Over-The-Fence Chatting for the Week of 4/11-4/17greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Good morning, time to do our workouts:~} Up and at 'em! Have a Blessed day.
-- Cindy (SE In) (atilrthehony_1@yahoo.com), February 11, 2001
A good morning and Blessed week to all. We are almost through with kidding here (Texas) 19 babys on the ground and 5 more nannies to go. Fixin to start the garden..potatoes and seed bed for now. Sure have had some great weather but turned cold again a day or so ago. Been in the 70s for a few days and it is wonderful. Well I hear some mamas calling better go check on them..might be newcommers. God Bless.
-- Charles steen (xbeeman412@aol.com), February 11, 2001.
Good morning here in the North its cold again .We had a small ice storm ,heavy winds , a melt down and a refreeze all in a weekend .We where lucky not much damage .Lots of places lost power , roof and trees .Tomato seeds have sprouted , more to start .We have 2 new calves , keep your fingers crossed that they live .And pray for an early spring .
-- Patty {NY State} (fodfarms@slic.com), February 11, 2001.
Is that 2/11 -2/17 or are you wishing and hopen'? I planted lettuce, cabbage, broccoli, sweet onions and potatoes! I couldn't wait any longer. I also transplanted the herbs and fertilized my fruit trees!!
-- Debbie T in N.C. (rdtyner@mindspring.com), February 11, 2001.
Dyslexia strikes again.
-- Cindy (SE In) (atilrthehony_1@yahoo.com), February 11, 2001.
Windy and blustery here in central Maine this weekend! But it cleared up the roads and I got to go riding yesterday on my spastic Morgan. The good thing about the wind with him was where he normally jumps at every little thing and pays no attention to me, there was too much blowing and he had to trust me. He wouldn't stay at a walk, but he was in hand, so I got an invigorating cantor with wind blowing through my hair. Refreshing to the soul!
-- Epona (crystalepona2000@yahoo.com), February 11, 2001.
When we went to church this morning it was 10, not including the windchill factor. The livestock were not happy.We lost some branches but, that was it. Thank You God. We.ve lost trees last year and before. We hope everyone doesn't loose any more power. Thousands were and some still are without power up North of us. Well GOD bLESS AND KEEP WARM.
-- PRISCILLA (Mtasheacres@aol.com), February 11, 2001.
We have been spared from the possibility of flooding. I was actually frightened that we would flood for the first time on Friday as the rains came down so hard and the creek rose so fast, ankle deep water in the barn and swirling so close. I am so thankful that it went down almost as fast as it came up. Sunshine today, makes me think of an old song many may not even remember, Sunshine on my shoulder makes me happy. Daughter lost power for a while (north of us) but not to much damage. Has this been a very long winter or is just me?? Old Charlie Brown cartoon shows Charlie Brown mopping saying "February is the Monday of Months". Shultz must have lived in Michigan??? God Bless you all.
-- diane (gardiacaprines@yahoo.com), February 11, 2001.
Hello! It has been a quiet Sunday. We went to church where we had a wonderful baptism. My daughter and son-in-law were the Godparents! I am very proud! Came home and did some laundry and sewing. I started taking a new medication today which makes me sleepy, so it has been interesting!! Oh duh! Hubby hauled wood and cut it up. Then he changed the oil on his car. The weather is cold..it only got to the 20's. Other than that, nothing is new here. It has been a typical Winter day in Wisconsin! God bless!
-- Ardie from WI (a6203@hotmail.com), February 11, 2001.
good afternoon its a beautiful day here sunny and spring like I just finished reading a book called a man called Dave by dave peltzer also the author of 'a child called it' and 'the lost boy' I havent read those yet, but all are true and very inspiring. If you get a chance give them a read.
-- ronda (thejohnsons@localaccess.com), February 11, 2001.
Went to church this a.m. - dh stayed home with the boys - all three down with flu/bug thing. Youngsters are recovering (getting on each other's nerves, and mine), hubby is improving. Left this afternoon to go to Sears a couple towns over - never left our town!At the bottom of our road, found a red-tailed hawk perched on a snow bank - very unusual. I do rehab for wild birds, and managed to capture him with a towel and driving gloves. He was easily subdued, and I got him back to the house, wrapped in the towel and a sweatshirt (bird, not me). Put him down on the bed in the "birdroom" (aka the spare bedroom), and when I unwrapped him, he nailed me with his talons. Two nice deep holes in my hand, but my fault - shoulda put on the fireplace gloves. He's on heat and I gave him some water. He is small for an adult redtail, and underweight. I defrosted some mice for him, and I am hopeful he will make a full and speedy recovery. Once he has a few meals, I'll move him to the shed to stretch his wings for a few days, then he'll be released. Don't get too many birds this time of year - usually injured adult birds, or in the case of a tough winter (like this one), birds that are starving or parasite-ridden. Spring is on the way, and I will be kept busy with orphaned/abondoned baby birds. That's part of the reason I enjoy winter - my downtime.
