New 28/2.0 Lens? : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Supposedly, this new lens is coming soon.

Anybody have a sense of when "soon" is?

In the USA?

-- Howard Blumenthal (, January 28, 2001


I read somewhere (probably on the LUG) that the 28/2.0, along with other new products, will be delayed a couple months, which is apparently typical for Leica. I have the 28/2.0 on order.

-- Steve LeHuray (, January 29, 2001.

#%&8 !

-- Eric Laurence (, January 29, 2001.

They must have hit the market, as here is one for sale 28mm f2.0 for sale on ebay

-- Andrew Schank (, February 09, 2001.

I visited the site. Claims to be among the first to stock the item. Site is in the Netherlands, far from me in the US. I guess I'll wait it out.

-- Howard B (, February 09, 2001.

I bought it. We'll soon see.

Don't be put off by overseas dealers just becaue of distance from the US. I've purchased many items from Europe, Asia, and So. America. I haven't had a problem yet. They seem to give better service than US dealers, esp in Europe. I've had zero shipping problems - often better than domestic shipping.

-- Ken Shipman (, February 17, 2001.

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