Info wanted on NY and Maine property : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

We are considering moving back to the North East. Where are some good places in upper NY and Maine to locate that are affordable. We are looking for a fixerupper with barn to renovate. Would someone send me a list of real estate agents,areas and papers to contact. I would appreciate anything you could tell me about the areas. Thank you!!

-- pj (, February 06, 2001


I am in St Lawrence county Ny and like it .What price range ? How many A ? What will you do for work ? With a little more inf i can dirrect you to the right area.

-- Patty {NY State} (, February 06, 2001.


We were recently going to move to Maine as i had a job offer in NH. We used to live in western NYS and it is just beautiful there. and as Patty mentioned in her end, upstate. although things are getting better economically in NYS, we moved from there to VA about 8 yrs ago, doesn't seem that long, due to severe unemployment rates and high taxes. I'll still say Mario coumo, the last gov, did a lot of damage. The new gov. is trying to improve things. But for properties in Maine, we found 2 nice pieces in maine. One is located in linneus Main, its a 90 acre farm with a huge dairy barm and a rennovated house for 59,000. to get more information try a search on or try Moores realty. the other piece was 108 acres located neat there, forgot name of town, think it was sugarbush or something similiar. It is a very nice 2 bedroom solar house with a generator and comes complete with all furniture. Was built in 1997 and the owner wants to sell as he wants to go out west to build a straw bale house. he is a contrator. You can find out more by going to i sure hope thats the right addy. i deleted the sites after I decided to not take the job. Hope this helps. Good luck. i know patty would love some countrysdie neighbors in her neck of the woods. i don't know if it is still available but there was a amish farm for sale near her for awhile.


-- Bernice (, February 06, 2001.

Please save yourself and move to Maine. If I didn't have my homestead here already I would be getting as far away from Hillary as possible.

-- evelyn b. in NY (, February 07, 2001.

Try calling First Choice Reality at 207-365-4238. Ask for Melanie. She is our local realastate lady here. She is trying to sell a lot of homes in our area including ours. If you are considering Northern Maine you must take a good look at the jobs here. THere is not much. I do not want to discourage you from this area but people here are thinking about moving out to get work. It depends on what you do. Good luck

-- michelle (, February 07, 2001.

My husband is now disabled, we lost our oldest son here and our other son is treated as an outsider because he is not a local. So much for the idea of southern hospitality. Too many painful memories here!! I would appreciate any information you can send me!! My husband said he didn't want to die here!!

-- pj (, February 08, 2001.

We live in Sullivan County, NY (Catskills). Land was cheap up here until recently. I really like it--it's quiet and rural. We have a good governor (Pataki) but a new Senator that I can do without (Clinton). NY taxes are high--another downside. New YOrk is a big state. You may want to explore the Adirondack region. It's lovely there.

-- Amy (, February 09, 2001.

If you consider politics in your decision, may I mention the following. In NY, they have 2 senators, both communists. Schumer and Clinton do not believe that you are smart enough to do anything for yourself, therefore, you should allow THEM to allocate your money. In Maine, we are a little better off, but not a whole lot. Olympia Snowe is a Socialist, and Susan Collins is pretty much a Republican, but neither is very conservative, although both hold themselves out to be Republicans. So in reality, both are good places to relocate - there is no way you can do anything other than improve what is here! Good luck, and stop by if you decide to relocate anywhere around here. Free lobster supper upon your arrival!

-- Brad (, February 12, 2001.


Here is the correct addy for the solar house. I do recall that this may be owner financed with the right terms offerred. Its the sugarbush property. The othe rone I can't find, but do a search for Moores realty in Maie, this farm was in Lineus maine. Hope this helps. Good luck.


-- Bernice (, February 13, 2001.

OK enough NY bashing .We moved from Ct and it is great here compared too Ct.We bought 140 a with a house and barn in need of major repairs for $35,000 .We have done allot of work {go to msn and see} .Are taxes are under $1,500 a year .There are large companies , colleges and several hospitals around for employment .Look in the front of countryside there is an ad for Potsdam Ny thats 30 mins from us .

-- Patty {NY State} (, February 13, 2001.

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