Care to post your personal web sites? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I was just checking out Cindy's Hard Rock Ranch web site and its completely delightful!! Its so much fun to see what others are up to that I was wondering if anyone else would want to share their sites? Okay Okay I'm nosey!!....Kirk
-- Kirk Davis (, January 30, 2001
OK here ya go! Be as nosey as you'd like!!
Hope ya like it!
-- Bob Johnson (, January 30, 2001.
Hey Kirk, are you talking about mine, Solid Rock Ranch? I am into Country music, sounds funny Hard Rock Ranch, like I blast Rock music all the day long!......he he he.......Crank it up!!
Check it out, rock on dude.
-- Cindy in Ky (, January 30, 2001.
Hey Cindy, really neat web site. Enjoyed the pics. Got a question for the picture with the barn and house, I noticed an arch at the fence going to the barn. Is the arch one piece of wood? If so, how did you get it bent into the arch shape? It looked fairly thick. Thought it was really neat!
-- Annie (, January 30, 2001.
-- R. (, January 30, 2001.
I don't have my own web page, but my son has pictures of our strawbale house under construction. click on pictures and then on Adventures on toadacres. Doug
-- Doug in KY (, January 30, 2001.
We're at A combination sheep and beekeeping homestead. Kate in New York
-- kate henderson (, January 30, 2001.
Well, I took a peek at the ones listed so far and this is too much fun! I loved that music Bob! I hope some more will be listed shortly. You are some very creative people. Thanks!
-- Denise (, January 30, 2001. pictures aren't the best but I hope to get some up there with udder shots before too long.
-- Rebekah (, January 30, 2001.
Annie, I found that piece of wood and wired it up there. In the summer its full of morning glorys.
-- Cindy in Ky (, January 30, 2001.
Wow Just checkin in and I'm going to be up late tonight! Great fun! Sorry Cindy, my fingers don't always type the right words! Ha! Hey but your web site does sure rock tho! Thanks for the response everyone....kirk
-- Kirk Davis (, January 30, 2001.
My site
-- Ronda Jemtegaard (, January 31, 2001.
Ours is
-- Lee (, February 04, 2001.
We love
-- Skip Walton (, February 04, 2001.'s what pays the bills.
-- homestead2 (, February 04, 2001.
Visit our web site at Misty Mountain Products for the best in natural hair and skin care.
-- gloria (, March 24, 2001.
Just another evey day human as he strugles to figure what the meaning really is.An Intresting web design, basic yet compleat.
My web page ROCKS!!! >>
-- Michael... (, November 10, 2001.