Valbazen for horses? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
This should be an easy one - for you folks not for us novices. Can Valbazen be used on horses?
-- Tiffani Cappello (, February 06, 2001
This is a sheep wormer and addresses parasites that are specific to sheep/goat species. Horses don't get these parasites. SO, no don't give your horse this wormer. I wouldn't give a horse ANY wormer not approved for horses. Colic is the number one killer of horses, their intestinal tracks are fairly unforgiving when it comes to changes and/or unusual feeds. Stick with the safe known wormers.
-- Stacia in OK (, February 06, 2001.
I agree! To keep parasites under control a good system and the correct wormer is key.
-- Shau Marie (, February 06, 2001.
Actually Valbazen is a cattle wormer. So it works on most ruminents. I also wouldn't use it on a horse, besides horses have so many wormers to choose from that are classed for them! Vicki
-- Vicki McGaugh TX (, February 06, 2001.
Thanks again folks! Sure do appreciate all of you. I was hoping to split the 500ml of Valbazen with a friend. That is alot of wormer for a woman with only 4 goats. But she told me she wanted to use it on her horse. I had a feeling this wasn't a good idea.
-- Tiffani Cappello (, February 06, 2001.
I feed my swine, equine, bovine, canine, and fowl Diatomaceous Earth. They have no parasites/pests inside or outside their bods.
-- ~Rogo (, February 07, 2001.