Problem burning mpeg file : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I have succesfully created a mpeg file to burn it on a regular cd. When I launch ez cd creator and point to the mpeg file. I get an error message, "There is currently no supported cd recorders available. Please ensure cd recorder is powered and all cables are connected".

Do I need special kind of cd burner or cd disks to make a vcd?

Please answers.

Thanks in advance.

-- Avi (, February 03, 2001


Your problem is Easy CD doesn't see your CD-R drive. Have you used it before recording on other CD-R media successfully? What version of Easy CD do you have? What is that particular CD-R drive and interface? What is you basic PC setup??

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (, February 04, 2001.

run test and burn.

-- (, February 07, 2001.

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