cherri's continued cut- and-paste of articles critical to Bush is some kind of therapy... but let's not pretend it is discourse.

As for the rest of your post, history has demonstrated that brilliant advances in science and the arts can come from individuals who are, for lack of a better word, nasty. This is not to say personal virtue is unimportant... but it has no provable bearing on intellectual insight or critical thinking.

"Nice" people are not necessarily "smart." This is why so many well intended government programs have negative unintended consequences. This is not meant as a criticism of compassion, kindness or human emotion. Remember, however, it was not emotion, but intellect, that made this exchange possible.

-- Jose Ortega y Gasset (, February 15, 2001.

Michael you have every right to post whatever you think. The forum "members" have every right to respond with their opinions. Cherri has lots of opinions and posts them, even though she'll deny it's her opinion. I don't always agree with her opinions, my choice (even though she has accused me of being a meme and not having my own mind.)

IMO Cherri's opinion would be taken more seriously if she could "calm down" and make points more succinctly. I find it ironic, as someone pointed out, that may be Bush's problem also whom she pities. She's not a complete moron, just an extremely passionate person who has difficulty expressing "written" herself. But then again that goes for a number of people on this board.

Jose, yes this is a "popularity" board. Some people respond to perceived (since we can't go on real) notions about persona. Ken seemed to be the only one who could just look at the words on the screen and respond (IMO). People repond to the perception of the writter. I try not to do that but I do fall prey to that kind of reaction too.

-- Maria (, February 15, 2001.

Come on Michael Roskoff. Time to say something "intelligable".


-- Buddy (, February 15, 2001.

oops, expressing her "written" self. Said it in my mind, typed it out wrong.

-- Maria (anon@ymous.cmo), February 15, 2001.

Buenos Dias, Senor Gassset

I think what all this comes down to is there are thinking people and there are "feeling" people. The "feeling" people are the ones whose knee-jerk reaction is to react with their emotions first. It is my observation that this occurs with a large portion of females, children and liberal men. Although, this can happen with some "thinking" (on ocassion) conservative men such as Stephen Poole. I suppose even men like him are swayed when a long-time relationship enters the picture. One can become so enamoured with the proximity of a female that they allow said female to proliferate all kinds of inane ideas.

What is frightening is this kind of behaviour happens in real life. When it happens with isolated extremists I suppose behaviour such as that in The Lottery could happen.

It is interesting to watch it happen from the safety of our homes though, isn't it?

Buenos dias mi amigo.

-- Julio ( the school yard), February 15, 2001.

Good points, Julio. As a wise member of this board once posted, "A man's friendships are one of the best measures of his worth. -- Charles Darwin." If the best you can do is have cyberpunks come to your defense, that makes you a punk too.

Cherri, I can't believe you are so stupid you let your child read internet garbage. Especially this board. Especially a thread telling you what a moron you are. I suppose she will be scarred for the rest of her life now because she has to defend you to her friends in real life(that bi-racial, poor role model thing) and now she has to defend you on the internet. Course, what does she know. She's just a kid. You might want to consider getting counseling, spelling, grammer and typing lessons for you both though.

Just a suggestion.

I hope you have a nice day.

-- Michael (Michael, February 15, 2001.


Pardon me if I missed something, but practically all I've seen from your few posts so far is ad hominem.

Would you care to post a thread or take on anyone (including Cherri) here on a real, substantive issue? Or do you lack confidence when it comes to the heavy stuff?

-- eve (, February 15, 2001.

Is baby Jose getting his HUGS yet? Getting your "feedback", your call to the world to love you in the way Jose likes it? all nicely packaged, logically laid out?

Logic? Please, try being honest first it helps the logic deal. You posted here and replied based on emotion. Your claim otherwise is utter bs and proven logically by the fact you claimed otherwise. Hey Jose, it is OK to be, shall we say, candid. Everything doesn't have to fit into some box. Defined by some dribble you learned from the dimwit Sowell.

