artisian well : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
we have an artesian well and just purchased a new Shur-Dri jet well pump and i am having trouble getting it to run right. i have a pressure adjustment at the top of the pump,and an adjustment nut at the electrical contacts,and a seven gallon tank with a air fitting.the pump either runs all the time with low pressure, or it cycles VERRY rapitly on and off. can a new pump be water loged? the pump is supposed to be factory set. can the natural pressure of an artisian well have an effect on the pump? what is the relationship between the pump pressure settting and the holding tank pressure? i would greatly appreciate any help. Sherry's hubby.
-- sherry mullins (, January 30, 2001
Dear hubby of Sherry,Read the answers to wifey's post, above. They are good advice. Pumps don't water log, pressure tanks do.
-- jumpoffjoe (, January 30, 2001.