F4 (1+1) Motor- and Frame Numbers built in the year 2000

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Doe´s anybody know which Serial Numbers of F4 Engines and which Serial Numbers of F4 1+1 Frames has been built in the year 2000? I have an offer for a F4 1+1 with Frame Number 3156 (must be part of the Vehicle Ident. Number)which should have been built in December 2000 - is this possible? Otherwise I read about the wellknown Oilfilter and Brakefluid problems on Motorbikes with Engine Numbers lower than 3564. When is this been built? Is it possible that Engine- and Frame Serial Numbers are the same? Sorry for my English - hope you can understand my questions. Best regards

-- Heinrich Kuchlbauer (heinrich.kuchlbauer@nexgo.de), February 05, 2001


I don't know the exact serial numbers of the F4 1+1 built in 2000 but mine is #2177 and is one of the very first batch imported in France. I bought it at the beginning of August (08/08 exactly). I know that the first serie of 1+1 was built in June (I phoned to Cagiva/MV at this time) and, apparently they stopped producing the "monoposto" when they began the two seater. If anybody has more informations, I'm interested in. Best regards and Forza Agusta ! D. Breffort

-- Dominique BREFFORT (d.breffort@histecoll.com), February 09, 2001.

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