INTENT is the message, the CONTENT is the dressing. Your intent is to be arrogant, to force love because you think yourself not stuck like most of us in being human. Because others do not fit your model, they are deemed not worthy. Fine, we all do this, most have a handle on it however. Maturity is the ability to understand this and not then conclude it your right, or logically sound to then ignore reality.

The human world is not a nicely laid out map. No kidding Cherri maybe hard to follow, or may be overloading us with content. But it comes thru clearly she is well read and passionate about what she has found and wants to share. I doubt this is really about Cherri and more about some who do not understand this medium and allow the appropriate slack to it. This goes for Cherri as well.

Nice chatting with ya Decker.

-- (, February 15, 2001.

Mirror, mirror -

"You might want to consider getting counseling, spelling, grammer and typing lessons for you both though."

-- you may be a lab rat, too (***@__._), February 15, 2001.

Gracias, Maria, your compliment is appreciated more than I can say.

As for your division, Julio, I must respectfully disagree. There may be a human continuum of cognition and emotion, but it is difficult to make global generalizations. I do think that some liberal policies generate from an beneficent urge... and the justification of the policy, if any, occurs ex post facto. It is hard for some liberals to understand that "charity," particularly if institutionalized, can actually damage the recipient. It may "feel good" to financially support a welfare mother, but what if this support creates a culture of dependency? What if agricultural subsidies actually hurt farmers? What if laws designed to protect classes of persons actually reduce employment of these same persons? It is not enough for a policy to feel "right." If we are to apply the elemental lessons of science, we must objectively consider the results. But I digress.

As for your comments, Senor Roskoff, your negative feelings about Cherri are no more relevant than her friends affection for her. Neither emotional disposition offers any insight into the quality of her thought. Thus far, I cannot discern any critical thinking in your posts. A personal vendetta, Senor, is not discourse.

-- Jose Ortega y Gasset (, February 15, 2001.

eve, I don't care to take on a "substantive" issue with anyone. Our opinions of "substantive" are different. I don't care to waste my time with discussion about religion, fake tits, crap eating, y2k, who met who on this board or any of the other garbage that goes on here. The only people worth talking to here from what I've read are Jose and Uncle Deedah. I don't disagree with them so what's the point?

Jose, you're right. Our opinions, and believe it or not, our "ideas" don't matter a hill of beans in the large scheme of things. What does matter is our actions and I have yet to seen anyone here do anything substantative. (Although I heard someone actually pushed themselves away from their keyboard long enough to help Oxy.)

Keep typing people. Unless you have family on this board (like Cherri) your words are just a fart in the wind.

Bush is President and for all your screaming, hair pulling and typing he will make a better President than Clinton. (Just my opinion of course. Browne would have been better.)

Good Day to you now.

-- Michael (Michael, February 15, 2001.

"The only people worth talking to here from what I've read are Jose and Uncle Deedah. I don't disagree with them..."

Thank you, Michael. You've answered my question indirectly, yet exquisitely.

-- eve (, February 15, 2001.

Roskoff (towards the beginning of the thread): "My family and I read this board and that's who we see her."

Roskoff (just a couple of posts ago): "Cherri, I can't believe you are so stupid you let your child read internet garbage. Especially this board."

So, it's "OK" that your family reads this board, but Cherri is "stupid" because her child reads "Internet garbage"; "Especially this board"?


-- (, February 15, 2001.

Thanks for bringing that up Patricia. There is a difference. I monitor what threads/url's my children read. I certainly would not leave my computer on to a thread where someone is calling me a moron. Also, I do not let my children hang around unattended in chatrooms and bulletin boards.

When we all do read this forumn, I point out and discuss the fallicy of a posters thinking.

I may not spell perfectly (as some posters are quick to point out) but at least I am responsible enough to monitor my children.

Wishing you well.

Exit => stage right.

