Okay, I'll introduce myself!greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
My name is Ardie and my husband and I moved from the city to an old farm almost 9 years ago. We have only 9 acres and a pond, along with outbuildings. We have no livestock at this time...just a dog and about 9 outside cats and 2 inside cats. We are proud grandparents. In fact, I found my daughter her husband out here and they now live one mile down the road. Hubby works in the dairy industry with computers. I love to garden...our first garden was the size of a football field..we've cut down. We have a apple orchard started and a raspberry patch. I am a polio survivor which makes life interesting sometimes. I also like to sew, cook, bake, dehydrate and read. I love the country and I doubt that I could ever live in a city again. I also check this forum almost daily and I really enjoy all the different opinions. I don't always agree, but that is what makes it interesting.
-- Ardie from WI (a6203@hotmail.com), January 30, 2001
Howdy!!! e-mail me anytime for a chat! Nice to know you!
-- Nan (davidl41@ipa.net), January 30, 2001.
Hi Ardie! Nice to meet you!
-- Joanne Schaefer (JoOhio1@aol.com), January 30, 2001.
Welcome Ardie, One of my best friends is a polio survivor.Were glad you are joining us.
-- kathy h (ckhart55@earthlink.net), January 30, 2001.
Hi Ardie, I too am from Wisconsin. I enjoy so many of the same things and have read lots of your post. I would love to hear from you sometime. Grab a cup of coffee and come to my computer for a visit. Shau Marie
-- Shau Marie (shau@centurytel.net), January 30, 2001.
Hi Ardie, your place sounds wonderful! A garden the size of a football field.....wow, that would be a dream come true! I'm glad you found us here at the forum. Welcome!
-- Cathy in NY (hrnofplnty@yahoo.com), January 30, 2001.
"Nice to meet you!"...God bless.
-- Lesley (martchas@bellsouth.net), January 30, 2001.
Welcome from the west! Your garden reminds me of my first one! Sure bit off more than I could chew that time! I always start out well, but the weeds just overtake everything! Nice to have you join us! Jan
-- Jan in CO (Janice12@aol.com), January 30, 2001.
Hi Mom! Yep, I'm the daughter that lives a mile down the road. Scary enough, I'll admit I take after my mother as we share the same interests, including the love of very large gardens! Mine was only 100x20 last year. We added a 8x10 herb garden last year and this year's project is to add a perennial garden (of yet undetermined size) of rhubarb (already established), raspberries (shoots from Mom's, right?), asparagus, garlic and whatever else strikes my fancy at the time. We also have an apple orchard, two pear trees and a plum tree. I like to cook, bake, can, craft and read, as like my mom, will NEVER live in a city again! Mom introduced me to this forum last week and now I'm blaming her because I spend hours reading these posts! But I love them! What a great resource and forum!
-- Lisa from WI (llehman16@hotmail.com), January 30, 2001.
Hi Ardie and Lisa!!!! Mother and daughter thats great!! I also had polio as a youngster and now the last few years I've got the pps. I can work only about 2 hrs a day but my love of the homestead life style makes everything worthwhile. Welcome........Kirk
-- Kirk Davis (kirkay@yahoo.com), January 30, 2001.
Ardie, I identified with your 'oy vey' comments. Might you be Jewish? Though I wasn't raised Jewish, my brother has spent his lifetime studying Eastern European Jewish history so I have gained a great deal of insight (ok, about 300 pages of doctoral dissertation too). Welcome to the board, again, and glad you are happy to visit. Mazel Tov!
-- Anne (HT@HM.com), January 30, 2001.
Hi there Ardie and Lisa!
-- Cindy in Ky (solidrockranch@msn.com), January 30, 2001.
Hey Anne! I tried to respond with email but "your address is phoney"! LOL LOL! No,I'm not Jewish. I use "oy vey" cause I got that from a lady in a chatroom and also my pastors wife uses that term. Hi favorite Daughter! Glad you could join us! Have you checked the specific topics down on the bottom? Oy vey! I could be in there for days! In a few days, I'm going to start another thread, after this one calms down. Thanx for the warm welcome. I feel like I'm "home"! God bless!
-- Ardie from WI (a6203@hotmail.com), January 31, 2001.
Hi Ardie and Lisa, and welcome aboard! I'm in the south of Wisconsin, and my sister, who also posts here, is in the northern part. There are lots of us from Wisconsin on this board. Hope to see lots of posts from both of you. :-)
-- Joy Froelich [so.cent.Wisconsin] (dragnfly@chorus.net), January 31, 2001.
NE WI? Sounds like a nice place. Maybe a bunch of us WI folks can get together for a picnic or something this summer?
-- William in WI (gnarledmaw@lycos.com), January 31, 2001.
Thanks for the warm welcome. And thanks to my mother, I now spend at least an hour a day on this board! At least I can say I'm furthering my education!Smile! It makes people wonder what you're up to!
-- Lisa from WI (llehman16@hotmail.com), January 31, 2001.