Garden Garden Garden[Gerneral garden] : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Anyone else already planting? What have you all got planted already? I have in the ground, peas, mustard, carrots, radishes, onions, spinach, chard, beets, potatoes, and lettuce. I have in the house, a whole host of things including but not limited to, Tomatoes(several different varieties, including Black Krim, Delicious, old german, Abraham lincoln, and Aunt Ruby's german green}, basil{sweet, and Dani lemon}, echinacia, cabbage, broccoli, Peppers{including, ancho, hungarian black, peruvian purple, Corno di Toro, and others, and more.Little Bit Farm
-- Little bit Farm (, February 08, 2001
I've not planted anything here in Kansas yet. I dug around in a raised bed yesterday and found that at several inches down there is still frost in the soil. With ice and snow expected today I'll wait a while before planting anything.
-- Notforprint (, February 08, 2001.
My spinach wintered over, though the guinea hens made short work of it. Onions are coming up too! No planting yet, though I'll admit to moving the wife's houseplants out of the way and getting some Jiffy grow pellets out Saturday... Folks here are just starting to turn over their gardens now.Am hoping to turn mine over in the next week, let the guinea hens go through it, then cover it over with some black plastic until I get ready to plant. Figure that should help with the weeds this year.
-- Eric in TN (, February 08, 2001.
Only in my dreams. Yesterday was the first day I could even see the edges of our raised beds under the snow. I will certainly enjoying reading about what others have planted though.
-- Terry-NW Ohio (, February 08, 2001.
Right now my daughter and I have tomatoes, peas, beans, carrots and some lettuce started in a raised bed. Hopefully it turns out ok :)
-- (, February 08, 2001.
I planted kale, brussels sprouts, and three kinds of onions last fall that have overwintered nicely. The kale and sprouts I have been picking for about two weeks. The onions won't be ready for a while. I planted snow peas, snap peas, English peas, red potatoes and russets last week, and will mature sometime in April. I will plant carrots this week. I have about 12 varieties of tomato seedlings inside that came up about a week ago; Black Krim, Red Pear, Yellow Pear, Goliath, Rutgers, Roma, Viva Italia, Red Cherry, Caspian Pink, Porter, Pixie II, and a couple of others I can't recall. I also started peppers, Bell Boy, Early Niagra Giant, Chiltepin, Peter, Squash, Habanero, Aurora, and a couple of others. I also started tobacco, stevia, chives, some other herbs, and some flowers. I did fruit tree and flowering shrub cuttings about a month ago and they are starting to root (fig, pomagranate, sugar cane, Chines fringe, geranium). Always something to do here in the garden.
-- Hannah Maria Holly (, February 08, 2001.
Does the greenhouse count?? I planted tomato seeds (5 different vareities) two pots of cuke seeds, 8 different herbs and mints and a large tub of carrots! None thing in the ground as of yet--it is to wet to work.
-- Debbie T in N.C. (, February 08, 2001.
Wow, I wish that we could start around here, but not quite yet. Hubby said he would till up the garden this weekend. Hope it doesn't snow us out! How long did it take to get your Echinacea to come up Little Bit? I haven't seen mine yet, but I am waiting! I am starting more tomatoes today! We won't be able to put the cold crops in until the last of Feb or the first of March. The other things will have to wait until after the last frost date. I believe that is April 11th for us. We will just garden vicariously through you all! Have a wonderful day!
-- Nan (, February 08, 2001.
Well, it is above freezing here for a change and I can see the ground in a couple of places (over the septic) but you can smell spring in the air. Will start some tomatoes, peppers, brocoli and slaw plants soon, (it's really too early but I always have to do some just in case we have an early spring). Can't hardly wait. I am really hoping that this is our last year without a greenhouse. My husband said we will put something up this year, even if it is a small one.
-- diane (, February 08, 2001.
you all make me jealous ! We are just starting our first real garden this year. I have a couple of banana squash seedlings and some corriander coming up in the house. I have never had good luck with starting things in the house - they always die when I transplant them outside. What do you all do to help the little plants survive? Maybe I don't let them get a good enough start. The Squash are in a cut off milk carton and the corriander I plan on keeping in the house so put it in a decorative planter. I am sure looking forward to our first "real" garden ! We're suppose to get a big snow/rain storm this weekend so I doubt we'll be out in the dirt this weekend.
-- cindy palmer (, February 08, 2001.
Have brussel sprouts,2 varieties of kale,3 kinds of peas,3 kinds of onions,garlic,and the ever present collards already in the garden. More than I can remember in the greenhouse waiting for spring.
-- JT in Florida (, February 08, 2001.
If you want your seedlings to survive after being planted in the house you will have to harden them off. That means putting them outside during the day for a few hours at first then working up to all day after about 2 weeks. Don't leave them out and let them get a frost. This should make em stronger and more able to survive. I put mine in the shade at first. The bright sun isn't easy on them either at first. Work them over to where you will eventually plant them.
-- Nan (, February 09, 2001.
Where are you located at Nan? I am in south-central Oklahoma. My echinacea took about two - three weeks to come up.Little Bit Farm
-- Little bit Farm (, February 10, 2001.
Ayuh! Figgerin on plantin' are ye! We are up to our buns in snow as we speak, and temps are hoverin' around the approval rating for the theiving Clintons! But I'd be interested in your experience with Aunt Ruby's tomatoes. For me, they were a throw-away. Where are you, and how did you pamper them? I am enthused at the direction our country is going! If you haven't already done so, please read the Federalist Papers and the Constitution. You will be genuinely impressed, and possibly swayed!Brad, the somewhat conservative. GL to all!
-- Brad (, February 10, 2001.
Just found a wonderful web site for planting in the northwest, then click on garden and orchard, go down to Miller garden page When to plant in the Pacific Northwest, I live in the central part of Wa. and I liked there dates. Of couse we can always have a late May frost so you have to be careful those last few weeks. There just talking on the tv about the east coast storm,maybe the worst in 50 years. It seems like those y2k supplies keep coming in handy. Keep reading now, pretty soon we can get into the garden.
-- Joanne (, March 03, 2001.