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God bless us everyone.
-- Cindy (SE In) (atilrthehony_1@yahoo.com), February 04, 2001
-- john leake (natlivent@pcpros.net), February 04, 2001.
Shalom. (Peace)
-- Marty (Mrs.Puck@Excite.com), February 04, 2001.
We didn't go to church this morning. Husband didn't feel too well and I was not going to try as it is very icey and it also snowed. He is nailing on some woodwork that he had removed to take off many many coats of old paint. We live in a very old farmhouse and the former owners though dark brown paint solved all decorating problems. I am doing some laundry and planning the week. We're having roast beef sanwishes for lunch. Nothing else new here. God bless!
-- Ardie from Wi (a6203@hotmail.com), February 04, 2001.
LONDON (Reuters) - Flocks of feral peacocks are terrorizing villages across Britain in a desperate but futile search for mates, the Sunday Times reported.The lovelorn peacocks have descended on rural communities, chasing children and destroying vegetable patches in a vain search for peahens to mate with, the paper said.
"Because the hens nest on the ground, they are being eaten by foxes, which means there are not enough to go around," peacock breeder Quinton Spratt told the paper.
Peacocks are not known for their monogamous habits. Each male bird requires at least five hens to mate with.
The birds are believed to be fugitives from stately homes where they have become popular attractions because of their colorful plumage and fan-shaped tails.
This was in the news this morning. And I thought coyotes were a problem. Kinda hard not to crack a smile reading this.
-- Cindy in Ky (solidrockranch@hotmail.com), February 04, 2001.
Well we are going visiting today. That seem to be our typical Sunday, getting together with family and friends. We are heading to my Brother's house to visit with them and their three very energetic children. Good for laughs and lots of hugs.The Weather in Wisconsin has been so cold and dreary lately. I miss the sun, but it shows up from tome to time. I was given a book of quotes from a dear friend and thought i would share todays.
"One touch of nature makes the whole world kin". William Shakespeare
Have a glorious week! Shau Marie
-- Shau Marie (shau@centurytel.net), February 04, 2001.
We stayed home this morning and "home churched" together. Listened to a tape and thanked our Lord for another week. We had a really rough night because our dog, who is always by our side, came up missing during chores. We drove, called and searched and could not find him. This has never happened before so we figured he was a goner. My dear one cryed himself to sleep and I just prayed that somehow I could accept it with grace. At dawn he, our Buddy, was at the door. Wish he could talk and tell us what happened. He never roams and was neutered so I guess we will always be guessing. Fresh snow today. We have been sick all week with the flu and just couldn't face driving 25 miles to church today. Took a nap, dog nested between us, and generally feel like all is well. God Bless my countryside friends.
-- diane (gardiacaprines@yahoo.com), February 04, 2001.
God bless you too, Cindy. Well, I think we are finally done painting. Took a bedroom that's by the kitchen, made an archway in the wall, and now it's the tv room. Painted it a week or so ago. Since it's open to the kitchen, of course I had to paint it too! Just a few details left, that we will get done today. Yes!!! My project has kept me busy in the house and now that it's over, I am so ready to get outside! The paint job in the kitchen looks pretty good, but my heart is in the garden.
-- Annie (mistletoe@earthlink.net), February 04, 2001.
people talk about finding god.....as if he could get lost oooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :)
-- jz (oz49us@yahoo.com), February 04, 2001.
I'm canning beans. Great Northern, Black, and Pinto. Around 60 pints. I've got some grape juice in the freezer to do something with this week probably jelly.
-- Cindy (SE In) (atilrthehony_1@yahoo.com), February 05, 2001.
Hi All. Got my seeds organized last week; garden not planned yet, but no hurry on that - this is Minnesota and it's only Feb. Will not have time for it this week either, very busy at work (not at all typical of usual winter schedule), and I WILL get that dang bank form filled out soon. I have to go thru this "refinance" every three years; it only costs $19.50, but is an irritation. This is the LAST time I will have to do it, I will kill this mortgage in less than three more years. Also working on my "hut" away out on the back 40. Such Fun! I had to buy myself a new tall ladder to work on it. A wonderful 17 footer that can do many tricks - bends in 3 places. I am very happy with it. Peace and Productivity. Sandy
-- Sandy in MN (jpevans_56353@yahoo.com), February 05, 2001.
Funny how things work themselves out. Had a cow which is on the bottom end of the pecking order. Starting to look thin since there wasn't much hay left after the other cows got through. Tried to sort her out of the herd myself twice. This morning when I took out the first two round bales, she was at the gate and came right through when I opened it. She's now in with the heifers who have free-choice hay. One of my smallest cows, but she raises one heck of a calf even if they do start out looking like fawns.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (scharabo@aol.com), February 05, 2001.
I got the last batch of beans in the canner. 71 jars. A little more than planned. I also canned black-eyed peas and red beans. I still haven't made the jelly.
-- Cindy (SE In) (atilrthehony_1@yahoo.com), February 07, 2001.
I took my truck in for an oil change today. The guy said I need a couple hundred $$ worth of regular maintenance work done. I'm sure I do, I've never had anything done besides oil changes and the tires rotated once, and it's 4 years old. He showed me the air filter, it was pretty bad, so he replaced it. I made an appointment to get it all taken care of. I'm going to call our local community college and find out about adult classes, hopefully I can take a course on basic auto stuff. I want to be able to do the simple stuff myself once I get to Missouri; one more way to save money. I'm finally feeling all better from having the flu, and this newest paper route is now a piece of cake!
-- Cathy in NY (hrnofplnty@yahoo.com), February 07, 2001.
Cindy in IN,You guys must really love that MAGICAL FRUIT!
-- Cindy in Ky (solidrockranch@hotmail.com), February 08, 2001.
Love those beans, and the papaya enzymes that helps with all the "magic"
-- Cindy (SE In) (atilrthehony_1@yahoo.com), February 08, 2001.