122 acres, mostly wooded, 4 sale in N.E. Tx, family estategreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
There are 122 acres of mostly wooded land for sale down the road from us, my deceased father in law, gave each of his children about 100 acres, he took great pride in this and went without in his later years to be able to do this, this paticular 122 acres was his father's land also so it's now in it's 3rd generation, anyway my sister-in-law died 2 years ago without a will, her dh has tried to put it in a trust for the Grandkids, but due to squabbles among her children he has to sell it/ It's mostly wooded with some really nice bottom land, pine/hardwoods. some of the pines have died due to the pine beetles. This is 8 miles out of Winnsboro, Tx, 2 hours from Dallas, community water is available at the road as well as electric, phone, oil top cnty road in front of property but no good roads into the property, an old homesite right on the road. It's listed with a real estate agent and they're asking $125.000.00 I think you may could get them down some. I'd rather have some homesteaders buy it than see it bought up by timber people who will clear cut it or some developer. Hope it was o.k. to post this. email me for more info. Oh and it's pretty secluded only 1 close neighbor. Anyone could build a house way back in these woods and have lots of privacy!
-- Carol in Tx (cwaldrop@peoplescom.net), February 09, 2001
I'm safe and happy here in Arkansas, but I know the general area you are talking about. It's wonderful there. I used to live in Longview and we took alot of drives up in your area. Any countrysider would love it.
-- melina b. (goatgalmjb1@hotmail.com), February 10, 2001.
CarolSounds like something I may be interested in. Does it have any creeks, streams? When you say community water Please tell more. Is well water clean (good) or contaminated? How are the laws governing septic systems? building? Is there power already available on property or will it have to be run in? Is the pine beetles under control now?
We wouldn't want it if its been clear cut. We want lots of trees.
Is the homesite located in the interior or exterior of property? Is a homesite in the center of property feasibile?
Please email me realtor phone number.
Thank you.
-- Kenneth in N.C. (wizardsplace13@hotmail.com), February 12, 2001.
Howdy Carol. I like the idea of posting a little real estate like this here and there; it helps to get like-minded people together, and good luck. As for me, I don't do well with ticks and chiggers and humidity. As a former Texican, been there, done that. I'll stay in the SW. Ay-dios! dh in nm
-- debra in nm (dhaden@nmtr.unm.edu), February 12, 2001.
Carol, Where exactly is the land located. My family lives in Diana, Texas about fifteen miles north of Longview. If you don't, know the area north of Longview is being developed with three quarter acre lots and four lane highways and the suburbs are creeping on our old family land. My father has mentioned selling and moving further out away from Longview. Please tell more. Who is it listed under and so forth.
-- john Gross (jc_gross@yahoo.com), February 12, 2001.