Slavery is still an American tragedy. : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

ARE YOU TRULY FREE... when over half of your hard earned “money” is stolen, directly and indirectly, by “legalized fraud” called “income taxes” to support unconscionable spending habits of career politicians... and rulers around the world? And,

ARE YOU TRULY FREE...when government agents falsely accuse people of “crimes” shoot and kill a nursing mother and child (Weaver), use banned gas to burn out over 80 people (Waco Holocaust), Gordon Call, etc. And,

ARE YOU TRULY FREE...when you are deprived of your currency which you worked hard for, paid taxes on? The $1,000 and $500 bills were slyly taken out of circulation. When anyone DOES NOT want to play the game of “cashless, checkless society” he is accused of “breaking the law”. Plastic strips are now inserted in the new currency. Bankers/government claim anyone with a large amount of cash is a criminal. This violates many religious beliefs such as Rev.,13:16-18. The conspirators’ real purpose is to work for the private bankers, putting us in a cashless, checkless society. And, our “LAND OF THE FREE” you can no longer drive on freeways or public street without buying a driver’s license and car registration from them LEGAL TITLE of OWNERSHIP to your car in exchange for a “certificate of title” that shows you gave your “true ownership” AWAY? And,

WHEN...BUREAUCRATS MAKE YOU PAY legal ransom to a private insurance-company so you can drive your car? And, our “LAND OF THE FREE” you must send your children to a licensed school or bureaucrats can/will legally kidnap your children, confiscate your property and put you in jail? And, must read non-mainstream publications in order to learn THE TRUTH, because the national news media tells only what the “political establishment” allows it’s public to see or hear as “news”..? And,

WHEN...OUR “LAND OF THE FREE” has more political-prisoners than other nations; more slave-labor-camp-prisons (UNICOR) are being built every year? And,

WHEN...bureaucrats claim a crime needs ‘no victim” by claiming a crime is an offense against an abstract (legal fiction) called the state? And, taxes are piled on top of each other...hidden in the prices of every American product, GROSSLY INFLATING costs, forcing industries to leave our country...taking millions of our best jobs with them? And,

WHEN... in our “LAND OF THE FREE” bureaucrats can know most of your financial transactions and “legally pry” into your bank records without your knowledge or consent? (violating a sacred trust, your privacy, and 4th amendment right). And,

WHEN believe the BIG-LIE that your RIGHTS come from “public servants” instead of from ALMIGHTY GOD, Creator of all nature? And,

WHEN you “pay” your debts with dollar bills which are notices of debt you owe to the PRIVATELY OWNED Federal Reserve Banks (a private corporation) which pay no income taxes...and who create money out of thin air? And, our “LAND OF THE FREE” “public servants” have created a spider web of over TWO MILLION laws and rules entangling every part of your life with entrapment schemes, (Road Blocks)-etc., while “supreme court” judges seldom agree on the meaning of any of them? And,

WHEN...if you don't pay your taxes (rent) the real owner of your property shows up, takes it from you, violating Allodial Land Rights ... and may/will shoot you, or put you in jail. And, our “LAND OF THE FREE” it’s okay to legally murder unborn babies, cleverly calling aborticide “abortion” And,

WHEN... “public-servant judges” illegally guide votes of Citizen Jurors by LYING, telling them they must vote to enforce the “alleged laws” of the case (even if it violates Rights secured by the constitution)? And,

WHEN....the word “person” is “legally defined” as a “corporation” and judges and government lawyers Coerce Juries into jailing fellow Americans for disobeying laws made for private bankers and private corporations to CONTROL our once FREE PEOPLE? And,

WHEN...your church must get a 501-C3 license (tax exempt) so its members can “write off gifts”-legally worship the “state god”, not ALMIGHTY GOD, Creator of all nature? And,, tax collectors, police and courts (judges) are more of a threat to life, liberty and property than a thief in the night? (Been in court lately?) And,

WHEN you SADLY LEARN..More crimes occur in American court rooms in one day than in the streets in a whole year? our “LAND OF THE FREE” your children are a ward of the state because you used a marriage license? (Your children are not your children because of that license!) And, are jailed for exercising your God-given Constitutionally secured Rights if you don’t “grease the palms” (fines=mulct) of bureaucrats? And, our “LAND OF THE FREE” YOU CAN NO LONGER PRACTICE Free Enterprise or work without the SS-ID number, “Mark of the Beast”, and you are forced to buy a permit or license from bureaucrats or go to jail? And,

WHEN everything you and your children will ever “own” is mortgaged to foreign bankers who own the private Federal Reserve Banks, your loan could be due and collectible on demand...BECAUSE THE CONGRESS REFUSES to OBEY the CONSTITUTION providing our nation with a debt-free, Honest money system! And, could be dying from a disease (cancer) that is curable in other countries (suppressed in AmeriKa since the early 30's) with certain medicines, nutrients, and vitamins which, if used to save your life, is a crime in our “LAND OF THE FREE” stripping us of our 1st and 9th amendment Rights, FREEDOM of CHOICE? And,

WHEN... if you say something publicly that is not “Politically Correct”, the news-media can publicly condemn you without a trial, by implying you are a racist, cultist, neo-nazi, anti-Semitic, hate monger, bigot, radical, armed and dangerous, extreme-right-winger, tax-protester, un-American...etc.? And,

WHEN...the Federal Government pretends to wage a “War On Drugs” (actually promoting drugs) as an excuse to make laws that deprive us of our God-given RIGHTS to Life, Liberty, and Property ...Freedom to Choose and to be Left Alone? And,

WHEN...CRIME PAYS BIG... for Big Brother Government, lying politicians, judges, government lawyers, police...because every new law causes many more victimless crimes as an excuse for higher and higher taxes, supposedly used to punish the violators (victims) of newly invented crimes, which God never thought of, against a legal fiction, the State? And, our “LAND OF THE FREE” the flag displayed in court rooms and other public buildings has a gold fringe border, which is NOT the American flag, indicating that we are under Martial Law unannounced? And,

WHEN..... you must ask and pay bureaucrats for legal permission to get married, even though marriage is a sacrament directly from our loving father, ALMIGHTY GOD? And,

WHEN...Republican and Democratic Presidents give your taxes to foreign countries, food that should be given to our needy is given to foreign nations, destroying our own people...our self-defense arms are confiscated...creating wars and riots; the United States Military is under the United Nations command...YOUR JOB exported overseas...our “LAND OF THE FREE” PLACED UNDER THE DICTATORIAL RULE of NON-ELECTED FOREIGNERS called the NEW WORLD ORDER?! Creating wars and riots;


If You Think You're FREE, What can you do without:

A. getting a permit; B. getting a license; C. paying a tax; D. your Social Surveillance-lD # (should not be used for identification)

-- Slavery is still an American tragedy. (whatareyougoingtodoaboutit?, January 25, 2001

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