JVC cineline gy-dv 700

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Shooting DV Films : One Thread

Does anyone have any experience working with JVC CINELINE camera geared toward DV filmmaking? Please respond.

-- steve landreth (stevelandreth@home.com), February 10, 2001


It is a very high quality professional widescreen camera. If you don't need the 16:9 facility, then get the GY DV500 it's a lot cheaper. It beats all the domestic "Prosumer" DV stuff into a cocked hat.


-- Gareth Watkins (Gareth.Watkins@bbc.co.uk), March 02, 2001.

We shot a feature "The Good Fight" with the JVC DV-GY700 broadcast camera. This is the same camera called the CINELINE, although we got ours from England when it was first being used by the BBC.

This camera shoots in native 16:9 format, in PAL. With 2/3" chips, it has excellent shadow details. Beautiful sharp images. We shot with the idea of blow up to film, although we haven't done this yet.

-- Dave Voda (davevoda@hotmail.com), April 15, 2003.

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