Over-the-Fence Chat Thread for 1/28-2/3greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Have a nice day!
-- Cindy (SE IN.) (atilrthehony_1@yahoo.com), January 28, 2001
You have a good day too, Cindy.Stacy Rohan, in Windsor, NY
-- Stacy Rohan (KincoraFarm@aol.com), January 28, 2001.
I can finially say I have put my best effort forward and I feel like a winner. The GOOD OLD neighbor from hell car broke down this morning and I stopped and offered her a ride. May not seem like much but after all she has put us through it was a difficult thing to do. I reasoned w/ myself that this needs to stop and I will not be the one who allows it to go on.We did not talk a whole lot but now maybe there is hope she will stop. I think this is going to be a good week.
-- renee oneill{md.} (oneillsr@home.com), January 28, 2001.
Renee, good for you. Thanks Stacy
-- Cindy (SE In) (atilrthehony_1@yahoo.com), January 28, 2001.
Renee, way to go! These are the little things that truly change the world!
-- Earthmama (earthmama48@yahoo.com), January 28, 2001.
Renee, That had to be tough. I have followed your trials w/ the NFH for over a year now. Good job.
-- John in S. IN (jsmengel@hotmail.com), January 28, 2001.
I wish the snow would go away, at least for a few days so I can get more hay and not have to haul it 200 feet through a foot of snow, one bale at a time.
-- Dee (gdgtur@goes.com), January 28, 2001.
More snow again last night ,temps in the 20's today .Had a heck of a time getting the round bails of hay into the animals , but its done .The cow {who is a first time freshener} is starting to get udders that show .I found 2 local farmers to get some calfs from.I also got all my taxes done and now Uncle Sam owes me a nice chunk of money .That will pay to side this old house and do some more interior work .I looking to see where I am going to order chicks, and turkeys from .Have a good day folks.
-- Patty {NY State} (fodfarms@slic.com), January 28, 2001.
Hi Everybody! Wow, Renee, that was a big step! Ya know, lately, I'm finding myself saying "What would the girls on the forum do?" when I'm faced with a decision. I'm so happy to be part of such a great group of people. My new paper route is going OK. I made it thru the first week. I delivered 150 Sunday papers this morning, it was a bear, and I ache all over, but I did it. I banged my head so hard on the back door of my truck that I cried, then I lost my route list and had to run home for another copy, (it was in my pocked the whole time), but I am victorious! Also, I went to church again today. I shared with Cindy last week that I've been a "fence sitter" for a long time. I've made my decision as to which way I want to live my life, and I want to thank those of you who have shared your beliefs in a sometimes hostile arena.
-- Cathy in NY (hrnofplnty@yahoo.com), January 28, 2001.
Two of my chickens got loose from the portable pen yesterday. Chicken rodeo! But one of the two was sitting on a nest. It was clear she had gotten loose the day before. Hopefully she will hatch me out some babies! annette
-- annette (j_a_henry@yahoo.com), January 28, 2001.
Went to church today. Good service. Did the chores. I get old bread from an outlet store. It's several days past the sell date and is called "animal bread". A 25 gal plastic sack full for $2.00. Now I never chase any animal I own. When they see me, they chase ME, cause they think I'm gonna give them bread to eat. Make for easy handling them. Remember we are supposed to be the smarter ones! LOL
-- Eve (owenall@lwol.com), January 29, 2001.
renea, good job it shows that you have compassion and character.
-- Gregory J Smith (gsmith@tricountyi.net), January 29, 2001.
Cathy in NY, Wow! Good for you! You are in my prayers and thoughts! Just wanted to let you know.....hang in there, you are not alone!! God Bless You!
-- Wendy@GraceAcres (wjl7@hotmail.com), January 29, 2001.
I gotta say that this is the nicest thread! What a pleasure to read! The weather today is going to be icky-rain,freezing rain and snow. It will be a good day to sew. Oh, by the way, I have a neighbor that is so awful that she gives me the giggles. I make it a point to say hello to her so she HAS to answer me instead of looking the other way. I'm killing her with kindness...poor thing hasn't caught on yet! One of these days I must start a thread and introduce myself. God bless!