-- Michael (Michael, February 15, 2001.

Oh well, I reckon we 'needed' a new Intellectual wannabe asshole.

Welcome Roskoff..... Passes him the new IWA Award.

Sorry dude, no applause though.

-- member me? (old@forum.member), February 15, 2001.

"...Also, I do not let my children hang around unattended in chatrooms and bulletin boards..." and " least I am responsible enough to monitor my children..."

With these statements, you imply that Cherri does. How judgemental and terribly presumptuous of you.

You might want to try Stage Left; people on the Left are much more tolerant than those on the Right :-)

-- (, February 15, 2001.


I'm happy to see that you appear to have finally addressed a non-ad- hominem "issue".

"Bush...will make a better President than Clinton...Browne would have been better."

That's cool. I'm Libertarian, and was a Browne supporter. Would you tell us why you think Browne would have been best?

-- eve (, February 15, 2001.

I'd be interested to know how old Cherri's daughter is.

Also, Michael, I don't believe what you say about your children reading this board. How old are they?

-- Buddy (, February 15, 2001.

member me?

Yep..wink, wink...nice to see ya!!!

-- Peg (, February 15, 2001.

Peg, now now, folks might get the wrong idea bout us :>} hee hee

-- member me? (old@forum.member), February 15, 2001.

Oh well, I reckon we 'needed' a new Intellectual wannabe asshole.

Welcome Roskoff..... Passes him the new IWA Award.

Sorry dude, no applause though.

-- member me? (old@forum.member), February 15, 2001.

Now Sumer, be nice to the man.

BTW, are you still posting from work? Judging from the latest stats (shh@aol.con (474) ) you were spending quite a bit of time posting from work. ;^)

Have a nice day!

-- guess who (, February 15, 2001.

Peg I would request Angel Hair for my lashing please ;)

-- (, February 15, 2001.

wrong thread, Doc..but that's ok..hee hee ;)

You got off easy with the pasta. My brother used to threaten to rip my arm off and beat me with the bloody end :(

-- Peg (, February 15, 2001.


I make more than my share of spelling, grammar, manner, logic & other errors here. It's just that when you live by the sword...

Speaking of spelling, was "forumn" a spoof of Mr. Polly?

{And here I thought we were getting a homeopathic remedy for anthill kickers}.

" should learn to have responsibility for your decisions and actions".

Riddle me this: are you speaking with a forked tongue, running in your wheel, or are your pants on fire?

-- flora (***@__._), February 15, 2001.

(laughter) Pat, do you think her daughter just found this site by accident?

The only other way she could have found this thread is to click on one of her mother's bookmarks. I'd say it is too much of a coincidence that she HAPPENED to find that bookmark and click on this link when her mother is being fried.

Buddy, we do surf as a family. Mostly we spend our time at 20Fantasy

and other games boards. I insist on monitoring their surfing because although Lejes (the moderator) is a saint, there are children there that are as foul as some adults here.

eve, I'll pass on the discussion for the reasons previously stated.

Good day and good cheer.

-- Michael (Michael, February 15, 2001.

BTW, are you still posting from work? Judging from the latest stats (shh@aol.con (474) ) you were spending quite a bit of time posting from work. ;^)

Have a nice day!

-- guess who (,

Answer to ? #1, Am I still posting from work? Hmmm. You tell me. Since ya like to keep abreast of my whereabouts. Geez, tho, nice to feel 'wanted'.

FWIW, no I dont post from work no more. I am on welfare now, sucking up YOUR tax paying dollars, IF you work :-)

Actually I havent been posting much at all since I made an ass of myself regarding the ISP stuff. See my apology to Uncle Deedah.

I am a person who, IF I do wrong, I DO apologize.

As for having a nice day, that is a lil bit unbalanced seeing as tho you told me right after to kiss your ass.

To wit, I say.......BRING that ass on baby I'll do more than kiss it.


