Need plans for a potting : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
We've already had a few "spring like" days and I'm itching to build a potting bench. I want it to have a slatted work surface where the extra soil can fall through to a catch bin underneath. It will be near a water facuet so a small sink would be nice for clean up. And maybe storage underneath for garden supplies. Have any of you with green thumbs seen something that might fit the bill?
-- Eve in FL (, February 01, 2001
Eve, Look in some of the expensive yuppie garden catalogs we all get but can't afford to buy from. Get a good picture and copy it or change it to fit your needs. Try looking at the for ideas.A slatted top should be easy to make. 1x2 1x4 or 2x2 2x4 on edge. Make a 2x4 or 2x6 outside frame in a rectangle and nail the ends of the boards in place. Figure out the spacing first!
If you have a sink already make 2 small squares of slatted tops that match the sink in size. Remember to allow mounting space for the sink. Box the 2 squares in w/ another 2x6 leaving room for the sink to slide in the whole that's left. You can make legs or set it up on blocks, add shelves, etc.
They do make kits you can put together yourself at Lowes and those places. But I think it's fun to make stuff from scrounged materials myself.
-- John in S. IN (, February 02, 2001.
Thanks, John. I'm off to Lowe's this morning to peruse their design books. Once, I've settled on how it's to be built, I'll make a material list. Then I'll see how much of DH's stuff I can talk him out of. Potting flowers is way down on his list. Tks for ideas.
-- Eve (, February 02, 2001.
You might also check some of the ag extension sites. They usually have plenty of plans for 'garden' projects. And most of the publications can be downloaded.Just a thought.
-- j (, February 02, 2001.
We used pallets to make potting benches.
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, February 02, 2001.