-- Ardie from WI (a6203@hotmail.com), January 29, 2001.
There's a woman where I work who actually turns and walks in the other direction if she sees me. I had to drop some papers off at her desk and I thought the poor dear was going to have a heart attack!I'm so anxious to get out into the garden, but it snowed again yesterday. I just have to keep reminding myself that all this snow is helping to replenish the water table, which has been so depleted these past couple of years.
I hope everyone has a great week! Sherri in IN
-- Sherri C (CeltiaSkye@aol.com), January 29, 2001.
Today while reading the news on CNET, I saw what may be causing some of the current web related problems and many of the future potential troubles. THE CA power crisis. A leading edge company is developing web servers that operate on 1/3 the power requirements as conventional servers do. In reading this, I got to thinking about how many servers are CA based and that may be the cause of quite a lot of the troubles currently surfacing. If this power problem doesn't settle down out there, many servers and ISPs won't be able to continue operating without increases in revenue. This could become another erosion of the "free internet" services , just as free ISPs are slipping away, many commercial sites may resort to charging for internet site access the way companies charge for "free" catalogs, refunded with your first order.
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (jayblair678@yahoo.com), January 29, 2001.
We're getting rain, sleet and snow mixed here today - still have a crust of snow on the ground from the storms we had Thursday am and again on Sunday. I slipped and slid my way out to do the chores, picked Bun some spinach from the cold frame and gave the chickens a half jar of home canned tomatoes that somehow got hidden in the depths of the fridge - happy, happy critters at my house today!!I caught myself glaring out at the weather this morning, then I remembered that Hubby had given me the go-ahead to call in the seed order. I felt a little guilty about some of the things I ordered - do I really NEED ornamental cotton and 3 different fuschias!? - but then I got a call from work asking me to pick up an extra four hour shift today. The overtime pay will cover the entire seed order, so I kissed my guilt good-bye and took myself off to the shed to measure some of the scrap lumber Hubby hauled home from work. I've got in mind a rough shelf unit to hold my flats with room to put a worm bed underneath; all of which needs to fit in that space between the water heater and the softener. I forsee graph paper and a ruler accompanying me to work this afternoon!!
The extra four hours at work will also give me a chance to connect with my buddy Mike, another RN, that I went to school with. His kids are in 4-H and plan to show chickens this year. I was planning to order the brown egg layer special from McMurrays, but really don't have room - or the need - for more than a dozen hens, so we are thinking about a deal where I pay for some chicks and his kids raise 'em up to where they are big enough to go in my chicken house in trade for the other dozen; or where I raise 'em up and send the extras over to the kids in trade for something else. Can't spend too long talking to him, though; as he raises hogs and has been trying to talk me into a weaner pig - I'm afraid I might be starting to weaken!!
Pop will be driving me in to work as Sis has my car today; so Hubby will be picking me up when I get off. I'm wondering if I can talk him into a stop at Rural King on the way home ( "But Honey, we have to drive right by there anyway..." ) so that I can ogle some PVC connectors for another idea that's starting to hatch in my brain. Hmmm.... maybe I'd better wait and go by myself - might be better if I leave him in the dark about this idea for a while longer!!
Well, I'm off to make some heart shaped muffins for Sis to take in for her classmates in Health Occupations tomorrow morning. Hope you all have a wonderful, wonderful day today - THINK SPRING!!
-- Polly (tigger@moultrie.com), January 29, 2001.
Wonderful warm weather here, and I am very thankful. Have lots of chores to do outside today. Did Sharon and Nick go on a trip? I am still wondering how she is doing, havn't heard in a while.
-- Cindy in Ky (solidrockranch@msn.com), January 29, 2001.
You're right, Cindy, haven't seen anything from them in awhile. Have there been any power outages in their area recently? I don't remember anyone saying anything of the sort . . .
