follow up to well witching question that I : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Well, yesterday we went down to our land and met the well guy. He witched our land and it only took a couple minutes. He found water running in two different directions and found where they crossed. They are surely at 2 different depths, but having 2 increases our chances.But, the funny part is that I witched it too and the welding rod swung fast and hard around to the left. It did this in the exact same spot the well guy marked. Wow. I wasnt' moving it. I wondered if the wind was doing it, but there is no way - besides it wasn't windy, just a slight breeze.
So anyway, in 2 weeks we will have the well drilled and I'll let you know how that goes. It better not be a dry hole. ACK!!!!!!!
Well, back to bed I go - I am super sick. It has been well over a year since I have been sick - not even a cold, and of course I have been bragging about it, so look at me now. I deserve it.
-- andrea smith (, January 25, 2001
andrea,A local water witch here answered my question of "magic or science" quite easy. He thought that it isnt magic or complicated science, just simple magnatism related to the earth magnetic fields. His explanation: water contains minerals and flows. Witches as he are more attuned and sensitized to the magnetic variations than most resulting in the "wiggle stick". Sounds better than "magic", but not as fun.
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, January 25, 2001.
Andrea:Good luck on the well. I will be looking for you results ! I remember how nervous we were both times we had a well drilled. Last but not least, hope you are feeling better !
-- cindy palmer (, January 25, 2001.