-- Judi (ddecaro@snet.net), February 11, 2001.
It was a quiet and relaxing day here. My 2 oldest spent the night at afriend's house which doesn't happen very often. They didn't return until late in the day. That just left me and my husband with the younger two. It sure seemed quiet.I baked a homemade marble poundcake today for dessert and topped it with strawberries and whipped cream. That was a nice treat and the first time I made pound cake.
My husband put up a sign by the road offering fresh eggs. I made my first sale this afternoon!
I also spent some time reading my new Countryside. It's been a nice day. I hope everyone has a pleasant week ahead.
-- Denise (jphammock@msn.com), February 11, 2001.
We just spent a busy weekend. We split and hauled 15 truckloads of firewood to our wood shed, should last us all of next year. It's nice to know we are stocked up. We also got a new horse so we had to go pick it up and spent a lot of time "playing" with her. Had a lot of company, kids had friends to stay all night. They begged to stay even though we had to do the wood and pitched in to help. Did a lot of cooking (as usual). Also helped my husband build some saddle cupboards for a local horse boarding stable on Friday and Saturday morning. No wonder we are all exhausted!! We like living in the country with this slow pace of life... Seems like there are so many things we want to do, but the time surely does fly, the spirit is willing but the body is weak. Hopefully this week will be a little slower paced but I have my doubts!! Really though I'm so thankful we have the good health, strength and energy to do everything we do and I wouldn't want to raise my kids any other way.
-- Melissa (cmnorris@1st.net), February 12, 2001.
Sunday morning with a van load of kids looking forward to a busy day of horse activities, the transmission broke on the van 50 miles from town. By time the towtruck showed up an hour later, there were 5 vehicles lined up with mine having a roadside picnic making plans to ferry the kids around and making plans for an even bigger afternoon get together and arranging a ride home for everyone. These were people who changed their Sunday plans to have fun with cows, kids and horses on a beautiful Sunday. I and the Little One came home on the towtruck and played with our own horses in more serene surroundings.Yes, my van is broken, but I feel so blessed. I have live here a little more than a year, and I feel so much a part of the community. I haven't felt this way since I left Fiddletown 20 years ago.
I will call this place Home until Jesus comes to take me to my permanent Home.
-- Laura (gsend@hotmail.com), February 12, 2001.
www.charliedaniels.com good site especially "charlie's soapbox"
-- Cindy (SE In) (atilrthehony_1@yahoo.com), February 13, 2001.
we woke up to a foot of snow on the ground. the weatherman predicted an inch at the most. you've got to love those meteoroligists! you've also got to love working for a school district on a snow day!
-- amber (ambrosia75_@hotmail.com), February 16, 2001.
I just noticed the title of this thread -- is it April down where you are Cindy? ;-)Sunny but cold here, about 13 degrees. I just got another cockatiel. His name is Chicory. He was adopted out to a friend five years ago, but she says he's been attacking them, so I brought him home. So far, he's been pretty nice. They may take him back eventually, but he was going to have to come here for awhile anyway, as they are reroofing. That's TOO scary for the birds, all that pounding and clomping around the roof.
-- Joy F (So.Central Wisconsin) (CatFlunky@excite.com), February 17, 2001.
Hello Folks, Spring is in the air (at least during the daytime). My gardens are manured and tilled. Seeds are in seed box waiting to be planted. Newest project: Greenhouse! Just a small one, (6x8) to propegate my seedlings in. Made from Backwoods Bob's design. Had to level the ground first today. Tomorrow I will put up the frame and Tuesday I will go into town and buy the roll of plastic to cover it. Ready to put my order in for day old chicks! New experience for me, as I have never raised them from babies. Still trying to figure out how you burp them and can not find pampers small enough to fit their tiny behinds. Oh Well! Sincerely, Ernest
-- Ernest in the Ozarks (espresso42@hotmail.com), February 17, 2001.
We still have snow on the ground and it keeps snowing. I'm in the middle part of Wa. and we need all the moisture we can get, we are below normal. They say the lowest sice 1977. I'm glad we have irrgation water to keep the fields green. We well have to ration from the way it sounds. Except for watching the cows out the window, everything is pretty much on hold. Getting really excited about spring. Were going to order chicks, trees and seeds. I love the forum where we can keep up on the news till we get our next magazine. I would have wanted a computer along time ago, if I knew about the forum, THANKS to all who write.
-- Joanne (ronandjo@sisna.com), February 22, 2001.