horizantal well drilling tool?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Anybody ever drilled a horizantal well? There used to be a company here who did this, but they are long gone (coke, I think).I'd like to make a tool which could do this, but don't want to put a lot of expense and time into it without more information.
I've drilled several wells in this neighborhood, plus reviewed lots of days from Bureau of Reclamation core samples from a defunct damsite study, and have a good handle on the groundwater. I'm pretty certain I could get a gravity flow well, if I drill it horizantally near the top of my property within at least 1500 feet.
-- jumpoffjoe (jumpoff@echoweb.net), January 29, 2001
Isnt it Ditch Witch that makes the drill construction crews use to drill a hole under roads and such? They added a new gas line by the plant last year and they drilled a hole under our bridge and then pulled the pipe through. they only drilled a hole about 4 in in dia. but the pipe they dragged through the hole was a good 16 in or so
-- MikeinKS (Mhonk@oz-online.net), January 29, 2001.
I use horiz. hole drilling at work,, expensive pieces of equipment,, not sure about the well though
-- Stan (sopal@net-port.com), January 30, 2001.
I can't find my literature from Deep Rock, but I seem to remember they said it could be used horizonally. However, I doubt you could bore far with one. If you already have a seeper spring from a seam, drilling into it might increase the flow - or at least channel it to a collection pipe.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (scharabo@aol.com), February 01, 2001.
My understanding is that the type of small well drilling device that Deep Rock sells was first developed for drilling horizontally for developing springs. You should be able to use one of them to drill as far horizontally as you could vertically.Jim
-- Jim (jiminwis@yahoo.com), February 02, 2001.
Thanks, all, for your advice. I'll contact ditch witch (I only knew about their trenchers) and Deep Rock (though I'm in a pretty rocky area, so am doubtful about them). I'll let you know if I ever drill.I need to drill about 1000 feet horizantally, I believe.
-- jumpoff joe (jumpoff@echoweb.neet), February 02, 2001.
Hello JOJ if you decided do make a tool to drilled a horizontal water well let me know I could help you in the design and manufacturing of you drilling machine I have lots of know hows for you. Mike
-- (skyblue117@aol.com), September 05, 2001.