Wishlist (The Non-Amazon Kind)greenspun.com : LUSENET : chaos : One Thread |
Tell me, what do you want that you cannot have?
-- Jen (Winter@nyc.com), February 04, 2001
I want to have a nice high rise luxury apartment with you and Ella overlooking central park and a little cafe that we own that serves gourmet coffee and my culinary creations...with poetry readings a couple of evenings a week...BUT...I'd be just utterly ecstatic without the cafe and the apt. just to have your precious little body wrapped tightly in my arms. Love ya princess
-- Sam (sambo18@hotmail.com), February 05, 2001.
Oh God. Fucking kill me now.
-- Jen (WINTER@NYC.COM), February 05, 2001.
-- Jen (WINTER@NYC.COM), February 07, 2001.
My friend, Kim. Forever. With me through all eternity. I could live with noone else but her in my life.
-- Tony (osmotw@hotmail.com), February 09, 2001.
what i want yet cannot have,... that would have to be contentment, it never lasts,... ::sigh::
-- Mog (Mog@ihatemimes.com), February 13, 2001.
i wish when i clicked on a website that says "live nude sex shows " that there really is a live nude sex show at that site. trust me little girl you dont want perverts like me knowing anything about your life
-- ali (kalin88@usa.net), February 26, 2001.
No, you're right, I don't. Go get your kicks elsewhere, Mr.
-- Jen (WINTER@NYC.COM), March 30, 2001.
-- -- Karrisa (xxx@msn.com) (Karrisa (xxx@msn.com)), July 21, 2003.