PSS THANKS to ALL who emailed me privately to discuss the know who you are and again, thank you.

-- member me (old@forum.member), February 15, 2001.


You indicated that you'd pass on a discussion of the issues for "reasons previously stated."

Apparently the following was your reason...

"Our opinions, and believe it or not, our "ideas" don't matter a hill of beans in the large scheme of things. What does matter is our actions..."

But our opinions and ideas (and emotions) are the roots of most of our actions -- right? So how can you possibly sever the thinking from the action and (effectively) call it unimportant? Would you elaborate?

-- eve (, February 15, 2001.

Well, Michael, I find your surfing habits highly unusual then.

-- Buddy (, February 15, 2001.

Actually, Senor Roskoff, you seem to misunderstand again. Opinions matter. As once observed, the world is governed by the ideas of some long dead economist. Intellectual discourse is meant to facilitate a greater understanding of the universe including issues that cannot be factually proven... yet. You have yet to observe any of the rules of rational discourse in your writings. With some irony, I must note that in condemning Cherri you mimic her behavior. How is a personal attack on her different than her personal attack of President Bush? The similarity is striking... you both think you are correct.

-- Jose Ortega y Gasset (, February 15, 2001.

He Manny, how's it hangin?

-- Fanny (, February 15, 2001.


I come home and find my Daughter has posted in my defense along with others! I never realized she felt so strongly about the things I have done. She has been through a lot lately, she was close to her Grandma and Grandpa.

This shows me how much she loves me, it has brought tears to my eyes.

Yes she seems to have gotten her dyslexia from me, but like me she works on it and could program in basic when she was 7, so she has the received technical abilities from me as well. She works on the car, changes the snow tires on and off for me, uses wood working power tools with confidence and helped Grandpa replace the plumbing in the pantry. And I was always told that teenagers hated their parents.

I do have to agree with Jose and Doc, I haven't been posting very much from my own mind, even though I agree with what I was posting. I had already decided to write the reasons behind my discomfort with actions Bush takes rather than cut and paste what others write. What I have been posting has not been intellectual discourse conducive to conversation. (Thanks Jose) I will attempt to change. it is hard for some liberals to understand that "charity," particularly if institutionalized, can actually damage the recipient. I agree with this, I have an "epiphany" about a week ago when I was trying to figure out why so many people were hostile towards programs which were designed to "help" others. I realized the extremes they had gone to and how some had come to abuse them. I have to admit I would rather discuss then cut and paste all of the time.

Michael, don't worry, your words do not have the ability to scar my daughter, I have taught her about the kind of people who feel the need to belittle others.
I would never have directed her to this thread, or even the site. She has been on-line for 5 years and can deal with any thing out there.
I had fallen asleep on the couch with the computer on, and she had come home and found the thread on the screen. As for her biracialness,(sp?) that is a non issue where we live (mostly) although she isn't all that aware of what an aberration it may be considered in some other parts of the country, and how some lowlife (such as yourself) would use the fact as an avenue for a personal attack. Once again, I need to thank everyone for what they have written, even the criticism,(except Michael's) when it is honest and constructive, it is appreciated.

-- Cherri (, February 15, 2001.

Screw this jackass Cherri. He's just stupid.

This is for you, Michael:

I cannot believe how incredibly stupid you are. I mean rock-hard stupid. Dehydrated-rock-hard stupid. Stupid, so stupid it goes way beyond the stupid we know into a whole different dimension of stupid. You are trans-stupid stupid. Meta-stupid. Stupid collapsed on itself so far that even the neutrons have collapsed. Stupid gotten so dense that no intellect can escape. Singularity stupid. Blazing hot mid-day sun on Mercury stupid. You emit more stupid in one second than our entire galaxy emits in a year. Quasar stupid. Your writing has to be a troll. Nothing in our universe can really be this stupid. Perhaps this is some primordial fragment from the original big bang of stupid. Some pure essence of a stupid so uncontaminated by anything else as to be beyond the laws of physics that we know.

