How to sex baby chicks : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I ordered 100 chicks straight run with the intention of taking the cockrels to auction right away. So essentially, I would be just raising the hens. Only problem is I do not know how to sex the chicks until their combs develope. I would like to sell them earlier than that so I need suggestions on how to sex them at about a week old. Thanks.

-- Maylene (, February 12, 2001


I don't know how experienced you are with baby chicks but this is the method I came up with. I take the chick and hold it where the rear is facing me. Blow on the backside of the chick and the (tryin to be delicate here) hole will sort of pucker and unpucker. Try this on about a dozen. You'll notice that some of the holes are more round and some are more oval. The more oval ones are hens. Of course there are some chicks that are kind of in between. When I am able to hand select my chicks(someone hatched some out or something) I almost always end up with at least 4/5ths hens. I usually do get some roosters too. It isn't fool proof. I'm sure professional sexers are a lot more accurate but for me this is the easiest.

-- Amanda in Mo (, February 12, 2001.

the feathers near the tail of a chick are shaped like a christmas tree on the cockerls and loke a fluffly spoon on pullets

-- grant (, February 12, 2001.

OK, I know this sounds stupid... but the guy at the feed store showed me this and I DID get all hens. Take the little tyke gently in your hand & hold him by the neck (gently, now!) with thumb & forefinger. Let him dangle there by the head (this really doesn't take but a couple of seconds). If it fights & fights & fights, he's a rooster. If it fights and then just hangs limp, it's a hen. I tried it, and sure 'nuff, there are ones that won't quit kicking and ones that just give up right away. Please don't send PETA or the SPCA after me! dh in nm

-- debra in nm (, February 13, 2001.

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