bromoil : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Alternative Process : One Thread

I have a question regarding bromoil process: Is it just a staining process; I mean does the ink get "attached" to the undeveloped silver only or to the whole paper base? And if so what kind of contrast is that?


-- xosni (, February 14, 2001


I'm no expert on bromoil, but I do know the image is formed with ink, not silver. You could contact Ernest J. Theisen at he is a master bromoil printer--for more information.

-- Ed Buffaloe (, February 14, 2001.

Only from reading about the process I have found that an original silver print is placed in a printmaking bath that dissolves the silver. This opens areas of the paper for ink to soak in where the leftover gelatin on the paper in all it's layers repels the ink to create your tonal range and positive forever lasting print.

-- Kage (, March 14, 2001.

Bromoils are made using silvergelatine papers that, after dev. & fix, are bleached in 'bromide bleach' fixed & rewashed. The bleach tans or hardens the gelatine in various degrees according to print density. the hardened gelatine repels water while the softer areas dont. Using the principle of oil & water dont mix, greasy printers ink is applied with a brush, & an image is built up. This is a simple overview, if you want more info, I have formulas and experience

regards Moody

-- Moody L (, May 16, 2001.

Moody's overview is accurate. The bromoil process replaces the silver image with an oil based ink. David Lewis provides excellent materials for this process including inks, brushes, and papers. The type of ink is critical to this process. I have not found any inks comparable to David's. Visit for more information. The process is capable of producing very beautiful images.



-- Don Sigl (, May 30, 2002.

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