Need help with strawberries!!!Can't see em! : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
We had a beautiful day about a week ago and I went out to look at the garden. I have a large raised strawberry bed. I don't ever remember not being able to see the little green shoots before. How do you tell if they are alive? I have raised them for years and don't remember ever having this hard of a Winter. We are 200 miles further North now. Did they freeze if I can see nothing but the brown crowns? Thanks for your help! I always get such good advice!!!
-- Nan (, January 30, 2001
I would not panick yet what until spring and see what happens. Our batch is now in standing water from all the rain and melting snow,does not look to good for them.
-- renee oneill{md.} (, January 30, 2001.
Nan here in WI, Ours are brown until spring. You should see little green shoots soon, if the roots haven't been killed. The way i understand, it is not so much the cold, as the shifting of the ground from frost that can break the roots off. You should be fine!
-- Shau Marie (, January 30, 2001.