Have a nice day.


-- Sysman (, February 15, 2001.


Nicely written. And thanks from 99.99% of us for your clarity of speech!

-- Aunt Bee (, February 16, 2001.

The only people worth talking to here from what I've read are Jose and Uncle Deedah.

Golly. First he insults Cherri, then he insults Jose! Has this man no shame?

-- Uncle Deedah (, February 16, 2001.

Well gall-ly, Sysman. I guess that makes me about as stupid as stupid can get! Great description. Thanks.

(laughter) Shame is a wasted emotion, Unk. ;)

Well Cherri. It looks like you have indeed found some friends on the internet. I must have been dead wrong. If this many people have this much respect for you you must be one hellofa woman. My apologies and wishes for a wonderful future for you and your daughter.

Have a great day!

-- Michael (Michael, February 16, 2001.

Don’t take it too hard Michael, it’s only cyber-land. As has been pointed out before, you are somewhat handicapped by the ‘Outsider Villain –Vs- Insider Regular’ syndrome. Many of these same people that have rushed to Cherri’s defense would rip her a new one under different circumstances.

However, you should take the words of Bruce (AKA: Sysman) to heart for this guy is an expert on ‘stupid’.

-- Barry (, February 16, 2001.

Thanks for the info, bud. I appreciate it.

-- Michael (Michael, February 16, 2001.


I cannot believe how incredibly stupid you are. I mean rock-hard stupid...

Hilarious. I'm going to save that rant, maybe I'll make it one of my email .sigs and then follow it up with the standard "The above does not necessarily reflect the views of my company..."

And is "Jose Ortega y Gasset" really Decker? I imagine Ken sitting at his desk wearing a sombrero and a fake mustache, glancing furtively around as he types, watching for Ms. Callow...

-- Bemused (and_amazed@you.people), February 16, 2001.

Bemused LOL exactly my thoughts... wow we agree!

-- Maria (, February 16, 2001.

Sysman, you must learn to release your feelings. Don't keep them so bottled up. ROFL, a clasic harangue.

-- Lars (, February 16, 2001.

Hey Sysman. How are you doing? Recovered completely from the accident I hope.
Bemused, that had be laughing so hard my side hurts~~~~Maybe we should all don disguises and post one day.

-- Cherri (, February 17, 2001.


Bemused, that had be laughing so hard my side hurts~~~~Maybe we should all don disguises and post one day.

I think we're all disguised with every post, even folks who give real email addresses, descriptions of their lives, etc.

When you have both the interface of this forum and the physical and emotional "distance" the internet allows between you and your reader, you're disguised.

That disguise allows people to be meaner or more rash than they would be ordinarily, in person, but it also allows you to step back and get some perspective, and maybe a little chuckle.

-- Bemused (and_amazed@you.people), February 17, 2001.

Good one, Sysman.

But I say let's don't hold back. Might as well paste the whole thing in here..


You are a vulgar little maggot. Don't you know that you are pathetic? You worthless bag of filth. As they say in Texas, I'll bet you couldn't pour piss out of a boot with the instructions on the heel. You are a canker. A sore that won't go away. I would rather kiss a lawyer on the lips than be seen with you.

You are a fiend and a sniveling, back-boneless coward, and you have bad breath. You are degenerate, noxious and depraved. I feel debased just for knowing you exist. I despise everything about you. You are a bloody nardless newbie twit protohominid cromosomally aberrant caricature of a coprophagic cloacal parasitic pond scum. And I wish you would go away.

You're a putrescent mass, a walking vomit. You are a spineless little worm deserving nothing but the profoundest contempt. You are a jerk, a cad, a weasel. Your life is a monument to stupidity. You are a stench, a revulsion, a putrefaction, a big suck on a sour lemon with a lime twist.

