points for passports scandal

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

tricky this, but the rumour is that points could be deducted for fielding ineligible players related to dodgy passports.

is this a disaster in the making?

do we need to wheel in Mandy?

-- Anonymous, February 13, 2001


I'm sure that this could only happen if the clubs were in cahoots with the players / agents involved.

That Kate Hoey needs a good kicking

-- Anonymous, February 13, 2001

The French FA have only docked points from clubs who knew about dodgy passports. St Etienne lost 6 points as they obtained a dodgy Portugese passports for a Brazilian, and a dodgy Greek passport for a Russian. Whereas Metz had a Colombian keeper on a Greek passport that they thought was OK. It was actually checked by immigration officals and declared valid.

So as long as the club wasn't involved in Nobby getting his Greek passport, and made some sort of effort to confirm that it was valid, we're OK. Otherwise...

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2001

So we need 50 points to avoid the drop

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2001

Nice positive outlook there, Geordie :-)

It's too nice a day to be depressed about this...

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2001

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