Bill Clinton overheard telling Lesbian jokes…where’s the thought police now? : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Bill Clinton overheard telling Lesbian jokes…where’s the thought police now?

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, February 07, 2001


Response to Bill Clinton overheard telling Lesbian jokesÂ…whereÂ’s the thought police now?

I wonder what Hillary is going to say when she hears that husband Bill is telling jokes about her?

-- Boswell (, February 07, 2001.

Response to Bill Clinton overheard telling Lesbian jokesÂ…whereÂ’s the thought police now?

Ain't, no doubt this will brand me as some kind of suck-up to the ex-prez in your mind, but here goes nothin'...

Without hearing the jokes, it is impossible to say if they were offensive in a PC sense. Some jokes are mean-spirited and some aren't. If most lesbians could listen to the joke and find it inoffensive, then there's no need for thought police to bust anyone, is there?

Since the NY Post (lovely rag of a paper) didn't print the jokes, I got nothing to go on, and certainly nothing to be outraged over.

-- Miserable SOB (, February 07, 2001.

Response to Bill Clinton overheard telling Lesbian jokesÂ…whereÂ’s the thought police now?

Well, Miserable SOB, you're in luck, because I know the original Bob Kerry joke:

Jerry Brown is in a bar, only he and two women are customers. He tries to pick one of them up, but she's not interested. The bartender slips him a quiet word "Don't waste your time, they're lesbians, all they want to do is lick bush"

Jerry Brown says "Well, I want to lick Bush, does that mean I'm a lesbian?"

-- Mr Laffs (ho@ho.ho), February 07, 2001.

Response to Bill Clinton overheard telling Lesbian jokesÂ…whereÂ’s the thought police now?

It would be instructive to know who bashed Bob Kerrey for telling that joke: lesbians, or the usual prude brigade. The lesbians I know would consider that joke pretty mild. However, the prudes I know would start a whispering campaign that he's a pervert.

-- Miserable SOB (, February 07, 2001.

Response to Bill Clinton overheard telling Lesbian jokesÂ…whereÂ’s the thought police now?

"Ain't" is typical of the Nazi attitudes toward sex held by the dickless puritannical right-wingers.

First they scream endlessly for years over a blow job. Now they would like to make it a crime to tell a sexual joke. Next thing you know, they will demand that all liberals be castrated.

Why don't they just admit it, they're jealous that liberals know how to have fun and get laid a lot more than they do. LMAO!!!

-- BWAHAHAAA (, February 07, 2001.

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