Garden-In-A-Box, Could you use one? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hi everybody!I bought Heirloom Seeds' Y2K Garden Package in 1999, 'just in case'... Since I didn't need it and we still are stuck in suburbia, I would like to see someone put it to good use rather than let it go to waste. The seeds packets were sealed in airtight packaging and Heirloom claims they would be good for at least 3 years. They have been stored in a dark, cool, dry cupboard. I have no idea where I filed my original invoice with the complete list of varieties included, and I sure don't want to break open the seal on the bag, but for a list of seeds, check out their website
This package is now named the Complete Garden Package, although the page when bookmarked is still described as Y2K3. It is possible that a few varieties of beans have been changed according to the man I spoke with at Heirloom.
I paid $115.00 ($110.00 for the seed plus $5.00 for the sealed packaging)
I know all you guys up North are drooling over your seed catalogues right about now...make me an offer! Thanks.
-- Lynne David (, January 31, 2001
Couldn't you find a little space somewhere in your suburbia to plant them yourself? some may be appropriate for container gardening. You might surprise yourself with what you're able to grow no matter where you live. You could begin saving the seeds yourself for when you get out of suburbia. I wouldn't pass up the chance to experiment with heirloom seeds, especially at that price. Whatever you get monetarily for the package won't equal what you'd get if you tried to grow at least some of them yourself, wherever you are. There's a lot of good gardening advice available, just ask if you decide to keep and plant them yourself. I lived in the suburbs of big cities for a many years before I was able to move to the country and always managed to make some sort of vegetable garden wherever I was. The benefits are immeasureable. Maybe you could keep some of the seeds that are appropriate for your space and trade the others that are not. Good luck in whatever you decide to do with them.
-- Rose Marie Wild (, January 31, 2001.
If you have the room to grow some of the seeds yourself, you could make some money (maybe even more then yu paid for the seed). Grow the seed, & sell the produce (either set up a small road side stand, or take some to work with you, maybe even both). Tomatoes, cucumbers, squash (zuchinni, crook neck, yellow, etc...), green beans, & some times peppers (areas differ for sweet or hot as better sellers), are usually the best sellers in the city/suburbs. Also sweet corn (if you have the room) goes fast. This way you can still use some of your seeds, earn some money(at least enough to pay for the seed to begin with), & have a way to save some of the seeds you have for the next year.It's just a thought.
Good luck
-- animalfarms (, January 31, 2001.
Hi Lynne, Its been along time since I've seen you post, I bought the seeds also. I used mine (some of them) last year. I was amazed how good they were. The green beans kept producing clear into the 6 and 7th picking. I hope you get a taker even though I think you would love a garden of your own. Karole
-- Karole (, January 31, 2001.
Lynne, Put them in the fridge untill you are ready to make your would be amazed at how long seeds will keep.that way you can keep the bag sealed instead of planting..
-- Greg (, January 31, 2001.
-- Julie Froelich (, January 31, 2001.