ST-U-U-U-U-PID Grow Lights... (All Thumbs Gardening) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I set up grow light racks so my wife could get an early start on our seedlings. Proper light bulbs, timer, heating pad for the seed trays, etc.Now we have a magnificent crop of mold and algae. Oh yes, our seeds have sprouted too. But I need to find a way to get rid of the algae or turn the whole growing rack into a bed-and-breackfast for toads and salamanders. :)
(:raig Miller
-- Craig Miller (, February 13, 2001
Sounds like your air flow is wrong,maybe to much water also. I would back off water and set up a simple fan for a few days.
-- renee oneill{md.} (, February 13, 2001.
Craig, did you have to sign anything to buy your grow lights? I hear it used to be that way at least here in Indiana, just in case you were growing the wrong weeds.
-- Cindy (SE In) (, February 13, 2001.
Craig, I have only had mold not algae??(I always thought algae needed standing water??) I think renee probably hit it, too much water and the air not moving. Although I though I had good moving air when it happened to me. I think Joy or Julie mentioned camomile tea for the mold, which (the mold) will cause dampening off of your seedlings.I do tend to get a little green growing on my soil at times. Is that what you are talking about?? Never had that hurt anything, just looks bad.
-- diane (, February 13, 2001.
Right Diane,The green stuff on the soil is the algae. It's also growing on the edges of the containers. I'll try backing off on the water and adding a small fan. Maybe the stuff is just unsightly, but I was SO looking forward to having Martha Stewart over for tea. *sigh*
-- Craig Miller (, February 13, 2001.
LOL! That was sooo funny. That bit about Martha Stewart. I'm afraid it would be more than algae on the dirt of my plants to make this place presentable for M.S. !!BTW, I have a cast iron griddle that we just love. Makes the nicest omelettes, fried eggs with scant bacon grease. I even use the griddle under the soup pots to even out the heat. Seems to help keep things from scorching.
My mother said one way to clean them when they become caked with old grease around the outsides was to place them in a fire. Think I'll do that soon. We burn a small trash pile in the garden in the winter. That should do nicely.
-- Heather (, February 13, 2001.
I've always used a mild chamomile solution to help "damping off" from hitting. By the way, did you use soil specially formulated for seeding? It is supposed to help with the mold problem. I suspect that you were enthusiastic with the watering can! Hopefully the fan will solve the problem. By the way, my daughter watched good ol' Martha show how to can tomatoes and she made two mistakes! So much for credibility
-- Ardie from WI (, February 13, 2001.
I just HAPPEN to have my Martha Stewart book entitled "Gardening from Seed" that I picked up at a discount store for $1.50.According to what she says, Renee is right about the fan, Matha suggests - "adequate ventilation encourages sturdy seedling growth and protects the tender plants from damping off and other diseases."
"Water only when the seed starting mix dries. To check the moisture level, touch the surface of the mix with the fingertip or heft the container - dry containers are lighter than moist ones." (Duh!)
Well Craig, I know you guys live pretty close to me so I guess I will get on the ball and start my seeds too. I'll let you know if I grow any toad food. Good luck!
-- Kathy (, February 13, 2001.
I agree with the others---more air movement and water when the top of the soil has dried out.
-- john leake (, February 14, 2001.