You are a bleating foal, a curdled staggering mutant dwarf smeared richly with the effluvia and offal accompanying your alleged birth into this world. An insensate, blinking calf, meaningful to nobody, abandoned by the puke-drooling, giggling beasts who sired you and then killed themselves in regret for what they had done.

I will never get over the embarrassment of belonging to the same species as you. You are a monster, an ogre, a malformation. I barf at the very thought of you. You have all the appeal of a paper cut. Lepers avoid you. You are vile, worthless, less than nothing. You are a weed, a fungus, a ferment, the dregs of this earth. And did I mention you smell?

If you aren't an idiot, you made a world-class effort at simulating one. Try to edit your writing of unnecessary material before attempting to impress us with your insight. The evidence that you are a nincompoop will still be available to readers, but they will be able to access it more rapidly.

You snail-skulled little twit. Would that a hawk pick you up, drive its beak into your brain, and upon finding it rancid set you loose to fly briefly before spattering the ocean rocks with the frothy pink shame of your ignoble blood. May you choke on the queasy, convulsing nausea of your own trite, foolish beliefs.

You are weary, stale, flat and unprofitable. You are grimy, squalid, nasty and profane. You are foul and disgusting. You're a fool, an ignoramus. Monkeys look down on you. Even sheep won't have sex with you. Your hand even refuses autoerotism. You are unreservedly pathetic, starved for attention, and lost in a land that reality forgot.

And what meaning do you expect your delusional self-important statements of unknowing, inexperienced opinion to have with us? What fantasy do you hold that you would believe that your tiny-fisted tantrums would have more weight than that of a leprous desert rat, spinning rabidly in a circle, waiting for the bite of the snake?

You are a waste of flesh. You have no rhythm. You are ridiculous and obnoxious. You are the moral equivalent of a leech. You are a living emptiness, a meaningless void. You are sour and senile. You are a disease, you puerile one-handed slack-jawed drooling meat slapper.

On a good day you're a half-wit. You remind me of drool. You are deficient in all that lends character. You have the personality of wallpaper. You are dank and filthy. You are asinine and benighted. You are the source of all unpleasantness. You spread misery and sorrow wherever you go.

I cannot believe how incredibly stupid you are. I mean rock-hard stupid. Dehydrated-rock-hard stupid. Stupid so stupid that it goes way beyond the stupid we know into a whole different dimension of stupid. You are trans-stupid stupid. Meta-stupid. Stupid collapsed on itself so far that even the neutrons have collapsed. Stupid gotten so dense that no intellect can escape. Singularity stupid. Blazing hot mid-day sun on the warm side of Mercury stupid. You emit more stupid in one second than our entire galaxy emits in a year. Quasar stupid. Your writing has to be a troll. Nothing in our universe can really be this stupid.

Perhaps this is some primordial fragment from the original big bang of stupid. Some pure essence of a stupid so uncontaminated by anything else as to be beyond the laws of physics that we know. I'm sorry. I can't go on. This is an epiphany of stupid for me. After this, you may not hear from me again for a while. I don't have enough strength left to deride your ignorant questions and half baked comments about unimportant trivia, or any of the rest of your drivel.

The only thing worse than your logic is your manners. Maybe later in life, after you have learned to read, write, spell, and count, you will have more success. True, these are rudimentary skills that many of us "normal" people take for granted that everyone has an easy time of mastering. But we sometimes forget that there are "challenged" persons in this world who find these things more difficult. If I had known, that this was your case then I would have never read your post. It just wouldn't have been "right". Sort of like parking in a handicapped space. I wish you the best of luck in the emotional, and social struggles that seem to be placing such a demand on you (like passing gas, for instance).

In short, if I traded you for shit, I would lose the container I brought you in. Otherwise, have a good day.


-- Morgan (, February 17, 2001.


The above was meant for the ding-dong that started this thread, not you, Sysman....


-- Morgan (, February 17, 2001.

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