Homesteads for sale in Maine & : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hi All,I've been surfing the internet and my mailing list brochures and found a couple of low-cost properties that might be of interest to some of you.
One is in Woodland Maine,a 4-bedroom house with 6 acres for $35,000 (needs cosmetic repairs) and can be viewed at then click on Country homes, and look for a very short ad titled Woodlaind Maine.
The others are undeveloped land for auction in Alabama, about an hour from Atlanta. The land is offered with owner financing, with 25% down, and the balance over 60 payments.Tracts are between 3 and 9 acres, and should go fairly inexpensively, although with an auction you can never be sure. It's right along the Tallapoosa river, and the pics look beautiful.The company handling the auction is Dempsey Auction Co. their website is Hope this helps someone
-- Kristin, in Central Alabama (, January 26, 2001
I could be way off here, but the name of that company rings a bell..I THINK that it is a developer that insists on plenty of restrictions for building...they were selling parcels near here (Jacksonville & Piedmont Alabama) last Fall...please check it out carefully......
-- Lesley (, January 27, 2001.