-- Joy Froelich (dragnfly@chorus.net), January 29, 2001.
Can you believe it! 60 degrees and warm rain yesterday afternoon! And I spent the afternoon cleaning the outdoor wood stove! I had a showing on the farm come up (unexpectantly) and I was black with soot! I said "Hi, I'm Cindy, is my face black?"But they loved the farm and are going to talk to the bank today. I have butterflies in my tummy, a little scary and a lot excited. I must put a clause in the closing that I get 5 pickup loads of compost and manure to take with me!! I have been putting it in a special place, not spreading it, so as I can load it quickly and in the dark!!
Sharon is ok, heard from her, just busy for a while. I sure do love this forum and you all. I feel like I am rich with friends. (smile)
-- Cindy in Ky (solidrockranch@msn.com), January 30, 2001.
It is beautifull here today. Oranges are almost all gone now [ just a few on the top], you should see my 5 year old out there with a picker bigger then him getting oranges off the tree.Renee, that was nice of you just becarefull people dont change over night. Patty, there is nothing nicer then fixing up the house [ nothing more tiring either]. Cathy in ny,as you keep doing them the papers will get easyer, maybe you can treat yourself to a massage, you earned it. Annette, there is nothing like babys in the spring. Eve, loved the mental picture of you being mugged for bread. Ardie, please introduce your self you sound like your alot of fun. Jay, I know where bad bad californians. Sherri c, Thats the way to look at things, my cups half full to. polly, I know what you mean about plants, I promised myself a tea plant if I could keep my bay leaf plant alive a year so that is my next adventure, We moved my necturines to the other side of the garden so now I have a huge bed for my tomatos this year.Doubles my planting space, cant wait tell spring.Well asked my teenagers to put goat yucky bedding on bed were necterines USED to be, so now I have to go spread it around necterines [ droped it right on my daylily]. Well I am sure it will give trees a extra boost that they can use. Bye
-- kathy h (ckhart55@earthlink.net), January 30, 2001.
Our Lenten Roses are blooming! The first year for them (I wasn't sure they would take the rigors of transplanting and am so glad that I tried!!) The buds are swelling on the trees...now I'm just waiting to hear the frogs at night...sigh...one day soon it will be spring!I have been applying for and interviewing for jobs (very mixed feelings about this...) I have been doing transcription from home and it's working out fine, but not getting enough work yet (or at least work that pays enough.) So I am considering working in a clinical situation, which has certain benefits, but gets me off the farm for longer than I want. Still, I may be able to segue out of that and back home again for most of the time in a few months. I could get some really valuable experience, too. But I like being home!
Raining here...maybe even snowing in the mountains. Our snowpack is really low this year.
-- sheepish (WA) (rborgo@gte.net), January 30, 2001.
Had to go looking for something on the workshop shelves yesterday and found four new Muscovy eggs. I thought one hen had been hanging around the shop a good bit, now I know why. But, laying in January???Of six batches last year (maybe 60 ducklings in all) not a one survived. They do OK as long as mamma keeps them up here, but as soon as they head for the pond, the little ones disappear. I'm going to hand-raise most of this first clutch to build the duck flock back up. Will be too cold in the workshop, so it looks like another batch of ducklings in the kitchen.
Got the 10'x12' building moved and settled on a new foundation. This will be the new turkey house, but may also add some chickens. I don't eat that many eggs, but a dozen here and there sure score points with the neighbors.
On the building, we got it jacked up, backed my equipment trailer under it, then set the building down on it. Reverse procedure at home. Only had to move it about 300 yards down the road. Ran into someone I knew and he said he came around a curve and there was this building amplying down the road.
Had a bit of fun with it. A guy stopped by who has been here a number of times before. He eventually saw it and asked where it came from. I said it had always been there, he just never noticed it before, and it probably looks different with a new foundation. Almost had him convinced. Live grass under it gave me away.
And Renee, I'm still looking for the picture.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (scharabo@aol.com), January 31, 2001.